The angst of Jar-Jar Binks.....or, how you should stop worrying, and learn to love Jar-Jar.
Everyone who vehemently hates Jar-Jar, that I have seen anyways, responds to him at a very 2-dimensional, eyeballs only, superficial, knee jerk level.
I hardly see anyone hater or not, but especially not haters, analyze him as a full fledged character with as much depth as the other characters.
Hell, SW fans have imagined more depth into friggin' (10 minutes of screentime) Boba-Fett than Jar-Jar.
That must burn too. Jar-Jar has more screentime than Boba-Fett.
Really, how does that taste?
How does it taste???
Anyhoo, like it (as I do) or not, Jar-Jar is now an inseperable part of the SW saga/mythos, and he's gonna take off his coat and stay awhile, so it's time to learn to deal with it.
I find it hypocritical that people who'll devote fan fiction about (1 second of screentime) Aurra Sing, and make up backround tales for even (usless human scenery) Dengar, and that little rat thing of Jabba's, and upturn every other stone in the SW galaxy, will essentially effect the attitude of OOOOHHHH NOOOO! not Jar-Jar! He's just a frolicking fool! Jar-Jar isn't worthy of consideration!
All one has to do is put yourself in his shoes (Oh yes, god forbid we do that!) to see this is a sad troubled little dude.
Maybe not as much as Anakin, but geez, we KNOW how Anakin turns out!!
Why waste so much effort analyzing such an easy target????
Anyway, put yourself in his shoes.
Picture it, you're Jar-Jar.
You're a Gungan, a member of a proud warrior race.
You're also a kind hearted, well meaning person, but sadly, you're a screwup.
You call for the talent within, and it simply IS NOT THERE no matter how hard you try.
Imagine the frustration if you can.
You try to do something right, you see the goal in your head, but your clumsy gangly body, and general lack of skill betray you embarrasingly at every turn.
You try to live up to the expectations of your people, you try to be a great warrior to make your family proud, but dammit, you keep screwing up.
A mistake here and there one could live with, everyone has an off day. Perhaps accomplishing a task with great skill might undo some of the mistakes, but dammit, the screwups just keep coming!!
The shame of it, the burning seething, humiliating shame of it!
And as if you aren't beating yourself up enough about these constant blunders and FUBARs, but your incompetence doesn't go unnoticed, as your goal of being a great warrior floats further and further away from your grasp as you are demoted further and further down the food chain.
Soon, you are considered a joke amongst your people.
Those who don't mock you to your face, whisper behind your back.
Or perhaps give each other covert little looks when you say or do something stupid in front of them.
More humiliation, it just keeps coming.
Then, one day, you're given a really important job of driving Boss Nass's "whatever the hell it was called". Now here's your big chance.
But, not only do you manage to screw up, you screw up royally, in a very big, noisy, blatant way that pretty much sets off a siren that goes "IDIOT!! IDIOT!! IDIOT!!".
Not only that, you endanger lives this time.
That's gotta put a big rock in your gut.
And this time, you're banished.
Kicked out, shunned in final disgrace.
And if you ever return, you'll be executed.
Disposed of by your own people, for good, left to fend for yourself, that's gotta hurt.
And Jar-Jar, as foolish is he is, isn't retarded, he understands and feels fully well his situation.
Heck, even a retarded child would feel the sting of banishment.
We see his look of shame when he explains the situation to Qui-Gon.
But, Jar-Jar seems to be excepting of his fate.
He seems to feel he deserves what he got.
His self esteem is at an all time low.
As would yours be.
Despite all the abuse and humiliation though, Jar-Jar seems to aproach life fairly good naturedly.
And in that respect, you WISH you were as tough as Jar-Jar.
Don't lie to yourself, you'd be a quivering sack of tears by now.
So picture the scene we're presented with.
This disgraced, clumsy, incompetant Gungan, banished, humiliated, alone, feeling like a big useless pile of crap.
Then one day, an ACTUAL JEDI KNIGHT saves HIS miserable seemingly worthless LIFE!!
A JEDI saved HIM!!!
No wonder he goes into a spaz attack!
Imagine the emotional impact this must have had!!
All his life, he's been made to feel worthless, and this simple kind act by a Jedi knight tells him he's worth saving!
Throughout the rest of TPM, Jar-Jar gradually proves his worth not only to his friends, but to himself.
Until finally, he is made a GENERAL!
On top of that, he becomes a HERO of the droid battle, and becomes one of the HONORED at the big parade at the end!!
So you see, Jar-Jar is not just a link to Anakin's childhood innocence, he is also a direct and blatant parallel to him.
Whereas Anakin is handed his gifts by destiny, Jar-Jar is given virtually no grace or skill, yet he has luck, and a good natured outlook on his side.
Jar-Jar and Anakin are faced with tough life situations, but where Anakin lets it break him down and turn him into a major dink, Jar-Jar stays his same sweet old self.
Jar-Jar is the burning seething slap in the face reminder to Anakin, and more importantly the AUDIENCE that unfortunate pasts don't excuse turns to darkness.
Aww, Annie was a slave?
Well gee, Watto never beat him or anything.
He had 3 squares a day, and a roof over his head.
He got to podrace.
He was with his mommy.
His neighbors where nice to him.
He had other little kids to play with.
Yes, let's cry a river for Anakin's abused childhood shall we?
Jar-Jar had no home.
He was hated and mocked by his people.
He HAD no friends.
And once banished, he probably never knew where HIS next meal was coming from.
And, as we see in TPM by his reception at Otah-Gunga, that he was probably physically hazed on a regular basis as well.
Does Jar-Jar come back with a red saber and go postal on the people who picked on him??
Therefore Jar-Jar is the bigger man than your precious Anakin.
Jar-Jar is the litmus paper that shows just what a arrogant miserable spoiled little brat Anakin truly is.
The Jedi council makes this little Clebold prick follow some rules, and he don't like it, so what does he do?
We KNOW what HE does.
He becomes f*cking Vader.
Yeah, real nice.
Anakin, you blond haired blue eyed criminal f*ck!
You aren't one NINTH the MAN that Jar-Jar Binks is!
Ah, but let's all hate Jar-Jar because of his goofy voice, speach impediments, and for saying HORRIBLE things like "icky poo", and "okey day".
Yes indeed, what a monster.
Matter of fact, let's kill him.
Soon as possible am I right?
After all, Jar-Jar only went and made up for his limited talents, and unfortunate life, and brought himself up out of it, and made SOMEBODY of himself.
For shame!
Yeah, kill him.
Better yet, let's see ANAKIN kill him and all cheer right?
Yay Anakin! Wooohoooo!
Damn you people and your screwed up priorities.
THAT'S why Jar-Jar is there.
THAT'S his purpose.
THAT'S the middle finger George Lucas is giving you.
George Lucas IS a genius!!!
Talk about selling Jar-Jar toys all you want imbeciles.
I'll just laugh harder and harder at you.
Sheer genius.
Love ya George.
You the man.
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