Welcome to My Personal Fan-Fiction Section of the Site
This is my personal fan-fiction section of the Superboy Website.  I'm currently in the
process of writing an entirely new season of Superboy episodes which are original
presentations.  A couple of episodes are near completion and will be posted here once
I've finished editing.

The Superboy and Lana of my series ??are of course modeled after Gerard Christopher
and Stacy Haiduk's performance of the characters in the Adventures of Superboy series.
But, that's as far as the similarities go!  I have made the characters my own for my fan
fiction series and added new villians and allies.  I went a step further by placing Clark,
Lana, and friends in high school rather than starting out in college like the old tv show.
The fan-fictional episodes will stay as true to original comics versions of storylines as
much as possible and will start off by being centered around a modernized Smallville.

That's all I will say right now!
For a teaser, here are a few episodes in random order from the first season of fan fiction
Hope they tickle your imagination :)

I'll be posting completed episodes as soon as they're ready.....

UPDATED OCT. 21st 2007

SUPERBOY is a registered TM & (c) of DC Comics.
Please DO NOT copy any of this material as your own or post on any other
website !!!

SECTION ONE:  Series Title Suggestions

A.  SUPERBOY:  The Boy of Steel
B.  The
NEW Adventures of SUPERBOY
New Series
E.  The Legacy of:  SUPERBOY
F.  SUPERBOY Beginnings

SECTION TWO:  Cast of Characters

A.  Friends and Allies

NAME:                                                    Brief Character Description

Clark Kent / SUPERBOY                         the super-powered hero of this series

LANA LANG                                           Clark's life long friend and a very fond admirer of Superboy's

LEX LUTHOR                                         once Superboy's most beloved fan but now his arch-enemy

WINSTON MURPHY                               a very athletic high spirited Afro-American character and one of
                                                                 Clark's best friends

TYLER JORDAN                                     a real lady's man "wannabe" and another of Clark's friends

AMBER-LYNN SIEGSTER                      one of the most beautiful and popular yet obnocious self
                                                                 righteous girls in Smallville High

IAN HYRES                                             a quiet shy friend of Clark Kent's whom isn't afraid to speak his


Clark Kent / SUPERBOY
FAN FICTION EPISODES:                               New Series !!!

*Subjected to Change without notice *


01.  Discovering the Secrets Within            (
The Origins of Superboy PART 1)
02.  The Birth of A Superhero                    (
The Origins of Superboy PART 2)
03.  The Trip To Metropolis                       (
The Origins of Superboy PART 3)

04.  Bumbling Bank Heist
05.  Master of the Bees
06.  The Creatures of Smallville Swamp
07.  Not Even Superboy Can Be Everyone At Once
08.  Terror In The Sky
09.  Lex Luthor:  Number One Fan             (
Part One)
10.  Lex Luthor:  Number One Enemy        (
Part Two)
11.  Curse of the Mummy
12.  One Against An Army                          (Part One)
13.  ATOMBOY                                          (Part Two)
14.  Toyman
15.  The Kryptonite Men
16.  Mr. Mayhem
17.  Witch Way To Love?                            (Hexia The Teen Witch Part One)
18.  Witch Way To Love?                            (Hexia The Teen Witch Part Two)
19.  Weekend With Bigfoot                       
20.  The Savage Twins                                 (Part One)
21.  The Savage Twins                                 (Part Two)
22.  The Return of Lex Luthor                    (Part One)
23.  The Return of Lex Luthor                    (Part Two)
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