On Wed. Nov 5, 2003 - Stormwatch gave us updates on Sue Bird.

StormWatch: How is the knee rehabilitation going?
Sue Bird: The knee is doing very well. I've got a workout schedule
going that I'm very excited about and am confident I will be back on the
court as soon as the doctor gives me the green light. It's been somewhat
of a long rehab because I was very limited in the first six weeks but
you know how that goes....Have to follow the Doctor's orders :)!
Otherwise I feel GREAT!

SW: What is your off-season agenda?
SB: Well, Like I said my rehab is just really getting started so it's
hard to tell right now but I rehab five days a week and workout three so
I'm hoping to start playing again sometime in December. In the meantime
it's a lot of bike and pool workouts :).

SW: What are your holiday plans?
SB: Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because my mom can
really do some damage in the kitchen. I'll probably go to her house just
like I do every year. A lot of my extended family lives in the northeast
whether it be New York or Boston so I'm sure I'll be seeing everyone at
some point.

SW: Favorite food for Thanksgiving?
SB: Gotta love the stuffing! Stuffing and Sweet Potato Pie are my two

SW: What else is going on? Any special words to Storm fans?
SB: I'd like to just say "Hi" to the Storm Fans and thank you all again
for being the best in the WNBA! Also, have a Happy Thanksgiving and
cross you fingers for the lottery on Dec. 3rd!

Sue Bird Sitting on Chair

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