“ When the game gets to be very, very difficult, she has the same thing Svet (Abrosimova) and Shea (Ralph) have. It's just packaged differently and it comes out differently. She doesn't let everybody see it until it's time to see it. ... But she has it. ”
— Geno Auriemma, UConn coach

"It's so easy to play with her. She makes anyone look good."
— Kate Starbird, Seattle Storm player

"Her marketability blew us all away. She's like the anti-Britney (Spears). She's cool but credible. She goes out and plays her hardest, but she's a team player and that comes off in every interview. She's a beautiful person, and that definitely helps."
— Constance Schwartz, the vice president of strategic marketing with The Firm.

"We just talked. She's just as lovely a person as she is a basketball player. Very poised. That's important."
— Linn Dunn, Seattle Storm Head Coach

"You don't draft a Sue Bird to have her play off the bench, I know that. But I dropped my ego a couple of years ago. I'm for anything that helps this team win and I told Coach to draft her. I would love to play with Sue and help her make that transition — whether she takes my spot or not."
— Michelle Marciniak, Seattle Storm Player

"We feel we'd win more games with a player of that caliber. She's an exciting passer, can penetrate and she doesn't lose much, you gotta like that about her."
— Gary Kloppenburg, Seattle Storm Assistant Coach

``I've watched Sue Bird at Connecticut the last two years and I know she's a great player. But she looked even better tonight. She's done some terrific things with that crossover. She's just a great, great player. I wish she was in New York.''
— Richie Adubato, New York Liberty Head Coach at the Storm first meeting against Liberty

"I’ll tell you what, Sue Bird is a big time player. You can’t doubt any part of her game because she’s
got the total package and she didn’t cut any corners. There are not a lot of them, and they don’t come so often."

— Sue Wicks, New York Liberty Player

"There's not been one player that's been any good on the first day that was supposed to be really, really good," Auriemma said. "They all struggled. They all try to do too much. They're a little bit overwhelmed by the situation when they're freshmen." Kind of like this one particular point guard. "Sue Bird was a nervous wreck her first day of practice," Auriemma said. "She's such a perfectionist in so many ways that every drill that she didn't know, or everything she did that wasn't exactly right, she would beat herself up crazy. I thought, `This isn't going to work. This kid's a lunatic.' "The Sue Bird we saw the last three years, kind of keeping her emotions in check - calm, cool, collected - that wasn't the Sue Bird at all the first day of practice. I took one look at Keirsten [Walters] and I'm like, `You better be really good, because this other one's a wacko.'"
— Geno Auriemma, UConn coach








Sue Bird Sitting on Chair




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