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Residing in the forum of Candle Keep, Shadow is the young princess of the fantasy world. Still young at heart and mindfull of her immortal friends, Shadow becomes a heart felt faveorite of almost everybody!

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Name : Disturbed VG
E-mail : [email protected]

Origin (i.e; roleplay, story, etc) : Shadow is a character at the Candle Keep forum.
Name : Shadow
Sex : Female
Age : 18
Race : Mortal Princess - Plans to turn her might blossom.
Appearance (in detail or a picture will do... but we will require the following) :

- Eyes : soft green with flrecks of gold
- Hair : Brown, down her back. Usually worn up with her glorious crown and jewel's.
- Dress : Always wears the most simplest but most equisit dresses- drapping around her long figure. Wearing a silver necklace with a star, given to her by the arch angel Geoffrey.
- Other : 5'8 ft, slender, gentle bone structure.
Personality :
- Strength : A heart of gold. She sometimes can never say no. She would give her life for her country, her people and her father. Very nifty in archery, and never misses her target.
- Weakness : Sometimes a little to kind for her own good. Her royal stature causes a lot of problems too.
- Powers : None.
- Personality : Sweet. Kind. Caring. Curious. Cheeky. Fun. Lonely.

- A Little History From The Role Play -
Princess Shadow is the only daughter King Tekko; the soul ruller of Gelfrinto.
Shadow left her fathers side when she was 12 and was taken to her future kingdom of Candle Keep.
There she has growen, under the supervision of her uncle, Lord Farkirk. He is a kind man although he never lets her leave the castle grounds.

Her arranged marriage to a prince she's never known upsets her. On her 20th birthday she must be wed`, to ensure the strength of Candle Keep and Gelfrinto.
Although Shadow understands these laws and in all rights she bares her burden, she is still a child and wishes only too live a normal life before this life of solitude.

Shadow sometimes sneaks from the palace and roams the streets of Candle Keep. You will know her by her highly robbed image and the jewels in her hair.
Shadow slowly became familiar with the vampires that kept her city safe- although she wasnt supposed to know untill her crowing as queen.
Her secrets have lead her to the lair of Ella, whom in sercret is her best friend.

Ella shows Shadow the ways of the world- the way her tutors would never allow. She helped her master the arts of bow and arrow, then showed her the meaning of true love.
Shadow not long after meeting Ella fell in a passionate love with Larkord. Although she can never be with him, she still meets him once a week.

Shadow resides forever in her castle, watching her town fester with life and love and also death. She hates the wizards with a vengance and if given a chance, she will wipe them out for good!


- A Little History From The Story -
(This is totally different to the one in the role play & this story is incomplete!!!)

The Story begins on our journey through the mystic lands. Everything seems silent and be-wildering…against the naked eye; all dangers soon will become our living nightmare. Trudging along our out-rooted trail, sticks and rubble move and shatter beneath our tracks. The weight of our pack's, seem to be getting heavier every moment as the sun shines down on our face's through the tanned leaves. Weaving for air we have to stop and rest from our lengthy journey. Staring at you I sigh in relief, I know that this break won't last for long…but anything is better then nothing. “I haven't travelled like this for any reason! And I can't stand the agony no more! Tell me what we are walking for! Or too!”

The look on your face explains it all… I couldn't dare ask again, the look of fury in your eyes drive me to a thought of maybe you are trying to test my friendship on this exhausting journey.
Never the less, I sip my water canister made from cow hide and drop it back to my side, it dangling from my cheaply made leather belt. I feel my dagger delve into me through its casing and I yelp out in a sudden movement…”God damn it! Look why the hell did you wants me and my ‘Trusty Dagger'?” Feeling aggravated I try to relax as I flop back and contemplate our meeting. Thinking to yourself, “All in due time my friend…I will share with you what lie's ahead…” you feel a sudden laughter dwell inside as you look at my form sitting with-in a shrub's distant leaves. Maybe I was a fool, but something about you just made me feel that I can learn something from u!

I stand and stretch my sore body, I couldn't really hide who I was any more so I decided to just le loose. I smiled to you kind of wondering what you truly thought of me, but I knew that I could never get anything out of you…nothing that great anyway. “Where we off too now?” I just needed to settle my mind for a bit, I felt un-eased and I was starting to get really hungry. “Shadow…do you have to constantly ask me questions?” The way you stared at me ran a shiver up my spine. “Hey look…if you want me to tag along you have to work in a team effort…I don't mind walking back to Lockland if your going to pig headed about telling me what we're going to do for the night…I'm hungry, and tired and I just want some information”

I couldn't believe I said that to you, I honestly thought you were going to stab me with your sword by the flames in your eyes. “Ok look…we camp here tonight- Silently! We're being followed and I don't want to draw too much attention” something in your voice almost seemed un-natural. “Right…I'll get the wood” anything to get out of that situation was good enough for me. I hated being alone, I was always alone! And of course naturally I'm use to it, but in these woods, it is getting a tad eerie for my likings. Picking up stacks of twigs and logs I hear something in the distance, since I know where you are I decide to investigate…

Walking closer to the noise I place the wood I had collected, down next to my feet and I tip toe behind a tree. What's making that noise- I thought to myself as I crept closer in hiding, and too my surprise I saw a human like figure. He was tall, and young for my eyes…somehow I thought I knew him. Finally I worked up my courage, “Hello?” I stepped from hiding and smiled to the man as he turned around startled, leaning against his horse. “Oh you startled me…I didn't know any one was out here in these desolate woods. Do I know you?” he seemed so youthful and full of energy. I blushed as I thought about him as a meal and bowed solemnly, “I am Lady Shadow, of Lockland- I am on quest with a friend” I had actually spoken with nobility, even though I have no noble blood at all. His eyes glowed even though they are a muddy brown, but they seemed to be soft and delicate. “Pleasure to meet you my' Lady, I am Farmin Telmon- sword fighter and spiritual guide” He always seemed to end his sentence with a smile which was hypnotic. Funny how I felt an attraction towards a mortal, although I was always looking for a willing snack.

I couldn't help but approach him slowly, looking his figure up and down. He looked upon me as another woman who enjoys the thrills of combat- by my dress I'm sure I seemed more male more then anything. “Tell me Lady Shadow, what are you doing by your lonesome? Where is your escort? Or friend should I say?” His words almost swam through me with anticipation of a delicious treat…but the absence of my answer seemed to silence the brushes around us and the horse moved un-eased as I took a deepened breath, “I do not need an escort- I am able to look after myself dear sir… besides the woods are not as dangerous as they may seem. I probably know them better then my own home back east.”
His smile grew as my witty humour grew on him. “I like you, you show no fear…do you mind if I ask what kind of quest you must be on?” presumptuous almost, but how could I refuse him, “you know…I wish I knew. This guy just told me he needed my services in completing a long lost mission given to him by queen Dariel herself…I wish I could tell you more, but..” his face turned white as he cut into what I was saying, “Queen Dariel! She has been dead more then 50 years…what could she possibly need done right now!?” Then it struck me. “..I was not expecting that…” I thought for a while, “What do you mean dead? As in no longer a queen or passed on to another life” Shock over whelmed me as he shot me a blunt answer “Dead, my' lady”

Ok this was getting too weird for my likings, this stranger asks me to join him in a quest for a queen who died over 50 years ago- I had a lot of questions for you when I get back. As I looked up at Farmin, he mounted his horse and held his hand out to me. “My' lady, may I offer you a ride to your escort?” I took his hand and mounted up on his horse behind him. “Thank you, you're so kind…”
As I pointed him in the direction of our camp I thought to myself. I enjoyed being with a young man who knew how to treat you like a lady. Lady Shadow, oh how delightful!  It was almost a fairy tale!

As we arrived at my camp I dismounted and looked around for you- Farmin just studied the area before looking down to me again. “Where is your friend?” I didn't have words to speak; instead I shrugged with a small babble of “I wish I knew”. Ok this is freaky! “Where are you!?” I yelled, “I'm back!” Farmin drew his sword, sniffing the air “Something isn't right!” And then suddenly out of no where this shadow jumped down onto Farmin's horse and covered him with a black coat. I watched as they both struggled and fell off the horse together. It was you, “what the hell are you doing...” I pushed you off Farmin and took the coat off his shook up body “...you freak!” “Who is he!!” your voice almost scratched, “Just a swordsman…I think we could use him…” I tried not to seem scared- and I found that more embarrassing then being found naked in public…a vampire afraid of a human! It's pathetic! But sometimes even I can find your evil over powering.

Farmin jumps up and checks if anything is missing and reaches too his hip where his sword rests and finds it gone. "Give it back...” he held his hand towards you and I watched as you looked down at his surprisingly clean hand. “Or what?” I hated it when you patronised everyone, but you continued too play mind games. “Or I'll have to take it from you” the testosterone rose and as I began too sense it I stood between you both and stared at you harshly. “Now now children…play nice…” I extended my hand too you and grasped it from your slowly extending arm. Holding his sword gave me much pleasure and I almost didn't want too let it go, but I shoved it behind me back too Farmin, keeping an eye on you. I hated using hypnosis on you but sometimes I mightn't have a choice.

As I watched you shake your head in confusion, your eyes began too twitch as you thought about our situation. “Your lucky boy…join us if you will but stay out of my way!” pushing past us you stormed back too your sitting place and began smoking your pipe. Listening too Farmin groan I giggled and turned to face him, placing on right hand on his left shoulder, “Welcome aboard!” I walked off without listening too his reply and gathered a few sticks, chucking them onto the mini fire. We all sat around it pondering each others fate as we slowly drifted off into the night.

The next morning our silence filled the air. Your growing hatred for Farmin seemed to speak louder then words. But why do you hate him so? I'll never know! Gathering all our supplies and equipment I packed them onto our horses and we began too ride off into the rising sun.
Time grew on, and as the day progressed so did the heat. I started to feel sorry for my horse, her beautiful black fur glistened under the suns rays, and her shoes made the softest echoes across our abandoned road. I covered up from the sun, wearing a light shawl and hood to protect me from the burning sun. I might be tolerant too the sun, but it does hurt after a while. Farmin rode up beside me and smiled, I wanted too read his mind but would that give me away? We rode for hours until finally someone spoke. “Ok, we'll stop here and let the horses have a drink…Shadow you go find some food with Farming, while I find out how far we've come! Quick now” you really like too boss people around, but without argument I just trudged off with Farmin.

“So tell me, where did you learn too hunt?” I became curious about him, “My uncle taught me…he was a master hunter and I would go along and help him. I enjoyed the sword the most; he was a master with the bow and arrow.” I just smiled as I listened to him continue on with his life's story. “Sounds like you have a very interesting life…why are you out here if you miss all of that?” “Haven't you ever just wanted to get away from it all? To go some where, to do something heroic or venture too u-known worlds? I just wanted my uncle to be proud of me…I wanted a story too tell” He smiled a bit then it faded into a small frown, “I don't think you have to go all this way just for your uncle to be proud, hell- I hardly know you and by the sound of everything I'm proud that you are my friend” We both laughed joyfully, enjoying each others company until I hear something up ahead. “Shh…listen!” We sneaked up behind some bushes and peeked through some leaves. A boar was eating moss off a broken log, I smiled with evilly ready too attack but as I pounced up too attack I saw it laying on the ground moaning- an arrow sticking out of its neck. “Damn It!”
Farmin laughed, “What?”
“I wanted too kill it! That's it, your carrying it now!”

Farmin laughed as he goes over too make sure its dead, I watched from my spot in the bushes and admired his fine ass. I couldn't help thinking, “Damn!!” After gathering the corpse we both started back to the rest spot. We seemed to just walk with smiles upon our faces, and then Farmin looked at me. “What?” I couldn't understand his fascination with me, but I was eager to hear his reply. “Why do you wear that hood? And all those dark clothes?” he pauses for a moment “…it's not like your ugly, because trust me…your not” his un-eased coughs in his pauses made me laugh. I didn't know what to think, so I un-hooded and I waited for his gasp…there was nothing, just a dumbfounded look upon his face. I quickly covered up again but something stoped me. “No don't! ...” Farmin's soft hands touched my face and the desire of his flesh drove through me like a multiple orgasm. I moaned softly and pulled back from him. “What is it? What'd I do wrong…I meant no disrespect! ...”he drew his hand back and looked away as he lifted the weight of the dead bore onto his back, “Sorry, I am usually not touched by people…umm….aren…….aren't you afraid of me?” I almost wanted to swallow my words but he smiled and just started walking. We walked most of the way in silence until he coughed, “look I know its weird…I'm weird, but you don't have to be afraid. I won't hurt you! You have my word!” I wanted his trust but maybe it was a little late for that. We got to the resting spot and Farmin dumped the caucus into the ground. I watched as you turned around quickly and grin, “Great! Now we can eat!!!” I don't know if it was me, or if it was my guilty conscious talking, but I knew that I had to at least explain who I was to him.

Watching you and Farmin eat I smiled and Farmin smiled back. Maybe I had misjudged him, but what ever it was I started to believe that this journey won't be as bad as I had originally thought.

Later in the evening, as the sun pasted noon we began to ride again. This time it was fast, and we followed your lead through darkened paths and over mountain ranges. We rode for 3 days strait, and being alone with my mind I had begun to wonder more and more about where we were heading. As we slowed, I rode up beside you and asked softly “If I'm not mistaken, we are arriving in Kresoon, the outer boundaries of Candle Keep?” You laughed deeply in your throat “Yes my dear, we are in Kresoon…and our next stop is Candle Keep… So rest your little mind, you shall have your sleep” My horse froze up for a second as you rode up head and I waited for Farmin to come beside me. Once he did he stopped as well and we just stared at the green fields ahead of us. “This guy is weird!” Farmin looked to me as I un-masked, smiling at the thought of what's in store “No my dear friend, he is a true master!” I kicked my horse and we both rode off after you. I was almost ecstatic with excitement!

We slowly rode into Kresoon; I could smell the scent of herbs and flowers floating in the air. Finally I felt that I was in my rightful place. I watched as children ran in between our horses and waved at us, I smiled and waved back as did Farmin. The people of Kresoon loved new comers, although the people of Candle Keep weren't as open. I could finally hear a sound that was familiar to me, the sound of the weeping willows blowing in the wind. I looked in front of me as we came over a small hill and I smiled as the long pebble path, curtained in willows made its way down to the main gates of Candle Keep. Farmin awed in amazement “I have never seen such beauty before!!! Where are we!?” I laughed in happiness, “Candle keep!” I rode off to the path and galloped down through the open gates, which stood strong and tall. I dismounted my horse and tied her too the wonderfully designed stables. Everything was perfect; everything was as I remembered all those years ago.

[This is the end of my incomplete story!!! This is an origonal story of Tracey A. White and all rights are reserved!!!]


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- Dead Souls Since : June 28 2005 -
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