About Time and the River

This web site began as a collection of some of my favorite poetry, prose, and proverbs, gathered over many years from places long forgotten. It has since become something of an online laboratory, playground, and scrapbook. I post things here as much for my own enjoyment as for yours.

Everwild is the domain name I adopted as an umbrella for my creative endeavors, back when short, easy-to-remember domain names were still readily available.

Some of what you'll find on this site appeared on my first web site, The Beachcomber, from mid-1997 through late 1999.

There's not much more to tell. For the curious, I spent my working years in a variety of printing- and publishing-related jobs, the last as editor of a small medical journal for 15 years.

I invite your comments and suggestions.

Thanks for stopping by.

—Susan Records


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Page last modified 5/16/06
© 1997-2006 Everwild