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Residing in Candle Keep is one thing, but this lushious vampire cant stay hidden for an eternity... Meet his tormented soul... and hear his voice of agony.

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Name : Disturbed VG
E-mail : [email protected]

Vampire Origin (i.e; roleplay, story, etc) : Gemini is Larkord's new lover in the story i am writing, but i have turned this story into a role playing forum so he is now online. Candle Keep.
Vampire Name : Gemini
Vampire Sex : Female
Vampire Appearance (in detail or a picture will do... but we will require the following) :
This is Gemini from my role play in BVS but she is based on this character
- Eyes : Emerald Green
- Hair : Shoulder length dark brown hair, straight with a little kink by her ears.
- Dress : Tight blue corsets, long black sskirt, mostly wearing whites, blues and blacks.
- Other : Gemini has a white gold necklacee she never takes off- of a jewel encrested pentagram.
Vampire Personality :
- Strength : Enchanting eyes and voice, Daagger expert.
- Weakness : Gemini has a mortal connectioon to a parell dimension, if she is wounded, she is more vonerable to injury as a vampire.
- Powers : Telepathy (move things with minnd and also reading minds), Flying, Healing Touch.
- Personality : Flirty, Cheeky, Strong Willled, Inquisitive, Caring, Dark, Crazy!!

- A Little History From The Role Play -
Gemini was the 1st daughter of Lord Ack'Lintino Zaplin. They lived on a small island not far from where she is now.
She had 2 younger sisters and a brother.
At the age of 18 Gemini was woken to hear the screams of her mother echoing from outside. After racing out the front door she found her family on their knees at the mercy of a vampire lord who grousomly tore them apart infront of Gemini's eyes.

He soon attacked Gemini and turned her- His intentions were to make her his bride. Driven insane by hatrid towards her maker she slaughted the entire island which is now a burnt pile of rubble.
Gemini will sacrifice anything to get her revenge upon the evil vampire lord Langtil.
Shortly after the blood bath Gemini foudn herself wandering these lands and was summoned in a dream by a vampire bat (her spiritual guardian). So she began her own coven of other immortal souls who wanted revenge like she did.

They began to ravage towns with death only to find themselves drawn to this city.
Gemini tends to keep a low profile these days, her life driven by the depression of her loss. She keeps to herself but has only just began to venture out more frequently.
You will catch her in the shadows, you'll see her walk past you. But you'll never be able to catch her unless you are the un-dead.

- A Little History From The Story -
(This is totally different to the one in the role play)

Gemini was a simple mortal in a parrel universe. She was the youngest out of three and her parents had been divorced for 9 years now. Gemini lived with her mum, they living in a big home by themselves.

Gemini always devilled in her magick- being a free will pagan and started fiddling around with a beauty spell. Gemini was pleased with herself, she felt the spell had worked- but she suddenly felt dizziness and collapsed onto the floor.

The mirror, which Gemini was using in her spell, opened a porthole to the dimension of which Candle Keep dwelled. Walking around disorientated, Gemini found herself travelling down a long white pebble road, boarded with draping willow tree's. Walking in through the gates, Gemini watched as the mysterious people stared at her new age clothing, compared to their dirty old hand-made clothes.

Looking around, it finally dawned on Gemini that she wasn't back home at all... she wasn't even on the same planet.

Scared and confused, Gemini ran into the closest tavern and sat at a table by herself. Watching the townsfolk drunkenly grunt and discuss how their crops were dying and that their uncles were eaten by the dead. Hearing the sound of coins clattering on the bar, Gemini jumped from her seat and grabbed onto the bar- trying to figure out what'd she do.

Her eyes twitched to her side, she could feel the people looking at her- starring and pointing. It made her skin crawl, making her want to scream or cry; Instead she bolted once again to a nice dark spot and pulled out her mobile telephone - No Signal. Hitting the device over the tabel edge, a dark cloaked man approached her; his voice soothing and curious.

He asked her to calm, and sat beside her. His eyes seemed to glow as he lifted the cloaks hood from his head. The man looked no older than 20. His hair a sweet honey blonde with small plats holding it from his face. He was positively beautiful as well as handsome.

Gemini began talking with the stranger of what had happened to her, soon before Gemini thought of departing and finding a way home- The strange man introduced himself. "Larkord De'Corkal i am... and you are?"

Gemini felt compelled to stay with this nice young man, after all- he was the only one in this strange bar to look past her visual appearance and really talk with her. They seemed to have a lot in common, even though Larkord didn't really tell her much about himself. After introductions, Larkord offered her a bed in his home, whilst she figured things out; kindly accepting the strangers offer, Gemini followed her new friend down the dark paths of this strange town and down a path of drapping willows. There lay behind the willows stood a two story, fantasy cottage. A beautiful tulip garden just ahead, Gemini rushed to it for a big whiff but was stopped by the raising of her companies voice.

Days passed by and Gemini noticed that Larkord slept rather late. Maybe it was their custom here in this strange town but nothing seemed quite lively here in Larkords estate. Still Gemini spent hours writing out what she had recited in her spell- trying to remember what she had done to get her into this mess... but all that was about to change.

One night, the two sat in front of the fire place. Larkord was reading another novel to Gemini's knowledge and Gemini fiddled with a drink in one hand and her pencil and paper in the other. Sitting by Larkord's side, Gemini became distracted by the sudden opening of the cottage door. Two angry men barged through the door.

Dropping her glass in shock, it shattered on the floor. Standing quickly, Gemini watched as Larkord spoke to one of the men, but missing the other goon, which approached Gemini lustfully. Looking to the tall broad man, Gemini tried to walk past him to go up stairs; but the man had other plans for her. Larkord began to brawl with the other man, it distracting Gemini from her plan of escape and got her locked in her firm grip of the mans hands. Her neck firmly taken a hold of is quickly let go and her body thrown to the ground. The searing pain of glass shredding her wrists as she was thrown to the ground caused her to scream in agony.

After being threatened by the goon's, Gemini found Larkord by her side. Holding her in his arms, her trembling body against his- she could feel the coldness of his skin. Gemini gasped as she watched Larkords beautiful green eyes turn into a blood red as he looked at Gemini's busted wrists. As Larkord un-consciously lunged for her, Gemini pushed him from her side and struggled to her feet.

In a powerful but frightened command, Gemini looked to the shocked and distraught Larkord; "What are you!" she commanded- the urge for home more over whelming than before.

Larkords dark secret was finally out... he had no more secrets locked away from this woman. Gemini cried as he told her his story of life, lust, love and loss. And in one passionate act, Gemini gave herself to him- Finally laying old demons to rest and become what she would be- the living damned.


- Vampiric Cry -

- Dead Souls Since : June 28 2005 -
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