Cheree's Star Trek Fan Fiction
G and PG Rated Stories
Stories from 1972-1986
Stories from 1998 to present
Family Ties
Rated PG. The Enterprise rescues a mysterious, incredibly beautiful woman from a derelict Klingon ship. But she isn't quite what she seems.
Rated PG. Spock's human grandmother is dying and he returns home with Amanda.  There he finds that he is no more welcome because of his Vulcan blood than he is on Vulcan because of his human blood.  Can he make peace with his family before it's too late?
Rated G. Stranded on a planet by a fierce ion storm, Kirk meets a lovely young girl with a mysterious past.
Last Kiss
Rated PG-13. A fantasy piece written in response to a story challenge in which the first words must be "kiss me".  And if it sounds suspiciously like a certain Barbarian movie, that was intentional.
Rated G. 16-year-old Spock has made a decision that will change his entire life.  Now he just has to tell his parents.
Nothing Says Loving...
Incident of the Oiseau d'Or.
Rated PG. A little scene from "Amok Time". Ever wonder what happened when Christine Spock that soup he asked for?
Rated PG. The Enterprise takes aboard survivors from a cripplied passenger liner and one of them soon targets Christine as his new conquest.
Plato: Epilogue
Journey to Malakesh
Rated PG. After the incident on Platonius, Spock comes to Christine's cabin to apologize.
Rated G. A group of fanatical missionaries threaten to start a war on a non-Federation world. The Enterprise is assigned to stop them.
Rated PG-13. Christine can't take it anymore.  The incidents on Platonius bring back a nightmarish time she's been trying to forget ... and she sees no way out except to transfer off the ship.
Meeting in a Bar
Rated G.  Many years after the Enterprise crew have gone their separate ways, Chekov and Sulu happen upon each other in a spaceport bar and pass a few moments catching up on old times.
The Shirt
Rated PG. Laundry duty is the pits ... until a love-struck female crewman comes across a certain blue tunic in the wash and decides to keep it.  Then all heck breaks out on board the Enterprise.
Parting Ways
Rated G.  When it comes time to turn Kang and Mara over to the Federation authorities, Kirk realizes that Kang is a man he could have called friend.
Turn, Turn, Turn
Rated PG. It is the end of the ship's five year mission, but before they head back to Earth for refit and reassignment, Spock has something he needs to ask Christine.
Rated PG.  Rigel 12 wasn't all it was cracked up to be, and Eve McHuron had had enough of the "wealthy" lifestyle Harry Mudd had sold her.
Glimpses of a Life
"Glimpses of a Life" has moved to its own page.   Click here to go there.
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