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Eva & Adele

Hello and welcome to "Eva & Adele World". We noticed that there were'nt any decent Eva & Adele sites on the web, so we just had to create one! Eva and Adele are Germany's most famous example of living art. This one man, one woman double act have been working together since the early 90's and have crossed over the boundaries of gender. They claim to be hermaphrodite twins sent from the future to spread a global, artistic message! They travel the world in a pink bus visiting art galleries and museums to pose as human exhibits. Eva & Adele compile a visual record of their art, by collecting photographs taken by curious bystanders. According to Adele "We ask people to send back the photo's they take of us, so that we can use these to create works of art. Collectively we call these "CUM".

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This site was updated: 01 /February /2004

EVA & ADELE Eva & Adele

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an official product of the HOUSE OF ADRIAN & SHANE � 2004

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