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Mortal Danger - Whitney resides in the town od Ayesbury at BVS. She moved from Australia to find her feet in the music buisness... but she has found somethig more than a musical soul, she found Ayesbury!

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Name : Disturbed VG
E-mail : [email protected]

Origin (i.e; roleplay, story, etc) : Whitney is a character at the BVS forum.
Name : Whitney
Sex : Female
Age : 20
Race : Mortal - Place to be turned soon!!
Appearance (in detail or a picture will do... but we will require the following) :

- Eyes : havel and gold
- Hair : It depends... she changes it for acts, naturally blonde
- Dress : ears what ever she feels like, she's a glam girl but can be rough around the edges. Wears chokers around her long slender neck.
- Other : 6'ft, slender, Left Eyebrow peirced, large eyes, Deep australian accent, Hair changes every month, mostly long or around her shoulders.

Personality :
- Strength : Very strong singing voice and spirit. She never gives up on her hopes and dreams.
- Weakness : Her fraile mortality, Whitney knows little self defence; But will fight for her life if need be
- Powers : None Of Yet.
- Personality : Bubbly, Free Spirited, Fresh, Inquisitive, Spontanious, Flirt, Caring and just Fun!

- A Little History From The Role Play -
Whitney origonates from Australia. She is in her early 20's and left her home land to explore the world.
Whitney grew up in a small country town, Albany- Western Australia. Her father use to mine in collie but moved to Albuny for a fresh start. Her mother worked in small plays and sent her over to sydney to further her skills in entertainment.

Whitney was a sibling for 5, she being the oldest. Still finding her feet, Whitney finds small events to sing at and hopes to be a big time artist.
Her music ranges to almost everything, Her voice a strong tool.

Whitney never really fell in love, although she hopes to find a crazy kindership as she moves around the world. She is stopping by, the thought of this crazy town grabbed her attention... and hopefully she can grab some one's attention and start her dream career.


- Vampiric Cry -

- Dead Souls Since : June 28 2005 -
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