Contacts and Submission Rules
This is the page where you will find all you need to know to contact the staff about what you need, and all the rules for any submissions you intend to make.


email- [email protected]
yahoo games- falconessYYH (i'm always in checkers gameroom "Amoeba Drop")

email: [email protected]
AIM: animeggunmen
ranklist- sakura
neopets- ???

email: [email protected]
AIM: AngelicXIris
ranklist: lol uh...
Neopets: none

email: [email protected]
AIM: ?
ranklist: ?
Neopets: ?

Dark Crow:
email: [email protected]
AIM: InsanityRebels
ranklist: uhhhhh......
Neopets: One Bori named Smirk_18 and one Ixi named 1_Night he he

Fanfic Rules

1. Send all fics in attachment form.
2. DO NOT send the fic in individual chapter form. If you're fic is not complete when you send it it, we will take it for safe keeping and put the information about it up on the site, but we will not put the actual fic up, but just say that it is incomplete and leave it at that.
3. There will be absolutely NO yaoi/yuri fics, as they do not occur in the show, no matter how much you may believe they do. shounen ai/shoujo ai fics are also going to be deleted should they be sent in.
4. The fics MUST be YuYuHakusho-related, though crossovers are permitted, and although this is a Hiei shrine, he does not need to be the main character--this means we will accept ANY fics, so long as Hiei is at least
mentioned in them.
5. With your fic, please include, in the actual email message, your penname, the name of the story, how many pages it is, a rating (G, PG, PG-13, R, or NC-17) and the reason why you think this, and anything else you think we should know (the plot, maybe, or you can send in your own summary to go up on the fanfic page).
6. We will accept lemon fics, but Hentai fics will have to be approved by one or more of the staff before they go up. This is so we can keep a close eye on just how appropriate we get (or rather, the contrary). please let us know if your fic has any Hentai in it, just for fair warning.
7. As long as these rules are followed, we will accept all fics that come our way, no matter what. it can be the worst story in the world--it doesn't matter, we'll take it.
8. Be creative! Don't be afraid to lavish it a bit...if you make your own summary for us, go completely dramatic...we like that here.
9. Swearing is perfectly fact, we encourage it (damn right!)

Fanart Rules:

1. Send it in attachment form.
2. Make sure it is in *.jpg form. we will not accept bitmap files.
3. Make it at least a little appropriate. keep nudity down to an absolute minimum.
4. No yaoi/yuri, or shounen ai/shoujo ai.
5. give us any kind of title or info you want to put with the fic. we'll put it up.
6. The fanart has to be yuyuhakusho-related. please, please include Hiei, but if you are desperate, we will be lenient with that, and let up just about any appropriate fanart.
7. The fanart can be hand-drawn or computer-drawn, it doesn't matter, just make sure you did it and it's your original (if only slightly) "work of art". we are not responsible for your actions if you decide to be a stupid jackass and send us someone else's fanart (or anything, really) without their permission.
8. As always, don't be afraid to send in something you think is bad. you shouldn't feel afraid if your fic isn't the best...just wait until you see Falconess' (*snicker*).

Miscellaneous Rules:

1. This is the only misc rule. Don't be afraid to be completely free with the staff. we aren't mean or anything, we promise. we can get a little pissy sometimes, but nothing to worry about (lol). if you aren't sure about something with your fic, we will gladly help you out
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