Middle Age Blues

By "Big Al," 7-20-92

Editor's Note: This is one of a number of poems received some years ago from "Big Al," along with his permission to publish them on the Internet. He is, or was then, a professional weightlifter… a huge man, bulging from his t-shirt, bearded, with long graying hair. An unlikely poet, perhaps, but the message in his blunt, unpolished style is clear.

Im so depressed, Im so undone
What a way to die it is
Ive done it all but Ive had no fun
What a way to die it is
When the shit hit the fan I had my back turned
I got no sympothy just a lesson to learn
And I'ed walk away but I'ed get a sun burn
What a way to die it is
I learned all the rules and I followed them well
What a way to die it is
Now they say when I die Im going to hell
What a way to die it is
I've spent all my life trying to prove my worth
But I've been getting fucked sence the day of my birth
I'm so damb blue I could pass for a smerf
What a way to die it is
Honesty is the best policy so they all say
What a way to die it is
But Im getting ripped off every day
What a way to die it is
You only go round once its the popular belief
Every time I need anything I feel like a thief
To know I dont go round twice is quite a relief
What a way to die it is
What a way to die it is


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