Glimpses of a Life
Page 2
This series will be a collection of first person vignettes from Spock's personal log.  They are listed in star date order and ultimately I hope to cover all 80 original episodes.
The Gamesters of Triskelion: The Name of Freedom
Rated PG. Uhura is more affected than Kirk or Chekov in the aftermath of their abduction to Triskelion and, in a quiet moment, she explain to Spock exactly why.
Metamorphosis: The Riddle of Love
Rated PG. Spock is having a hard time understanding the relationship between Zephrem Cochrane and the Companion.  Then he begins to think of all the other examples of love he has observed.
Operation -- Annihilate! :  Shattered Glass
Rated PG. The aftermath of the attack on Deneva by the mind parasites has affected Spock in more ways than he cares to think about ... but there is no way he can deny them, to himself or to anyone else.
Amok Time: Ashes
Rated PG. To say that Spock has mixed emotions following his first, disastrous pon farr is an understatement.  He struggles to understand all that he is feeling and to get all those warring emotions back under control.
This Side of Paradise:  A Short Stroll in Purgatory
Rated PG. The spores had kept the colonists of Omicron Ceti III healthy and contented, despite their exposure to deadly Berthold Rays.  Now Spock learns the terrible price that must be paid.
The Changeling:  Sunrise from the Crest of the Mountain of God
Rated PG. Nomad has stolen all of Uhura's memories.  Can Spock find a way to give them back to her?
Mirror, Mirror:  Splintered Looking Glass
Rated PG. Spock has managed to download the computer files of the ISS Enterprise during the beam over of his lost crewmates.  What he finds there shocks and disturbs him.
Who Mourns for Adonais?:  Giants in the Earth
Rated PG. The encounter with Apollo raises some interesting speculation at the landing party's debriefing and Lt. Palamas tells of an ancient legend that is still unexplained.
The Deadly Years:   Grow Old With Me
Rated PG. Spock is dying from the rapid aging disease picked up on Gamma Hydra 4.  If Dr. McCoy's adrenalin treatment doesn't work, he is doomed.
Friday's Child:  Healer's Hands
Rated PG13. Everyone is suffering following the events on Capella 4, but none quite so much as Dr. McCoy.
Wolf in the Fold:  Remember
Rated PG. The senior officers of the Enterprise are standing honor guard at Madame Sybo's funeral, even Scott, who was originally  accused of killing her.  Spock takes time during the long ceremony to reflect on the similarities between the Argellians and special Vulcan rites.
Obsession:  The Correct Questions
Rated PG. Spock needs some psychiatric advice from McCoy on the question of Human obsessive thinking.
The Apple:  Seeing Red
Rated PG. It's been a rough day for Spock and, as he contemplates his injuries following medical treatment, he meditates on Vaal and its origin.
Journey to Babel:  Recovery
Rated PG.   Saving his father's life by using the experimental blood extension drug leads Spock to experience some unsettling nightmares ... and some interesting insight as well.
Bread and Circuses:  When in Rome
Rated PG.   Dr, McCoy is blatantly wrong about Ancient Rome not having sun worshippers and Spock is determined to educate him.
Note: The following stories are later down the Stardate order of these vignettes. Eventually the gaps will be filled in.
Return to Tomorrow: The Persistence of Memory
Rated NC17. Contains graphic sexual situations. Henoch did things to Christine that she mercifully does not remember, but Spock does, in horrible, vivid clarity, from the brief time he spent within Christine's consciousness.
The Cloud Minders: Flower Child
Rated PG.   Exactly what was it about Droxine, the daughter of the High Advisor of Stratos, that so inexplicably attracted Mr. Spock?
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Journey to Babel: Recovery
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