Psoriasis is a disorder of the skin which typically consists of red patches covered by silvery white scales.
  These red scaly patches are usually found on the elbows, knees, lower back and scalp although not infrequently patches appear elsewhere including the nails. When psoriasis involves the groin, armpits, genital area and beneath the breasts it tends to be less scaly and have a glazed appearance. Psoriasis infrequently affects the face. It does not cause scarring and rarely results in hair loss.
  Psoriasis is very common. Approximately 2% of adults have psoriasis. Its exact cause is unknown but the result is skin which grows about seven times more quickly and thickly then usual. It is thought to be due, at least in part, to an abnormal immune reaction against some component of the skin. Genetic factors play a part: only some families develop the condition, and about half those affected know of someone else in the family with it.
  The rash often seems to start after some sort of trigger factor. this may be emotional stress, skin injury (cuts or scratches), sore throat, hormones (often first occurs at puberty), and rarely due to medications. These factors should be avoided whenever possible by people with psoriasis. there are probably others that they havn't discovered yet.
  It is not due to any particular foods so diets are not helpful, unless weight is making psoriasis of skin more troublesome. Moderate alcohol intake doesn't affect it, although it may interfere with certain treatments. Excessive alcohol aggravates psoriasis. It is not an allergy and it is not infectious to others.
  Psoriasis may improve or get worse during pregnancy. it does not have any harmful effect on either mother or child.
  There are a variety of treatments for psoriais, and new ones are under development.
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