These are my C1 genomes. Each file includes a .gen file and two .exp files and a .txt file.
I have been doing a cycle of creating a genome, then putting it in a wolfing run, then creating another based of it and doing another run, and so on. You can download what I've got by now.
Test 1
Test 2
Rejected Genomes
These ones left no descendants in the wolfing run, so were rejected. There's only one right now, a test 2 version. Having maximum initial concentration of tiredness and sleepiness is a good idea, but unless they're born really hungry, they tend to sleep until they starve.
Food Searching
This a a genome I recently made. They have a receptor making them look at food when hungry. I tested them out and in a crowd of norns, they would be kissing each other but when one got hungry they'd immediately look at food if there was food nearby. They're also blue - I did that so I could tell them from normal norns, and also because I like blue C1 norns.
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