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Training On HTML and Creating a Web Page




Step 1

Getting Started


What is HTML?


HTML document


View Source


Saving of HTML file


HTML Tags 

Step 2

 Creating a Web Page


Notepad as HTML editor


The Web Page


HTML Cods Explained

Step 3

Basic HTML Tags








It won’t take long time to create and publish your own web page. Or you don’t need to be anyone particular important or a company with something to sell.


You just need three things:


  1. Some way to convert text into HTML.
  2. Something to say and
  3. Somewhere to put web pages.


Dozens of programs claim to simplify the procedures of converting text into HTML. These days most attempt to make it a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get), desktop-publishing affairs.


However, well they succeed, you’d still be advised to know how HTML works in order to master the WYSIWYG and to create your own web pages.


The good news is that, unlike computer programming in general, it’s dead easy. It basically boils down to writing the page in plain text, adding instructions on how to place image, and creating links to other pages.


This training enables you to learn the Basics of HTML and On how to create a web page in three simple steps.


Once you have learnt the rules, BREAK them.

Congratulation for your decision.


Step One

 Getting Started


What is HTML?


HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is a computer language that allows you to format pages for displaying on the World Wide Web.


HTML document


HTML document is a plain- text file that can be created using any text editor such as Notepad.


View Source


Both Netscape and Internet explorer allow you to see the HTML coding behind the actual web page that you see with your browser software. The command is under view menu.


¨       For Netscape users, click View and then click "Document/Page Source"

¨       For Internet explorer users, click View and then click "Source"


Saving of HTML file


When you first save an HTML file, change the "Save as type" drop-down menu to "All Files" and give the name you wish with “html” file extension, small letters and no spacing.


Example:   viewsource.html




To denote the various elements (e.g. Heads, table, paragraphs, lines etc) in an HTML document, tags are used.


Lets see the tags:


First, click this web page viewsource.html and open “View Source” from your browser menu to see the raw cods.


The first thing you will notice is that the text is surrounded with comment between less-than and greater-than symbols like these:


< Title> View Source < /Title>

< h7> Home Page < /h7>


These comments are known as tags. Most tags come in pairs and apply to the text they enclose. A forward slash signals the end of the text, as in </title> and < /h7>.


Tags are not case sensitive: <head> means the same as <HEAD>




  Step Two

Creating a Web Page


 The quickest way to learn about HTML is to create a simple web page from scratch and here is the tool:


Notepad as HTML editor


You can create a web page with NotePad. In doing so, open a new blank page in a NotePad and name it homepage.html, save and close it. Note that the name is written in small letter, no spacing and with html extension.


Warning: Don’t forget to change the "Save as type" drop-down menu to "All Files"


The Web Page


Now, open again the file (homepage.html), open View from the browser menu, click "Source" and type in the following HTML cods:




<TITLE> Your Home Page </TITLE>




<HR width=50% color="green" size="5" align="center">


<HR width=50% color="yellow" size="5" align="center">


<HR width=50% color="red" size="5" align="center">





Now, Save and open it in browser window. If you don’t see what you typed in the page, open View from the browser menu, click "Refresh."


  Click here to compare your web page.


HTML Cods Explained


The first tag in your HTML document is <HTML>. This tag tells your browser that this is the start of an HTML document. The last tag in your document is </HTML>. This tag tells your browser that this is the end of the HTML document.


The text between the <HEAD> tag and the  </HEAD> is header information. Header information is not displayed in the page. It is displayed in the technical part of the browser.


Therefore, the text between the <TITLE> tags is the title of your document and it is displayed in your browser’s caption.


The space between the <BODY> tags is the place where you will write your text, insert table etc. In our case the horizontal lines.


                                                                                    Step 3


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