UNIVERSITY OF WEST FLORIDA is the place to check out many business, social science and humanity journals, etc. Other social science and history sources can be found at the CSSJOURNAL site.
Her is one of the best resource libraries on the web: EDUCATION INDEX!!!!! Check it out!
ANTI-IMPERIALISM and peace makers in America. You need to know about the side of America tha FOX and Rightwing newscasters ignore bigtime.
FAIR: Fair and Accuracy in Reporting is an extremely important literary vehicle for evaluating what you read in the so-called main stream press. Concerning war while keeping and promoting peace, check out ANTIWAR.COM !!!
For other U.S. government realted material, try: U.S. HOUSE
I believe this is "a most excellent research engine" for students to study with. It also has an encyclopedia or two: STUDENT ADVANTAGE.
I am fascinated with comparative literature, history, and culture. Here is a wonderful literary link for people all over the world: COMPARATIVE LITERATURE. Check it out at !
Alternatively, if you are into doing research on linkages between philosophy, natural science, and internet systems' theory go to Principia Cybernetica Web.
ALTERNET is another alternative news source which includes open letters from people around the world. I am, of course very interested in world affairs and events. At the same time I love good adventure stories and courtroom dramas. For example on one of my latest journeys to Europe I took a

John Grisham

book with me to read on the train through Slovenia, Switzerland, Italy, and Germany. Grisham gives the reader not only an interesting tale but a very good introduction to American culture--courtroom culture, economic culture, Southern culture. I would recommend that his stories be dissec ted for these insights. His book, THE CHAMBER, took on America's hypocracy on human rights and its world leadership in reinstituting the Death Penalty. At the same time the story teller brings on the reality of the continuing need for Americans to come to terms with its recent past whereby a nation sat by and let intolerant racists rule the South for a century after the Immancipation Proclimation.

It's too bad Grisham is uneven in his work. At least two of his books seem to have been completed too fast to have proper logical endings, i.e. with most of the pieces tied together. THE RAINMAKER and THE RUNAWAY JURY come to mind here. (However, I was very pleased that my old alma mater, the University of Kansas, and the city of Lawrence, Kansas played a big role in the RUNAWAY tale.) Since I once was runover by a rude lawyer and school board superintendant from near Lawrence, Kansas I have certain memories of what Grisham is constantly referring to as a shadow over American society: Abuse and misuse of power seeth through every small community in America at one time or antoher. Grisham lights this fact up most clearly and enlightens us as to how such abuse is undertaken--whether the abuse is from lawyers, insurance companies, or politicians and just plain thugs.

Man can not live by fiction alone. Truth often out amazes fiction. Here is a source that everyone seems to go for when looking for information. (I personally thought they were over glorified during and after the Gulf War. I was living in a small rural area of Kansas with no cable and go along just fine without them.) CNN


Here is a site for almost all the major English speaking papers around the world NEWS and EDUCATORS.
For good suggestions on stocks to how to enjoy life in general, I go to; BOTTOM LINE for the best potpuri of information and tips.



is also a good news service which is more independent than some of the other major news services.
I often listen to


when I start my day in order to catch up with world events aurally. It is said that by sound a text becomes more real than when it is simply written. (Without pictures we are free to use our imaginations just as in print.) Audio music and recorded books are two of my favorite sources for enhancing my reading of novels and daily newspapers. Radio are a source of news, literature, and history which I suggest you pursue along with printed material, i.e. please don't only listen to the music from your radio. Listen to the spoken word as our ancesters did. Further, please listen to the text embedded in the music! some of it is quite good and meaningful.
For about 4 months I will have access here to a wonderful research site called


which is set up to help students doing social scinetific research. I am currently researching the Kyoto Global Warming treaty here. Check it out and know that my ID is PPPW9LQ42F
If you like history here is a good site


. another good one is


If you are looking for speeches on any topic check out:

Douglass Speeches


is another excellent site for research if my Infotrac link is down. It specializes in international relations issues.
If it is environmental news you want this site: ENVIRO LINKS has it.
Activism needs a link: Here are good alternative views of the globe and politics: Z Net.
These Tuebingen Peace Center Researchers are publishing often on "Regime Theory" on which I have written my file paper for Political Science.
If you want to know the truth about health, check out BRAGG'S HEALTH FACTS as soon as possible.
As I am currently living in the UAE, I read this surprisingly open paper each day: GULF NEWS. I recommend it to you. You might also check up on the Middle East better by going to ARAB NET or to Al Jazeera for a list of more critical views on the region.
DEMOCRACY NOW is a good place to go to get news that others aren't telling you or news that is at least an important alternative corrective to the mainline press. INDEPENDENT MEDIA is recommended by Democracy Now as very insightful!
ALTERNET is another alternative news source. It provides on the ground narrations and opinions around the world.
THE SUNSHINE PROJECT is a site that solicits documents through the Freedom of Information Act a puts them up on the web. One of the recent findings has to do with American CIA, FBI, etc. development of chemicals and rugs as weapons in the 1960s and 1970s.
Polylog: Forum for Intercultural Philosophizing" focuses on��Intercultural Philosophy and research.
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