A cysts is a harmless, sac-like growth in the deeper layers of the skin. The cyst sac is filled with a soft, whitish brown material that sometimes oozes out onto the skin' surfaces.
Cysts are a nuissance, but they rarely become cancerous or malignant. Occasionally bacteria enter the cysts and cause an infection which resembles a boil. When this happens, antibiotics taken by mouth and minor surgery may be needed to relieve the pressure and pain.
If you have a cysts, ask your dermatologists or doctor's advice. Small cysts (ex less then 5 mm) don't usually need treatment. Larger ones are usually removed because of their size and the risk of infection.

Cysts are treated by making a small surgical opening into the skin and removing the sac. This is done under local anaesthetic and may require stitches, removed a few days later.

Very occasionally the cysts recurs and needs further treatment.
If you want more information on cysts and the many different types there are, visist this site.
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