Technical Term: Bacteria that enter the skin through the hair follicles.It is a subcutaneous abscess that fills with pus. Also known as a Furuncle.
  Boils are nasty skin infections in which bacteria- the highly infectious staphylococcus invade an oil gland or hair follicle and cause it to swell with pus. It results in red, swollen painful bumps on the surface of the skin that can appear without warning.
   The most common places for boils to form are in blocked hair follicles on the buttocks, inner thighs and under arms, areas with a lot of moisture.
   Occasionally, boils can also form on the face or neck.
  Since the Staph bug often invades your body through a scratch or cut, put antibacterial ointment on all cuts and scrapes. People prone to boils may want to cosider washing regularly with antibacterial soap.
  Never pop a boil.  A boil drains a large amount of highly infected fluid. If you squeeze it, you will actually spread the infection and make it worse. Instead follow some of these steps.....

Apply warm compresses. Warm moist heat increases blood flow to the area, which may bring the boil to a head and speed healing. Applying a washcloth soaked in hot water to the boil for 20 to 30 minutes, two or three times a day, until the boil comes to a head. Once the boil pops naturally, it should feel better immediately, and should heal in a couple of days.

Wash away germs.  Keep the area clean by washing with a liquid antibacterial soap and water, especially when a boil has started to drain.

Do not poke,squeeze or pinch.  Generally, the main thing is not to poke, squeeze or pinch a boil. That can spread infection and cause scarring.

Avoid oil.  As the skin heals avoid oily products which may plug up the skin.
  If you have a boil on your face, especially around the nose or mouth, the bacteria it contains may spread into the blood and sinuses. That's why any facial boil should be examined by a doctor.
   You should also check with your doctor if the boil has a deep red colour around it or red streaks running from it toward other parts of the body. These couls all be signs of infection.
Click here to visit a helpful site for information on boils.
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