So yah. Some of the preview stories have been removed because yah they've been WIP for like a year or more. But maybe someday.

Summary: JC and KC meet on a bus headed for LA. Then there is life beyong LA.
Author's note: This is the story that my computer ate. It will either be the best story I ever write, or the last. Who knows? lol This is a massive work in project, it has three endings. This story has been at a stand still for a while because I've been writing Good Charlotte stories, but I really hope to work on it again soon.

Summary: Austin Emma Frederick is the youngest daughter of billionaires Brice Frederick and Lauren Bryandt. At fourteen, after having lived with her grandparents in Independence, Kansas for four years, Emma moves back to Bowie, Maryland. After starting high school, she is paired up with Joel Combs in her biology class. Two weeks later, she meets and falls in love with his twin brother Benji when he poses as Joel at work. The pair eventually end up together and date for four years, until Emma moves back to Kansas to attend college. What happens when they meet up four years later?
Author's note: This story is a WIP that can be found in the raw stages on my blurty.

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