V.0.3 If there are any questions or comments, please direct them to walt@erudition.net. The newest copy of this How-To can always be retrieved from www.erudition.net/freebsd/. All rights for the reproduction of this document are reserved. 1. Background. 1.1. What is Network Routing? 1.2. A Simple Example 1.2.1. Introduction to Routers and Gateways 1.2.2 Introduction to Routing Tables 1.2.3 Introduction to IP 1.2.4 MAC (Medium Access Control) Addresses What is a MAC Address? MAC Address Resolution 1.2.5 Point to Point Protocols 1.2.6 Multihoming 1.2.7 Router Information Protocol 1.3 IP Addressing 1.3.1 IP Assignment, TCP, and UDP 1.3.2 Networks, Subnets, and Hosts 1.3.3 Netmasks 1.3.4 Subnets and Network & Broadcast Addresses 2. Application 2.1. NETSTAT(1) and the Routing Table 2.2. IFCONFIG(8), Network Devices, and Assigning IP Addresses 2.3. IFCONFIG(8) in more Detail 2.4 ARP, IFCONFIG(8) and Network Devices 2.5. ARP(8) and Routing 2.6. ROUTE(8) instead of ARP(8) 2.6.1. Adding routes with ROUTE(8) 2.6.2. ROUTE(8) Flags 2.6.3. ROUTE(8) and the Default Route 2.6.4 Network Routes & Host Routes 2.6.5 Changing Routes with ROUTE(8) 3. PING(8) 4. Basic Host and Network Naming 1. Background. 1.1. What is Network Routing? The basic goal behind routing is to find a path from one node to another by which information can travel, ideally the shortest/most efficient path. On the Internet and many LANs, this is often accomplished through the use of RIP (Routing Information Protocol), Router Discovery Protocol, ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) and RARP (Reverse Resolution Address Protocol). RIP and Router Discovery Protocol is the domain of the routed(8) daemon. ARP can be manipulated through the arp(8) program. This HowTo deals specifically with IPv4. 1.2. A Simple Example Let us take the example of a very basic network and see how basic routing concepts can apply to it: F | A --- B --- D --- G | | C --- E Each letter corresponds to a node on the network, which can be a computer, CISCO router, or any physical medium that can forward data packets from one point to another, or accept them. If A is a computer trying to communicate with G, which is also a computer, it must get its data packets there somehow. Because it is directly connected to only one other node, B, it can only send its data packets in that direction. Once these data packets reach B, they have two directions in which they might be able to go. 1.2.1. Introduction to Routers and Gateways Let us assume that node B is a router designed to pass on data packets. Router B knows that it is directly connected to two other places, but that is all. As B receives data packets from Computer A it looks at the address to which the data packets are trying to go and realizes that the packets wish to reach E, to which it is not directly connected. Because router B does not know anything else about the network other than the nodes to which it is directly connected, it has a default direction that it sends data packets which it can not send directly to their destination. In this network, it was designed by the administrators that any data packets that router B can not directly send to their destination it will send to node D, which is gateway. The gateway, like the router, is designed to forward packets from one place to another, depending on where the packets want to go, the only difference being that the gateway is more intelligent, often times a computer. Gateway D in this example is connected to four different nodes: B, E, F, G. When it receives data packets from router B it must next decide in which direction to send them such that they might (eventually) arrive at their destination. Gateway D realizes that the data packets are trying to get to node E, to which it is directly connected. As such, it forwards the packets to node E (which is a computer, but the gateway doesn't know this) and they are then processed and used in whatever way computer E was programmed to. 1.2.2 Introduction to Routing Tables Nodes B and D each knew what nodes they were directly connected to, and treated one of those nodes as a default direction in which to send data packets that were not intended for any of the other nodes. This table of directly connected nodes is called a "Routing Table". Each direction in which B and D were able to send data packets is called a "Route", one of which is treated as the "Default Route." For router B, the Default Route was gateway D. 1.2.3 Introduction to IP On the Internet, data packets are routed according to a special addressing scheme which part of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite: IPv4. It uses a 32 bit addressing scheme broken into 4 8-bit parts separated by a period. An example of an IP address would be: . This is a logical address assigned to every computer node connected on the Internel and in most LANs and WANs. Multiple addresses can be assigned to each computer/router. Let us redraw our simple network to now reflect some of these new concepts: ( PC #3 | | ( ( ( ( ( ( PC #1 --------- R #1 ----------- G ------------ PC #2 1.2.4 MAC (Medium Access Control) Addresses What is a MAC Address? Each "PC" is a Personal Computer. Each "R" is a router, and "G" is the gateway. Above each PC, router, and gateway we see an IP address(es). IP addresses are logical addresses because they can be changed on a computer. This allows for a powerful means of addressing a large network of computers, however, because it exists on the network layer of the TCP/IP Protocol, IP addressing is not understood by actual network interfaces, such as Ethernet cards. In other words, another addressing scheme is also used to identify individual computers on the "physical" network. Here we are referring to the MAC (Medium Access Control) address. Each Network Adapter, such as an Ethernet or Token Ring I/O card has a unique MAC address. MAC addresses are 48 bit addresses are written in 6 8-bit parts separated by colons; for instance: 00:0b:27:5c:d3:89 . By convention, each of the 6 8-bit MAC address parts is written in hexadecimal whereas each of the 4 8-bit IP address parts is written in decimal. MAC Address Resolution When data packets are sent from PC #1 in hopes of reaching PC #2, they first come to Router #1. Router #1 has a routing table based on both IP and MAC addresses. It checks to see if any entry in its routing table has the IP address for which the packets are destined: It realizes that there is no entry in its routing table that has this particular IP address, so it forwards the packet to via default route, which is gateway G. Gateway G checks its own routing table to see if it has an entry with the IP address that the data packets are destined for. It does, so it next looks up the MAC address associated with that IP address. If it successfully acquires the MAC address, it forwards the data packets to the Network Interface that has that MAC address. In this case, it is an Ethernet Card in PC #2's chasis. MAC address resolution (mapping IP address -> MAC addresses is handled by the ARP Protocol which was mentioned in the beginning). 1.2.5 Point to Point Protocols MAC addresses are used to uniquely identify a multitude of Network Interfaces on a network, however, in some cases, a much simpler network connexion is had where a particular computer will not need to worry about directly talking to many computers (such as gateway G does) so it will not need to worry about uniquely identify many computers (such as gateway G does through maintaing a routing table with the IPs and their corresponding MAC addresses of various nodes). In such cases, where the computer at hand will be talking directly ("directly" is the key word, because it may still be able to talk to other computers "through" the one it is "directly" connecting to) to only one other computer, a simpler Protocol than ARP can be used. Such one-to-one protocols are called point-to-point protocols. A popular one is very appropriately called PPP (Point to Point Protocol); another is SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol), which is relatively outdated. PPP connexions are most often seen in Internet dialup accounts. When a user dials up their ISP, they connect directly to only one other node, a gateway, using PPP. The gateway recognizes the connected PC directly as ppp0, ppp1, or ppp2, etc, and not by a MAC address, such as 00:0b:27:5c:d3:89 . Let us once again redraw our example network making use of these new concepts: ( ( ppp0 sl0 PC #1 PC #3 | | | | | | | | ( ( (00:0b:28:6c:d4:99) (00:0c:ax:6a:c1:10) ( ( ( (00:0b:27:5c:d3:89) (00:0c:ac:7d:c2:98) (10:0c:27:7c:c2:45) R #1 ------------------ G ------------------- PC #2 | | | ( (00:0a:11:45:14:70) PC #4 1.2.6 Multihoming As you will notice, some nodes on this network have multiple network interfaces. An example of such a node is gateway G. Nodes on a network that have more than more network interface to a particular network are termed "multihomed." 1.2.7 Router Information Protocol In large networks (of which our example is clearly NOT) there may be many possible paths to a particular node from another node. In such cases, making sure that a particular route is usable and/or efficient as compared to another can become an arduous for a network administrator. As such, a network daemon called routed(8)(or 'gated') can be run. routed(8) maintains a gateway's routing table to keep it clean of dead routes, keeps routers/gateways directly connected to it informed of any changes to the routing table (through RIP), locates routers/gateways (through Internet Router Discovery Protocol) and responds to requests to the gateway's (on which it is running) routing table. Because routed(8) and 'gated' are beyond the scope of "basic network routing" they will not be discussed at any greater length. 1.3 IP Addressing 1.3.1 IP Assignment, TCP, and UDP When IP addresses are assigned a network, they are conventionally done so in ranges, and not random patterns. A network in a particular university department may, for instance, be assigned all of the IP addresses between and . This does not mean that each of these addresses must be given a computer, but that when data packets are set with a destination of any address within that range, they will enter that particular dept. network. Depending on the protocol by which these data packets are transmitted, whether a computer with the actual destination address exists may or may not preclude the sending of the data packets in the first place. For example, if PC #1 attemps to make a TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) connexion with a PC #5 which does not exist on our network, the connexion will fail, and no data packets will be sent. This is because the TCP protocol is a connexion oriented protocol and attempts to determine and set a path to the destination (create a connexion) before sending any data, while on the other hand, if the data packets were sent using UDP (User Datagram Protocol) packets, which are connexionless in nature, the data packets would be sent out blindly and from the sender's perspective would fall into oblivion. 1.3.2 Networks, Subnets, and Hosts The important point here is the distinction between "network," "subnet" and "host." In general, a network is an arbitrary designaion given to some 2 or more nodes (of something) which communicate. The individual nodes are called hosts, and groups of hosts within the network can be logically lumped together and called subnets. Traditionally, in the Internet, networks were assigned in multiples of 255 hosts. In the previous example of the departmental network the range to would be such an Internet network. Such Internet networks that are comprised of 256 addresses are termed class C networks; those comprised of 256^2 addresses are termed class B networks, and those comprised of 256^3 addresses are termed class A networks. However, because LANs often do not require use of this many addresses, Internet networks are traditionally broken down further by ISPs and/or local network administrators into subnets, which are smaller yet address ranges. 1.3.3 Netmasks Returning back to our network example, if we examine the IP addresses of gateway G and PC #4 we notice that they both share the class C network of -> while all of the other PCs are on the class C -> . They can, therefore, be logically lumped as distinct subnets within the entire network. Ranges such as this can be denoted by a simpler notation: where the "24" following the forward slash denotes how many bits in the address should remain the same; everything else can change and, therefore, is part of the subnet. Here, the first three 8-bit parts (192.168.100) of the address can not change while the remaining can. All changable addresses are considered part of this net. If an IP address falls outside the range of changable addresses, it is considered to be in another subnet and the data packets are forwarded accordingly. The "24" is called the "netmask" and is often written in dot notation just as IP addresses are; for instance, the netmask for the above class C would be This may seem peculiar at first, but on closer examination we see that "" means exactly the same thing as "24" bits. In, 24 of the bits are set high (each 8-bit section in the first three sections being set high and therefore "255" as 2^8 = 255), and the remaining octet set low, which results in a "0". 1.3.4 Subnets and Network & Broadcast Addresses Each subnet must reserve two addresses, one for the network address and one for the broadcast address, with the exception of subnets of size 1, where the host address is also the network and broadcast address, which makes sense if there is only one node in the subnet. The network and broadcast addresses are the first and last addresses within the range, respectively, which clearly lessens the amount of addresses addressable to hosts within a subnet by 2. So, in the above example, would be the network address and would be the broadcast address, both of which will be described later. The following table illustrates the subnet sizes as relative to the assigned netmasks: Netmask # Bits Set High Size of Subnet -------------------------------------------------------------- 32 1 31 ??? 30 2 29 6 28 14 27 30 26 62 25 126 24 254 With the existence of distinct subnets within a larger network, we now have the option of not only routing data packets based on whether they match a directly connected host or not (in which case they are sent via the default route) but also based on what subnet they fall in. This concept becomes especially powerful where gateways connect several large subnets or networks. As we saw above each subnet sets aside two addresses for a "network address" and "broadcast address" which can not be assigned to hosts within the subnet. The network address plays the important role of identidying the subnet itself, so essentially, the subnet has an address too. In our dept. network that we mentioned earlier, where the address range was the network address would be which could be written as 192.169 for short notation. This identifies the subnet itself. The broadcast address allows any host on the subnet to send (or "broadcast") a message to all other hosts on the subnet at the same time and not simply to a single other host one at a time. Pinging the broadcast address on a network will, likewise, result in a responce from all of the hosts thereon (unless they're behind a proxy server or firewalled), and allow an effective way to help map out the network topology of a network you're not completely familiar. In large distributed networks, such as television or radio networks this concept of simultaneously broadcasting signals to multiple nodes in the network is of vital importance. When data packets are simultaneously sent to a select number of multiple nodes and not simply to every node across a network, we come to the idea of "multicasting." Muticasting is handled by the 'mrouted' daemon. Because multicasting is beyond the scope of basic network routing, it will not be mentioned in any further detail. 2. Application Firstly, it must be made clear that routing tables can not be changed by anyone but root. Also, for a box acting as a router/gateway (as in the case of gateway G in our example nework) to be able to forward packets to another box it has to have packet forwarding enabled. To immediately effect this, setting the following sysctl variable thusly is sufficient: sysctl -w net.inet.ip.forwarding=1 Then, to have packet forwarding enabled automatically during every reboot, setting the following option in /etc/rc.conf will be sufficient: gateway_enable=YES 2.1. NETSTAT(1) and the Routing Table FreeBSD, being a powerful network-ready OS, is capable of any routing operation that may be needed. Routing tables being the core decision making points in a network, we should be able to view the routing table of any FreeBSD box. This is accomplished by 'netstat -r' (root@box)~># netstat -r Routing tables Internet: Destination Gateway Flags Refs Use Netif Expire localhost localhost UH 0 2 lo0 (root@box)~># A fresh system without any network configuration will have a routing table very similar to this. There would only be one route, that for the localhost. The localhost is the generic loopback device for TCP/IP. Any packets sent to it loop back to the host itself. If you, for instance, telnet to localhost, you will telnet back into the box you're on. If you're on a shell account and telnet to the localhost, you will telnet back into the box that you have your shell account on. This device must be on for any network oriented operations to work and is enabled by default in the kernel. The first column in the routing table is, at it is clearly identified, the "destination" for the route. In the case of localhost, to the route to localhost must have "localhost" in the destination column. The second column, the "gateway" column, is the next hop the route must take to get closer to the destination. In the case of the localhost, the only "hop" that must be taken is back to itself, therefore "localhost" is seen in both columns. The third column lists any flags for the route that give additional information. The 'U' means that the route is usable, and the 'H' means that the route is to a host computer and not a subnet/network. Some common additional flags that may be seen are: b The route represents a broadcast address C Generate new routes on use c Protocol-specified generate new routes on use G Destination requires forwarding by intermediary H Host entry (net otherwise) L Valid protocol to link address translation S Manually added U Route usable W Route was generated as a result of cloning The next column is "Refs" and indicates how many active connexions there are using that network device. After that, we have the "Use" column which indicates how many data packets have been moved through that network device. Following that, we have the "Netif" column listing the device names, and finally the "Expire" column indicating the expire times for various connexions. The localhost, like many destination and gateway addresses within the routing table has an IP address representation, which is . In fact, the name localhost is simply a convention and the loopback device's address of may be named something else just as easily. The name is defined in the /etc/hosts file. The localhost is clearly not capable of facilitating network communication as it 1) does not uniquely identify a computer, and 2) loops back to the host itself, which by its very nature denies network communication. It is, on the other hand, simply a method for identifying the *local* host. 2.2. IFCONFIG(8), Network Devices, and Assigning IP Addresses Assuming that a host is connected to a network by some type of network interface, the host must be given a unique IP address so that other hosts can communicate to it via the TCP/IP protocol. Let us go back and look at our original network example and assume that our host is PC #2 equipped with a 3Com 3C509 NIC (Network Interface Card). An IP address must be assigned to the network device (the 3Com NIC) by which the host will be communicating with the network. This is accomplished by the ifconfig(8) command. In our example the IP we gave to PC #2 was . To assign to PC #2's network device, we would do the following: ifconfig ep0 inet netmask up The first parameter given ifconfig(8) is the device name that we are activating. A list of supported network devices can be acquired from the online FreeBSD Handbook (http://www.freebsd.org/handbook/). To acquire the device name (in this case 'ep0') of your NIC you can issue the following command: ifconfig -l This will list all available network devices on your system. Ones such as ppp0, lp0, sl0, tun0, and lo0 can be ruled out, they being the network devices: Kernel PPP, PLIP, SLIP, User PPP, and localhost respectively. (root@box)~># ifconfig -l ep0 lp0 tun0 sl0 ppp0 lo0 gif0 gif1 gif2 gif3 stf0 faith0 (root@box)~># The "gif0 gif1 gif2 gif3 stf0 faith0" network devices are for IPv6 and can be safely ignored for our purposes. The second parameter is the address family that is being used. By default it is 'inet' or the internet address family. Other supported address families are 'ipx' and 'atalk.' In most cases, inet is the address family you will be dealing with if your network is connected to the Internet and/or uses standard TCP/IP to communicate, and as such, the address family parameter can be left out. The third parameter is the actual IP address being assigned. The fourth parameter here is 'netmask' followed by the netmask that routing at this node will obide by. In this case, was given as the netmask because our example network has a class B network address range to assign addresses from. The last parameter tells the network device to become active with the previously outlined configuration. Be default, the network device will be activated with the configuration passed in through ifconfig(8) making 'up' superfluous. As such, 'up' is rarely passed in unless the device was marked 'down' previously. 2.3. IFCONFIG(8) in more Detail We can now examine the details of network device setup to determine whether it is 'up' simply by issuing 'ifconfig ep0' : (root@box)~># ifconfig ep0 ep0: flags=8843 mtu 1500 inet netmask 0xffff0000 broadcast ether 10:0c:27:7c:c2:45 media: 10baseT/UTP (10baseT/UTP ) supported media: 10baseT/UTP 10baseT/UTP 10baseT/UTP (root@box)~># We can see that, for one, 'UP' is shown for ep0 and that secondly, on the line below it, the IP address we assigned it is listed. We also notice the broadcast address which reflects the netmask (also listed, but in hex as 0xffff0000 - the '0x' initiates every hex netmask and the first four fs indicate that the first 16 bits are set high, while the last 16 are set low, resulting in we specified: our netmask of indicated that starting on the 16th bit (at the third octet) our local network began, and therefore, the broadcast address should be the top most address within that address range. Our network's address range is, therefore, our broadcast address is . We also can see the MAC address of the ep0 network device (the same one we assigned this host's NIC in our original network example) on the third line. The current media type and a list of supported media types can be seen on the fourth and fifth lines respectively. 2.4. ARP, IFCONFIG(8) and Network Devices If we list our routing table now we will not see any changes, but once we ping the new IP address: (root@box)~># ping -c 1 PING ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=0.158 ms --- ping statistics --- 1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 0.158/0.158/0.158/0.000 ms (root@box)~># we will see that a new route has been added: (root@box)~># netstat -r Routing tables Internet: Destination Gateway Flags Refs Use Netif Expire localhost localhost UH 0 2 lo0 192.168 link#1 UC 0 0 10:0c:27:7c:c2:45 UHLW 0 20 lo0 (root@box)~># Why did the route suddenly appear, and how could we ping the address if there was no route originally to it? Because ARP is by default active for all network devices and we had already assigned an IP address to the ep0 network device, the system was able to through ARP resolve the IP address to the 10:0c:27:7c:c2:45 MAC address. Once this was done, a route was automatically added to facilitate the path of the ping. Once the route was added, the ping could proceed successfully. ARP may be disabled for a network device; if we wanted to make things more difficult we could disable ARP for our ep0 network device by issuing the following command: ifconfig ep0 -arp However, we will not do this as it would be counter-productive to our successful management of this network. You will also notice a third entry in the routing table has appeared. That is a special route to the first address within our network ( When we added our IP address we did so with a netmask of which makes the third and fourth octets of our IP address part of our network - that is, they are address ranges from which addresses can be assigned to hosts on our network. The first and second octets identify the network, as those values do not change, that is, all addresses within our network begin with '192.168' which is a shorthand for . If you recall our earlier discussion on netmasks, we learned that the network address of a network or subnet is the first address within its address range. In our 192.168 class B network, the first address . the Special link#<0,1,2> type routes are also used to denote other conditions. For instance, when a route is set to a host and the gateway is not known/found (because the gateway went down, the host went down or neither gateway nor host ever existed) it will be shown as a link#1 route. 2.5. ARP(8) and Routing A very convenient command is called arp(8) which can be used to return the MAC address mapped to a particular IP address or to return the entire IP -> MAC table. Issuing the command 'arp -a' does exactly does. Issuing 'arp' would return the MAC address for the IP address ; for instance: (root@box)~># arp ( at 10:0c:27:7c:c2:45 permanent (root@box)~># The identifier "permanent" follows the address results indicating that this particular MAC address entry can not be changed, meaning that it is the MAC address of some locally installed network device. The entries in this table for network devices on other nodes on the network can change. Such changes can take place when hardware is replaced or a node moves. arp(8) can also be used to set MAC entries in its table for particular IP addresses. In our earlier example, where the entry in the routing table was added automatically when we pinged the IP address of ep0, we could have manually added the route in the routing table by issuing the following arp(8) command: arp -s 10:0c:27:7c:c2:45 Because this route would have been manually set, the 'S' flag would appear for this route in the routing table instead of the 'W' flag: (root@box)~># netstat -r Routing tables Internet: Destination Gateway Flags Refs Use Netif Expire localhost localhost UH 0 2 lo0 192.168 link#1 UC 0 0 10:0c:27:7c:c2:45 UHLS 0 0 lo0 (root@box)~># The 'L' flag indicates that this is a link level route, which, in short, means that it is a route dealing with MAC addresses. Referring back to our original example network, let us assume we wanted to next set a route to PC #4 so that PC #2 (our current one) and PC #4 could communicate. This could be accomplished with the following command: arp -s 00:0a:11:45:14:70 and our routing table would reflect this accordingly: (root@box)~># netstat -r Routing tables Internet: Destination Gateway Flags Refs Use Netif Expire localhost localhost UH 0 2 lo0 192.168 link#1 UC 0 0 00:0a:11:45:14:70 UHLS 1 5 ep0 50 10:0c:27:7c:c2:45 UHLS 0 0 lo0 (root@box)~># Now PC #4 and PC #2 could communicate using the TCP/IP protocol suite. Normally, each host will automatically find any directly connected hosts and add a route in the routing table for them, so manually adding such routes through arp(8) is usually unnecessary. 2.6. ROUTE(8) instead of ARP(8) 2.6.1. Adding routes with ROUTE(8) Using arp(8) manually and/or waiting for the system to use ARP to translate IP addresses to their corresponding MACs and then including that entry within the routing table is not the only way to set network routes; in many cases it is impossible or impracticle to determine the MAC address of a particular host. On a small LAN this would never be a problem, however, in WANs the case is different. As such, there is a another, more powerful, command used for setting routes, based on IP addresses as well as MAC addresses. It is appropriately named route(8) and is a more conventional method for setting link level routes instead of arp(8). Strictly IP address routes with route(8) can be set with the following syntax: route add To set link level route as we did earlier with arp(8) the following syntax can be used: route add -link So, the route we set with arp(8) could have been set with route(8) thusly: route add -link 00:0a:11:45:14:70 Let is say we wished to now set a route from PC #2 to PC #3. Clearly as PC #3 is connected to the network via a SLIP connexion we can not use a link level connexion as we did to PC #4 with arp(8). Examining the network layout we see that gateway G is the intermediary between PC #4 and PC #2. When setting routes to hosts that are not directly connected, hop counts are utilized so the system can maintain a measure of the expense of a particular route. For instance, a route whose destination is 3 hops away is more costly than one that is 1 hop away. Hop counts are passed to the route(8) command using the -hopcount modifier. As such, we can set a route thusly: route add -hopcount 1 2.6.2. ROUTE(8) Flags There are a number of additional flags and modifiers available for route(8), some of which are listed here: Modifiers: -mtu - maximum transmission unit allowed Flags: -cloning - generates a new route on use -iface - destination is directly reachable -static - manually added route -nostatic - pretend route added by kernel or daemon -reject - emit an ICMP unreachable when matched -blackhole - silently discard packets (during updates) Viewing our routing table we see the new route: (root@box)~># netstat -r Routing tables Internet: Destination Gateway Flags Refs Use Netif Expire localhost localhost UH 0 2 lo0 192.168 link#1 UC 0 0 00:0c:ac:7d:c2:98 UHLW 1 7 ep0 230 00:0a:11:45:14:70 UHLS 2 15 ep0 532 10:0c:27:7c:c2:45 UHLS 0 0 lo0 UGHS 1 5 ep0 20 (root@box)~># Data packets now will know they need to travel to gateway G ( first in order to reach PC #3 ( . At gateway G, they will travel through the SLIP connexion to PC #3, however, as far as PC #4 is concerned, data packets simply need to be sent in the direction of gateway G for them to get to their destination. Luckily, the gateway is directly connected to PC #4, and as such, a route to it would have been automatically added by the system. It may have also been added manually using route(8) or arp(8). 2.6.3. ROUTE(8) and the Default Route Unfortunately, we do not always know the exactly route to a host as we did in the case of PC #3. We knew it was exactly one hop away and that this hop was the gateway G. Let us assume that PC #3 is not directly connected to gateway G, but is in some distant network. ( ( ppp0 sl0 PC #1 PC #3 | | | / \ | Haze of Networks | \ / | | | ( | (00:0c:ax:6a:c1:10) (00:0b:27:5c:d3:100) ( ( (00:0b:27:5c:d3:89) (00:0c:ac:7d:c2:98) (10:0c:27:7c:c2:45) Bridge ------------------ G ------------------- PC #2 | | | ( (00:0a:11:45:14:70) PC #4 We must take a different approach. We still see that data packets must pass through gateway G in order eventually reach PC #3, however, we do not know how many hops PC #3 is away. Furthermore, we may also wish contact other hosts periodically that are located in the "Haze of Networks." Setting a route to each of them ahead of them, if such a route is even possible to be set, would suddenly turn into nightmare. Such situations are handled by the "default" route. When there is no direct route set to a host, data packets are then moved out the "default" route. In this case, the default route would be gateway G as it is the intermediary that connects PC #2 with PC #3 and the rest of the "Haze of Networks." Before we set the "default" route, let us delete the route we set to PC #3: (root@box)~># route delete delete host (root@box)~># and now: (root@box)~># route add default add net default: gateway (root@box)~># (root@box)~># netstat -r Routing tables Internet: Destination Gateway Flags Refs Use Netif Expire default UGSc 1 10 ep0 localhost localhost UH 0 2 lo0 192.168 link#1 UC 0 0 00:0c:ac:7d:c2:98 UHLW 1 7 ep0 230 00:0a:11:45:14:70 UHLS 2 15 ep0 532 10:0c:27:7c:c2:45 UHLS 0 0 lo0 (root@box)~># Also, the route to has become superfluous as packets can reach it via the "default" route. As such, we can remove it also: (root@box)~># route delete delete host (root@box)~># (root@box)~># netstat -r Routing tables Internet: Destination Gateway Flags Refs Use Netif Expire default UGSc 1 10 ep0 localhost localhost UH 0 2 lo0 192.168 link#1 UC 0 0 00:0c:ac:7d:c2:98 UHLW 1 7 ep0 410 10:0c:27:7c:c2:45 UHLS 0 0 lo0 (root@box)~># Clearly, the "default" route is powerful and makes many small-time routing issues easier to deal with, and not to mention, allows for a very scalable network environment. 2.6.4 Network Routes & Host Routes Here we also have our first contact with setting routes to networks. the "default" route is a route to all networks beyond a host's direct routes. Routes can also be set to specific networks or subnets; for instance, if we wished to add a route to the '10.54.81' class C network which, for argument's sake, ws connected to our host via gateway G, we would issue the following command: route add -net 10.54.81 2.6.5 Changing Routes with ROUTE(8) route(8) also has other functions. Changing routes can be accomplished with the "change" command instead of using "delete" and "add" in succession. Routes can be looked up and returned using the "get" command, and the routing table can be flushed (cleared), based on address family or all routes together using the "flush" command followed by any optional address family identifiers. If, for instance, you wished to change the gateway of the route to from 00:0c:ac:7d:c2:98 to 00:12:4c:78:23:10 you could issue the following command: route change -link 00:12:4c:78:23:10 If you now wished to change the hop count of this route, you could issue the following command: route change -hopcount 2 Now, having done this, if we wished to retrieve information on this route, we could issue the following command: (root@box)~># route get route to: destination: gateway: 00:0c:ac:7d:c2:98 interface: ep0 flags: recvpipe sendpipe ssthresh rtt,msec rttvar hopcount mtu expire 16384 16384 0 0 0 2 1500 0 (root@box)~># We can see the hop count value as we had adjusted it, along with the new gateway. For additional usages of route(8), arp(8), ifconfig(8), ping(8), and netstat(1) the corresponding man pages should be consulted. 3. PING(8) ping(8) is your friend. It sends ICMP ECHO packets to the target host, and if there is a route to the host, and the host is up, an ICMP ECHO from the host will be recieved. Use it to test the integrity of routes and/or whether a host is alive. 4. Basic Host and Network Naming Hitherto we have seen the routing table only reflecting the IP addresses and in only one instance an actual name - localhost. In large networks, mapping name -> IP and IP -> name is often handled by a local NIS or DNS server. For small LANs or where strictly local configurations are employed such that the naming will only be relevant in a small area of the network or subnet, naming for hosts can be done in /etc/hosts and naming for networks/subnets can be done in /etc/networks . 4. Basic Host and Network Naming Hitherto we have seen the routing table only reflecting the IP addresses and in only one instance an actual name - localhost. In large networks, mapping name -> IP and IP -> name is often handled by a local NIS or DNS server. For small LANs or where strictly local configurations are employed such that the naming will only be relevant in a small area of the network or subnet, naming for hosts can be done in /etc/hosts and naming for networks/subnets can be done in /etc/networks .