Entrepreneurs, Startups, MVP

What is an MVP? and why Should you define yours precisely?

Let us take you through a quick read to help you answer these questions

A minimum viable product, or MVP, is a bare-bones version of your app that contains only the essential features. It serves as a testing ground to validate your app idea and gauge its market demand.

MVP Characteristics

Essential Features

For an MVP to be called an MVP, it needs to have all the core features essential for communicating the main app idea. This enables users to evaluate your app effectively and provide valuable feedback.

Providing Value

An MVP should still provide value to users, even in its early stages. Despite being a rudimentary version, it should deliver on the core promise of your app, enticing early adopters and validating your concept.


Cost-effectiveness is crucial in MVP development. By minimizing time and resources spent on building it, you reduce financial risks. This allows you to test your idea without significant investment, making it easier to pivot or iterate if necessary.

Foundation for Future Development

Lastly, an MVP serves as the foundation for your final app. It enables iterative improvements and feature additions based on user feedback, ensuring that your product evolves to meet market demands.

Importance of MVPs

Proving the product viability

MVPs offer a practical approach to test an app idea in the real world, validating its potential market success. By launching an MVP and observing user engagement, you can assess whether your concept resonates with the target audience.

Receiving feedback from users

MVPs provide invaluable feedback from users, helping you refine your app and address pain points early on. User feedback guides iterative development, leading to a more refined product with higher user satisfaction.

Identifying bugs

Early detection and resolution of bugs are critical in app development. MVPs allow you to identify and fix critical issues before they escalate, ensuring a smoother user experience and minimizing negative reviews.

MVP Types

Low-fidelity MVPs

Low-fidelity MVPs, although basic in functionality, serve as effective tools to gauge market demand. By simulating product features without extensive development, you can validate your concept before committing significant resources.

High-fidelity MVPs

High-fidelity MVPs provide a more refined user experience, offering actual functionality albeit with limited features. These prototypes enable real user interaction, facilitating more accurate feedback collection and validation of core app functionalities.

MVP App Development Process

Identify a problem to solve

Define the core problem your app aims to solve, ensuring its relevance and market demand. Conduct thorough research and user interviews to gain insights into user pain points and preferences.

Conduct market research

Explore the target market's size, demographics, and competitors to understand the competitive landscape. Analyze existing solutions and identify gaps or opportunities for innovation.

Know your competitors

Study competitors' offerings, features, and user feedback to identify strengths and weaknesses. Differentiate your app by addressing unmet needs or enhancing existing functionalities.

Define features

Identify essential features based on user requirements and market analysis. Prioritize features using frameworks like MoSCoW to focus on core functionalities essential for the MVP.

Create a prototype

Develop a visual representation of your MVP, allowing users to interact with the product before full development. Prototypes aid in identifying usability issues and refining user experience.

Build the MVP

Develop the MVP with a focus on speed and quality, ensuring it meets user expectations while minimizing development time and costs. Iterate based on user feedback to enhance features and address issues.

Analyze the feedback

Collect and analyze user feedback to iteratively improve the MVP. Utilize metrics such as engagement, user retention, and satisfaction to measure success and guide future development iterations.

Planning to build an MVP?

Embarking on MVP development presents challenges in balancing value, development time, and resource allocation. Understanding the MVP process and leveraging user feedback are essential for creating a successful product that meets user needs and achieves market validation. At Evotik we do our best to make this a pleasent experience and help you bring your idea to live