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Situation 13: there are voices from out side the scene saying what follows
This is an outrage; there is no solidarity among us. This is the land of the free?

Living is easy with eyes closed

And the tears of war will produce the daily bread for the generations to come.

{Jesus, I have a question:}
Perreaoult's Experimentsinart Part 3

For some kind of answer
Situation 14: here comes Darwin and he's followed by that little boy I think and yeas it's a family group now with the child running about acting very ape like and still we hear the voices from off stage.
Answer one: Generally, I think anybody should be able to have enough money to buy a suite in Heaven.
Answer Two: The lesson for today is that the only way to stop someone from saying bad things is to kill them. So
     Go to your parent's knife drawer and under the sink to fetch all sorts of nasty chemicals and sharp things. And those of you with firearms, get daddy's guns too. And remember martyrs 
you don't need to ask questions!
Remain calm and you will be fitted with jury-rigged handmade explosives and other weapons of your choosing.
With any luck, you will be given the chance to fight and possibly valiantly die against the evil
Finally, remember that "killing is great, but only when we say so".
     If you would like to enjoy the afterlife, another thing you can do besides dying for our cause is to kill anyone we tell you to kill.
       You know you've been successful when some seventy virgin women say that they prefer you to god.
women are like unicorns; mystical magical creatures.
Situation 15: what ever nannies voices sounds like or perhaps it's some other voice but it should be a woman's voice for it is a woman after all isn't it?
Comments from a woman I do not know,
How do you know if you are a unicorn?.
unicorns, dragons, Bible, Jesus, last days, religion, Old Testament get what your looking for at www.whatyourlookingforweanin'
Situation 16: our group disperses the woman to some far corner while Darwin takes up a position in the foreground. The little boy acts out the discriptions givin by the man while our woman...she is smitten as if hearing a love lettler by romeo
Why speak of love again
          why converse on such
          as if many have not
          as if love may be found
          on a weekend march

          marching for love
          with guns in your hands
          for your mothers salvation
          at your fathers command
          shooting others
          for love of your country

          what talk is love repeated
          what communication for this
          for multitudes can't find
          for maybe love can materialize in reality
          between the workdays

          working for love
          with pens in your hands
          for your mothers pride and joy
          with your fathers influence
          making big bucks
          for love of money

          who spoke in loves retention
          were participation exist
          dose not this require more than one
          or is it to be had
          during holidays revelry
revelry for love
          with toast in your hands
          with you mothers cooking on the table
          with fathers heart burn soon at hand
          wasting food
          for love of gluttony

          where's advertised love's redemption
          who benefits so much?
          who decided that love was on sale?
          is it true?
          is love found?
          in plain unmarked packages
          with in which
          what kind of love paid for?

          paid for love
          with cash in your hands
          with mama now looking away
          with your fathers permission
          but not in my house
          destroy others
           for love of sex
Situation 17: our colonialist returns. He reads from a book- has a charming conversation with Darwin

AS Stated in the belief books of some...
IF.         Women are of course nothing more than Reproduction Machines.
Then.      It is only natural to question not only their intelligence but also their very conscience.

So are art works representing, "attractive sexual fleshiness" of women any more than the above Ideals?

Proof of the purpose of women!
Reproduction Machines

Case One
Women are of course nothing more than Reproduction Machines. As proven by the living body of Christ - it is only natural then to question not only their intelligence but also their very conscience.

This line of thought taken by asking the question as to the purpose of
Interference in the progress of human beings by an entity that must be by definition not only the creator of reality thus the universe but must also be the universe.
Ha!      Situation 18: enter the voice of our wondering little boy -he races forward to make his point to whom ever is closest of our patrons
The insatiable monster. Is not art this?  Art is a Monster. You are nothing! Be for it! Ha Ha Ha Ha Haaaaaaaaa {see page 7}
Now; then imagining for the purpose of argument to be God, decide for some reason that to
impregnate a human being is god's one purpose.  She being of less importance than the life developing inside of her, "she is after all only a reproduction machine" she being nothing more than a vessel, a house of god so to speak.
She is the church. The child, "male child" being God or Christ�
{What ever do you mean there Jr.? situation 19: spoken buy our dear lady}.
...And in this church we find the holy water,  

Basic Functions of a Milking Machine

Reproduction, Lactation and Behavior of Domestic Animals Basic Functions of a Milking Machine Controlled vacuum Opens streak canal and provides the differential pressure necessary for milk to flow. Massages the teat to provide stimulation and�
Situation 20: Note sound of wailing
Situation 21: out come the mannequins and the drawings I think, and everyone sets the scene while Darwin speaks of god, he sits to sketch a image of the woman
It is a fact that some people believe that it is their God given right to take all of the earth by force.
This thing painting is so difficult to explain; it is not simply the application of paint to a canvas, it is I. this is the true meaning of it I think. I think that the making of these things is the transference of my sub-conscience thoughts from mind to a more solid form. I am free really free in this way; is it beautiful? How do I describe beautiful when such horror exists?
she is beautiful
speak not to me of beauty-what know you of it
beautiful as a raging crest of c
oming storm
beautiful as all consumi
ng fire
beautiful as death defying acti
ons of a mad man
that is beautiful
that is
tear away your eye
tear away and look yo
tear away from beaut
speak to me of beaut

that is beautiful
beautiful beautiful perfection
perfection is beautiful
she is perfect
is she not beautiful?
     ....imagine. Rather I should think that I try to find the idea that best serves a need. Needs need not be perfection nor beautiful for in any event such things are temporal. What's more, not only are they temporal but they are also dependent on personal and cultural prejudices.
     I would be lying if I did not admit to thinking that some of the paintings are beautiful. I do not believe that I would go on making them if this were not so. Perhaps it is the beauty of a thing, the subject of which may be horror that makes it so attractive. We are odd we humans in this regard; we find such beauty in things so ugly.
Situation 22: for no apparent reason we hear from out of scene "Hi stranger, I'm Perreaoult, the artist,�Dam you ugly! "
Situation 23: our colonialist speaks while destroying drawings smashing canvases
Situation 24: our woman lays back in repose, caressing her body she speaks
dampness of a summer day
          raining in the minuscule
          playing music
          so lite-so lite
          brighten the evening storms!
          brighter still the inner shelf of redemption!
          wetness in the mind
          raindrops of condensation
          falling, a wall of dreaming clouds
          so humid it tingles on your face
          hotter than sunshine
          water falls
          falling down on thee
          kissing you it's absence
          a breath of shining breezes
          faces of a dream
          shower of a summer fragrance
          water falling in your mind
          droplets carry-rise and shine
          coming up again
          lighten the summer days
          so minuscule
          nor music nor sunshine inhibit it
          the evening storm
          she blow it all away a kiss
       What art you
          art you an artist?
          to sing phases on paper
          in ink and with pen
          to bring canvas to life at a stroke
          art you truly so special
          or art you a joke
          an illusion you've made for your soul
          what are you?
          are you a man in a plasticine hat
          a juggling fool
          with delusions of grandeur
          an inflated balloon that's gone flat
          what art you
          foundations of concrete all crumbled to
          conceit smashing back in your face
          creations of wonder collecting the dust
          expressing the ultimate waste
          What are you?

A visual medium,
Situation 25: every one is still as the little boy becomes a reporter to announce....
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