Rosacea causes the nose and cheeks to suddenly turn beet red, often after eating spicy foods, drinking alcohol or hot beverage  or out in hot weather. Noone knows what really causes rosacea, although doctors have noticed that fair skinned women are genetically predisposed. Rosacea affects about 5 percent of the population, most often women between ages of 30 to 40.
FIL'S FAST FACT:   Sometimes rosacea appears to be due to a deficiency of B vitamins, which aren't fully absorbed becuase of insufficient stomach acid.
Fortunatley, keeping rosacea under control is frequently as simple as treating your skin gently and avoiding anything that's known to trigger a flush.

FIND A GENTLE CLEANSER:  Use a liquid facial cleanser that contains sodium lauryl sulfate recommends % of doctors.This will clean your skin gently and without any stimulation that might cause flushing.

SOOTHE YOUR SKIN WITH CHAMOMILE:  Since chamomile is known to soothe rosacea-prone skin, use cleansers, moisturizers containing chamomile, an herb related to the ragweed family. One caution though, if you are allergic to ragweed, you should avoid these cleansers.

AVOID ABRASIVES:  Any type of abrasion can cause a flush. So leave abrasive products such as scrubs, buff puffs or cleansing powders to others.

KEEP WRINKLE CREAMS TO A MINIMUM:  If you have rosacea and want to use a anti-aging cream that contains alpha hydroxy acids to prevent wrinkles, proceed cautiously. Read product labels carefully and only buy creams that keep the % of acid under 2.5%. If package directions urge you to use the cream twice a day, don't push your luck. use it once a day, tops. If  there is any redness at all, discontinue using the product.

SELECT COSMETICS FOR SENSITIVE SKIN:  Since the chemicals used in most cosmetics will irritate rosacea-prone skin \, use only cosmetics that are labeled "for sensitive skin". Although not chemical free, they usually have fewer and less irritating chemicals then regular makeup.

STAY IN THE SHADE:  Stay out of the sun, period. The sun may set off a flare-up, and no cover up or sunscreen will prevent it.

USE ONLY A TITANIUM DIOXIDE SUNSCREEN:  Even in the shade, you are exposed to indirect sunlight, so use a sunscreen whenever you go outside. Avoid all the chemicals sunscreens and stick to a sunscreen that lists titanium dioxide as its major ingrediant. It is less irritating to rosacea-prone skin.

STAY COOL:  Since heat is a major cause of flareups, dress in layers of light clothes that you can peel off to keep your body cool, no matter where you are.

DON"T DRINK ALCOHOL:  Alcohol causes blood vessels in the skin to dilate, making rosacea more noticeable.
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