Someday, I'd like to make this movie to piss off the arthouse crowd.

Just imagine this, the trailer, you see Charles foster Kane drop the snowball and say "rosebud".

Movie preview voice guy- You thought the terror had ended.

*Kane sits up in his bed*

Kane- "I'm baaack!".

*Obnoxious dance/techno music starts playing "How about Baby I'm ready to go, they put that in every goddamn trailer lately"*

MPVG- This christmas, Charles Foster Kane is back, but this time he's out for revenge!!

*CGI explosions, meteor impacts, giant lizards, people walking down the street turning into liquid metal just for the hell of it*

MPVG- with Leonardo Diccaprio as Al Capone.

Kane-*With his chest bared wearing a bandolear and brandishing a bazooka* -Capone you fat faced muthaf$%#a!!!


MPVG-With Anne Heche as some thrown in character we haven't thought of a name for yet.

Anne Heche-Duuhhr!

Kane-Rosebud is a sled, you stupid biiitch!!!!


*Inserted clip of Robin Williams shouting "It's about NOT giving up!!"*

MPVG-John Travolta as Bill Clinton.

CLINTON-UHHNNHH!! Oh wow, this so we-ahd!!

MPVG-Roseanne as Monica Lewinsky.

Monica Lewinsky-SLUURPP!! wow, I'm like, suckin'the president's dick and stuff!

*Music shifts over to louder faster speed metal. Explosions become more louder and percussive. The cuts become so fast you can't tell what's happening*

MPVG-One man....


MPVG-One mission...




*Metal letters clang together, lightning strikes the letters, the noise fades out with a stereophonic hiss like a lightsaber being shut off*

I'd make this movie just to make the critics cry.
I think they really really would.


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