vi adalah editor 'standar' UNIX, dengan vi/vim semuanya jadi mudah, cuma saja cukup banyak yang perlu diingat, dokumen ini cuma catatan untuk mengingat perintah dasar yang penting... Gunakan file .vimrc untuk mempermudah dan meng-costumize vim anda.. learn its easy things until you fall in love with.. Vi banyak digunakan oleh programmer, dengan fasilitas syntax highlighting vim sangat membantu dan terlihat begitu indah :-) vi reference vi file1 file2 file3 :next go to the next file in the file list :rewind go to the first file in the file list :last go to the last file in the file list :qa! exit all files at once without save :wqa exit all files at once with save all :e /path/to/file.txt load a new file into the editor :read /path/to/file_to_be_inserted.txt add a file into currently editing O Open new line for insert above the current line. o insert below the current line :w save, not exit :wq save and exit :x! save and exit :q! exit without save Cursor movement ^ to first char (non-blank) in line 0 to first char in line $ to end char in line % to matching sets of {}, [], or () | to first coloum 20| jump 20 coloum w move one word forward b move one word backward { move between paragraf } ( move between sentences ) gg jump to begining of file G jump to the end of file ^F page forward ^B page back x delete dw delete word dd delete line dgg delete to begining dG delete to end u undo - redo P put/paste before cursor p put/paste after cursor yw yank/copy word yy or Y yank/copy line 8dd y copy (yank) whithout deleteing it cc change current line (delete and insert mode) cw change one word c20| change from cursor to the next 20 coloum R replace, not deleted ^V insert an escape character, vi must be in insert mode ma mark as 'a character 'a jump to mark d'a delete fom this cursor (line) to 'a mark d20| delete until next 20 coloum /name search 'name' forawrd ?name search 'name' backward n next search down N next search up / . means any char, it can be name, nbme, ncme /n[aiueo]me [aiueo] means anya char macthes a, i, u, e, or o /[EFGHIJ] or /[E-J] seach char E, F, G, H, I, J /n[^a]me [^a] matches any char except a /n*me * matches any chars ex: naame nbme nabcme fx seaech one char x in the current line ; next /^E find a line begin with letter E /end$ find a line end with letter end /thi\$ search word thi$ ex command, command begin with a colon ":" :%s/new/old/g % is an ex address s is the substitution command / separator it can be any char, for ex: g tells if there more than one match in a line :%s@new@olg@g Address Meaning ---------------- -------------- no address given The current line % The whole file 3 Line 3 5,8 Lines 5 through 8 . The current line +x x lines after the current line -x x lines before the current line .,.+2 The current line and the next 2 lines $ The last line 10,$ Line 10 through the last line ex: :2,6d delete line 2 until line 6 :g/something/d delete all lines macthing word 'something' :1,$s/pattern_to_find/pattern_to_replace/g :s/pattern_to_find/pattern_to_replace replace in a line :%s/pattern_to_find/pattern_to_replace replace all in a file :syntax on mengaktifkan mode color editor :set number pemberian nomor pada line :set cindent c like indent :set shiftwidth=4 set [TAB] width :set ignorecase !!!!! learn the unix regular expression ---