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Knights of the Old Republic Home

This is my base of operations for Knights of the Old Republic. This game was recieved several game of the year nominations and rewards. This was the best Star Wars gaming experience of 2004.
In the next three pages I will show the storyline, my review of the game, and some screenshots to show you what this epic adventure is like. Only the best Star Wars games make it to my site so it is obvious that this game worthy to be a part of the Star Wars saga. If you are a fan of Star Wars you will love this game.
In the game you will travel across seven planets all with their own environments in order to complete your task. You will fight many different enemies on your quest making it all the more difficult. And the best aspect of the game is that you can choose either to go to the Light Side or the Dark Side of the force, beware certain decisions in the game will choose your destiny.
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