The first is a general goal to create a complex world designed for ideal human existence according to legislated principles. Accordingly the narrative, aims to achieve these goals by constructing frameworks and goals and then enlisting various humans to help see them to fruition. However, as amply demonstrated by example, the human variable is volatile and frequently confronts understanding with instances of ignorance. /Isn't it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses? /One of the measures of use in art is whether "art exist for art's sake." Captain Kirk. /Death in art has been " a formal subject a long time", But the killing of people for art is not admitted to". /Women were created like animals and plants and other useful things, /"Murder is against the laws of God and Man", M-5 the computer.
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since when dose everything have to make sence? think of this as a coffee table book, it's here to look at over tea.......
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