"There is no spoon."
- Spoon Boy

The Metaphysics of The Matrix

The Matrix is a computer generated simulation of reality, and as such, has pre-programmed rules that emulate the real the world. However, because they are merely code of the a complex program, these rules can be bent and broken subjectively to varying degrees. Everything within the Matrix is a program represented in ways that stimulate the human senses to give a sense of reality. We define real as something you can hear, see, smell,touch, or taste, and by telling our brain to do these things, the Matrix appears all too real.


Gravity can be completely defied only by the One. However, as a programmed rule of the Matrix, it can be defied to a degree by anyone freed and properly trained. One of extreme skill can leap from skyscraper to skyscraper in a single bound, or run up a wall to perform an aerial maneuver.

Strength and Speed

Strength and speed can both be greatly augmented in the Matrix. Enhancement of both attributes relies not on the muscles, but the power of the mind to remain aware that the impulses sent by the Matrix to your brain are not real. Resistance operatives are trained in many different styles of martial arts, and taught to combine these skills with the flexibility of the Matrix, resulting in blinding fast fighters with amazing acrobatic agility.

Manifestation in the Matrix

As stated before, the Matrix simulates reality by representing programming in visual and sensory manners. Because of this, various programs designed for specific tasks by the Resistance or the AI have manifested themselves as physical objects. For example, the Resistance trace program used to find the real world position of one being freed from the Matrix manifests itself as a red pill, that becomes activated upon swallowing. Manifestations such as this make freeing the mind easier as they stimulate the senses while performing their function.

Glitches/Deja Vu

The Matrix program, despite its intricacy, is far from perfection. Occasionally there are small 'pings', "glitches in the Matrix", that manifest in all sorts of odd phenomena. Deja vu is one such phenomena, when one sees something occur twice in the exact same manner. It is subjective to every case whether this is actually a program glitch or the mind temporarily seeing through its virtual prison, but in any case it occurs when the AI alters the Matrix in some way. Another such occurance is sudden location change, when one finds themself in another place and cannot recall how they arrived there. The AI does this to those who come close to discovering their true predicament. In these occurances the person is usually returned to their home in bed, the experiences the AI doesn't want you to have appear to have only been a dream or nightmare.

Connection and Disconnection to the Matrix

Almost the entire human race is jacked into the Matrix, "software" connected to the "network" by cerebral jacks that send and receive signals to and from central processing units through hardwires. In order to be freed from the Matrix one's charging tank must be located in real life and your cerebral jack must be unplugged. Afterward access is more difficult. The Resistance gains unnauthorized access to the Matrix by using their own brand of cerebral wire that connects to their cerebral jacks, and by broadcasting a pirate signal, that accesses one of those many hardlines connected to the core. Once inside operatives can only exit by getting a hold of a hardline within the Matrix, the Comm Operator outside then sends a signal through that line, and return to the real world. Hardlines manifest themselves within the Matrix as telephones and cellular communication, allowing denizens to communicate long distance with each other further maintaining the masquerade of reality.
Sentient Agents
Agents are the AI enforcers within the Matrix, keeping possible recruitment targets of the Resistance under surveillance and pursuing Resistance operatives for elimination. They can be anyone, anywhere, able to take control of any software hardwired to the Matrix. How long this control over a human lasts is not known, or if it is in fact finite for that matter.

Loading Time/Ping

The Matrix network is sometimes bogged down by certain unlikely occurances of immense proportion, these occurances taking longer to process mathematically due to their unlikely hood, and 'ping' occurs, a small delay in the functions of the Matrix. For example, during Morpheus' rescue by Neo and Trinity a helicopter they were using to escape malfunctioned and veered into an office building, colliding through the glass of the building. However the glass did not break on impact, its destruction was delayed by this ping, rippling like water impacted with a pebble for a moment before shattering. A moment later the helicopter exploded.

Reinsertion Into The Matrix

There have been documented occurrances of Resistance operatives betraying their cause to return to the false reality offered by the Matrix, the most recent of these rare cases being the renegade operative Cypher. For this to be accomplished the traitor must contact a representative of the AI within the Matrix and strike some sort of bargain, a trade. If successful their body is located and returned the pods, where their memories are extracted through their cerebral jack and those of a new life are loaded. If the bargain is very valuable to the AI it is possible that the traitor could have their choice of life circumstances, occupation and such.
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