Holland Manners,
Former head of Special Projects at Wolfram and Hart

Holland is played by Sam Anderson (Perfect Strangers, ER)

 "And yet I just can't seem to care. But you do.  And while you're making threats, wasting time, crashing through windows, your girls are out painting the town red, red, red."  -- Reunion

Blind Date
To Shanshu in LA
The Trial
Blood Money

Links, Trivia and Appearances
Just how bad is Holland

Blind Date

Bad Guy Rating: ****
Holland Manners made his first appearance on Angel in the episode Blind Date as Lindsey's superior.  Holland sensed that the younger man seemed distracted.  Holland gave some fatherly advice and discovered Lindsey was not as happy in what he was doing.  Holland told him that he was pulling for him while others were not.  After the pep talk, Holland told Lindsey he needed to supply alibis for assassin Vanessa Brewer who planned to kill three children.  Holland as opposed to Lindsey seemed unfazed at the killing of children. 
After Angel stole the Scroll of Aberjian, Holland called for a random mind sweep.  This resulted in the death of Lee Mercer who had planned to leave the firm.  Holland was well aware that Lindsey helped Angel.  Holland gave Lindsey another pep talk about love and life and told him he planned to spare him.
After Lindsey helped save the children, he returned back to the Holland's office.  Holland gives his third pep talk to Lindsey and offers him a promotion as Junior Partner.  Holland walks out the door, confident that Lindsey will stay.  Blind Date shows how good a manipulator Holland is.  He plays on Lindsey's weaknesses to keep him at the firm.
To Shanshu in LA

Bad Guy Rating: *** 1/2
Holland's next appearance is in To Shanshu in LA. He helps to bring Vocah into the world.  Vocah is angry for the loss of the scroll, and Holland allows Lindsey and Lilah to take the blunt of Vocah's wrath. 
Later, when Holland, Lindsey and Lilah head to where Vocah will perform the rising.  When Angel breaks in and begins to fight Vocah, Holland hints to Lindsey to take over the ritual.  After a beat Lindsey does what Holland asks him to do.  After Lindsey is knocked unconscious, Holland gives a passing glance to him before leaving him to Angel.
Later on, Holland joins Lilah and Lindsey to see what they raised in the box-- Darla
Holland makes his next appearance in Untouched.  Lilah is trying to cultivate Bethany to become assassin. Holland is displeased that Angel took in Bethany and is ruining Lindsey's project with Darla.  Holland makes it know that Lilah is in deep trouble if she doesn't fix the problem. 

Bad Guy Rating: ****
Holland makes his next appearance in Darla.  He is upset that Lindsey had brought Darla back to the office, but then changes his mind and tells him to look after her.  When Darla tries to call Angel, Lindsey tries to stop her.  Darla hits Lindsey with the phone and when trying to escape "kills" a guard.  Holland shows Lindsey the tape and fires him from the project stating that he's too involved and the project has been terminated.  Later, Lindsey sees Holland talking to the guard that Darla supposedly killed. Holland explained that it was important that Lindsey believe he was saving her so it would be authentic to Angel.  Holland is hoping that Angel will try and save her soul.
The Trial


Holland appears only briefly in the Trial.  He talks to Darla about her illness and how she is their "moral responsibility."  Even though Lindsey is the one responsibility for getting Darla revamped, Holland was obviously the one pulling the strings.


Bad Guy Rating: ***


In Reunion, Holland is in high moods.  It is obvious that things are going according to his plan. He offers Drusilla any help she needs.
After Darla and Drusilla escape from Angel, Holland lectures Lindsey on having healthy relationships.  Lindsey is pleasant to him and agrees.  Holland is surprised to find Dru in Lindsey's office waiting for Darla to come.  Holland is momentarily caught off guard, but quickly regains himself.  He comments that Drusilla will be reunited with Darla.  Lindsey receives a call about an untamed vampire in the building.  He opens the door and Darla is waiting on the other side.  Holland tells Lindsey no sudden movements, but Lindsey does not seem to care.  Darla throws Lindsey out of her way and grabs Drusilla.  It looks like, at first, Holland will help Lindsey get up, but instead he grabs the phone and allows Drusilla and Darla to escape.  He leaves the office telling Lindsey "Healthy Attachments"
Holland calls Drusilla on the phone, but Darla picks up.  Holland tells her that perhaps it would be good if they went on a massacre.  Darla agrees.  Holland believes this will kept Angel busy, but at that moment, Angel smashes through the glass of Lindsey's office.  Angel grabs Lindsey, but Holland interrupts and introduces himself.  He explains to Angel that he is the special project.  He tells Angel he doesn't kill humans, but Angel tells him he'd make an exception.  He is surprised when Holland allows him to leave.
Later at the wine tasting, we meet Holland's trophy wife Katherine.  Katherine lets Lindsey in and sends him to the Wine Cellar.
In the Wine Cellar, Holland is in a jovial mood.  He commends Lilah and Lindsey on their work.  His joy is short lived when Darla and Drusilla enter the Wine Cellar.  Darla and Drusilla comment that Katherine let them in and her blood was very sweet.  And for the first time, Holland is visible shaken.  Darla comments that he promised her a massacre.
Darla talks to Holland and tells him how upset she was that they brought her back as a dying human.  Holland counteracts that Angel should have saved her.  Drusilla essentially tells Holland that his manipulation won't work. 
Holland continues to plea with Darla, but it does not seem to have any effect. 
Angel arrives and is invited in by a dying Catherine.  Holland is happy to see Angel, but then the happiness fades when Angel refuses to save them from Darla and Drusilla.  Holland comments to Angel: "People are going to die."  Angel responds "And yet I don't seem to care."
After Angel locks the door, Holland screams that he can negotiate.  Then Darla sinks her fangs into his neck.
Blood Money Holland makes a posthumous appearance via a videotaped Public Service Announcement. 

Bad guy score ****

After Angel kills the Senior Partner and gets his ring, he takes an elevator ride to hell.  Holland is the elevator operator.  Holland tells Angel he is indeed dead, but his contract for Wolfram and Hart runs passed death.  Holland talks about the origin of Wolfram and Hart and that they are not interested in winning, they just exist.  When the elevator reaches the 'Home Office' it is revealed as the same place Angel left.  Holland reveals that the Earth is the home office and is run by the evil in the hearts of all humans. 
Holland/ Sam Anderson Links/ Appearances/Trivia. Sam Anderson Links
IMDB Entry
TV Tome

Holland has appeared in 8 episodes of Angel, 2 of them posthumously.

Trivia: Holland was 49 when he died.  He was born in 1951

Just how bad was Holland Holland sent Darla and Drusilla on a massacre that killed two people. 

Holland is the master of manipulations and often bends people with his word.

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