OILY SKIN~  Oily skin is characterized by an over production of sebum and feels thicker then dry or normal skins. Oily skin also has enlarged pores that can be filled with dirt and sebum. Imbalance of hormones or change in hormone levels during adolescence can help contribute oily skin.  that are rich  Oily skin is prone to pimples and blemishes, due to excessive oil. However they are less prone to wrinkles and fine lines compared to dry skin. If oily skin is not cleansed properly, dirt, grease and dead cells can clog follicles and cause blackheads which lead to pimples. Excessive washing or srubbing the face removes only the surface oil and not the debris trapped beneath the skin surface.
ENLARGED PORES~  You can no more change the type of skin you have than you can change the colour of your eyes. Enlarged pores can be made to appear smaller, but it is impossible to shrink follicles to the degree that the skin will look flawless.
NORMAL SKIN~  Normal skin appears neither to dry or too oily. It is usually free from blemishes that would require extensive treatments. Normal skin will benefit from  treatments that help to keep it healthy and attractive.
DRY SKIN~  Your skin can become dry from too much sun, wind, soaps, poor diet, aging lack of fluid intake etc. However, you may have three different conditions of dry skin.

DRY SKIN LACKING NATURAL OIL~ Also known as "oil dry", this is when the sebaceous glands fail to produce sebum (oil).

DRY SKIN THAT LACKS MOISTURE~ Your skin may have a high amount of oil but still feels dry and flacky. This is called "dehydrated skin" due to lack of water in the skin. They  will appear thin, and some cases small capillaries can be seen near skin surface.

MATURE ( AGING  SKIN)~  Dry skin is often due to the natural aging process of the body. The body's processes slow down and cells are not replaced as fast as they were  younger.
ACNE SKIN~  Has similar features as oily skin, and usually happens during adolescence age. Follicles become clogged leading to blackheads which can turn into pimples or acne. However, just because you have blackheads doesn't mean you have acne neccesarily, but if you have acne you have blackheads.
COUPEROSE SKIN~  This is when broken capillaries can be seen at the skin surface.
COMBINATION SKIN~  It has 2 or more different conditions.
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