chapter one

FINALS. The words danced about on the page in front of me as my mind centred on the inevitable exams of the next three days. I put down my pen and rubbed my eyes. I've always been useless at cramming. For some reason, as soon as I get anywhere near a study hall, my brain turns to mush. I stretched, and glanced around the large room. Students were scattered over the various tables, all looking very stressed and very tired. I turned back to my book. Organic chemistry - the necessary evil I required to become a doctor, and the most insanely boring subject in the entire world.

Just as I was getting back into the studying mindset, the chair beside me screeched as someone pulled it out. The noise echoed around the library. I glanced over, as a blonde guy dropped his books onto the table with a thud, and sat down. The chair screeched again as he pushed it in.

I sighed, flicking over the page of my text book and smoothing it down. The boy next to me had opened his books, and was now tapping on the table with his fingers, while he read. I frowned to myself, and when he didn't stop, I cleared my throat. He glanced over, and I shot him a dirty look. He gave me a semi-bemused look in return, raising one prefectly shaped eyebrow. I gritted my teeth and turned back to my book.

Five minutes later, the tapping started again. After listening for several moments, I slammed the cover on my book closed and turned to the boy.
"Could you please not do that?" I hissed. "There are people trying to study!"
"Sorry" he whispered, shrugging. "I didn't realise it bothered you."
Like hell you didn't, I thought, silently fuming.

My attempt at study had now been completely disrupted, and I gave in. I piled my books into my bag and swung it over my shoulder. After one last glare at my blonde companion, I left.

In hindsight, I realise I overreacted. I guess finals were having a detrimental effect on my logic and reasoning capabilities.

"Brynn! I thought we had an agreement," my roommate, Isla, complained as I walked into our room. Relations between Isla and me are strained at the best of times. The looming exams were not helping, as we both tried to cope with the stress of finals. Isla frowned at me. "You promised you wouldn't come back for two hours!" It was true, we did have an agreement. In the interests of acceptable grades, Isla and I had decided to study in seperate places. Attempting to do anything constructive in the same room as Isla was not an attractive prospect. But I was desperate. "I know Isla, I'm sorry" I sighed. "But I couldn't concentrate in the library. There are some really inconsiderate people around." Isla eyed me for a moment.
"No, it's okay. I'm due for a break anyway. But when I get back, keep quiet, and keep to your side of the room" she commanded, getting up and heading for the door. "I need a strong coffee," she muttered, pulling the door closed behind her.

I threw myself into my bed and ran my hands through my hair. Freud, my pet fish, watched me, wide-eyed and open-mouthed, from his tank on my dresser. I fet a sudden yearning to be a fish. Life must be so much simpler for Freud.

It's not that I dislike college. In fact, it's quite the opposite. I love the freedom and new oppurtunities college gives me. But that doesn't mean I don't miss home, and high school life, where the most stressful thing I had to do was choose my prom dress.

I was disrupted from my pondering by Isla's noisy entrance, carrying a steaming coffee cup.
"Oh my god," she cried, placing the cup on her desk, "you will never guess who I just met in the floor kitchen!"
I sat up, yawning. "Umm... that guy you're crushing on from your history class?"
Isla rolled her eyes. "No - Taylor Hanson!" she exclaimed, waiting for my response.
"Who?" I frowned.
"You know, the band Hanson.... Remember Mmmbop?"
"Ohhh...." I said, as realisation dawned on me. "Does he go to our college?"
"Apparently," Isla said. "He was visiting Ian from down the hall. He's majoring in music."
I laughed. "You got all that from a conversation over the coffee plunger?"
Isla smiled. "Yep. And I think he gave me the glad eye!"
I laughed. "Wow, Isla, you're definitely in there!"
She narrowed her eyes. "Are you ever in a good mood?" she asked, sipping her coffee as she opened her books again.
"Occasionally," I muttered, turning to watch Freud swim into a plastic castle. To be honest, I could hardly remember Hanson. I had a vague recollection of grooving to Mmmbop at a school dance, but I was pretty sure I has been in my alternative/heavy metal phase when Hanson were popular. I suddenly realised I was wasting valuable studying time, and made a move for my books.

"Place your pens down, and pass your papers to your left." The Supervisor stood at the front of the long room, surveying us as we finished our exam. I passed my paper to my left and leaned back in my chair, stretching leisurely. I had finished my last exam, and would be on a train heading to Greenwich in two day's time.

I was walking slowly home, towards my dorm, when I spotted Isla following someone into a cafe. I needed to talk to her before she left for the holidays, so I called our her name. She turned, and looked towards me. I quickened my pace and reached the door.
"Hey Brynn," she said, smiling, "What's up?" Trying not to look too suspicious of her friendly greeting, I said, "I need to talk to you briefly."
She nodded. "Come in with us, we can talk while our drinks are coming."
"Okay sure" I replied, as she carried on into the cafe, and I followed. I was closing the heavy, wooden door behind me, while Isla carried on talking.
"By the way, Brynn, this is my friend Tyalor. Taylor, this is Brynn, my roommate."
I looked up, smiling, and stared straight into the eyes of my blonde nemesis. Before I could help myself, I exclaimed, "You!"
Blonde tapper guy, or Taylor, smirked. "We meet again."
Isla looked from Taylor to me, confused. "You guys already know each other?"
"Only vaguely," Taylor said, as I contemplated the various ways to wipe the smirk off his face.
"That's great!" Isla said, a little too enthusiastically, "But we'd better move out of the doorway. We should sit over there" she indicated a two-seater table and I realised it was probably a hint that I chouldn't join them. Not that I wanted to.
"You know," I said, turning to Isla, "It's not that important, and I should really get back to the dorm. I'll talk to you later," I forced a smile.
"Okay," Isla beamed at me, undoubtedly pleased she would now have Taylor all to herself. "Bye Brynn,"
"Yeah, see ya," Taylor said, smiling innocently.
I nodded in reply, and headed back through the door. I knew I did not like that guy one bit, however stunningly gorgeous he was. I only hoped his relationship with Isla wouldn't be long term.

chapter two

Of course, it was long term. When I came back from break, I learned Isla and Taylor had kept in regular contact via phone. And Isla was decidedly hooked on him.
"Brynn," she said, about a week after we'd returned, "I'm going out with Tyalor tonight."
"That's nice," I said, smoothing on some lip balm and shrugging into my jacket.
"Yeah it is. I really like him."
I made an interested noise as I checked my jacket pocket for my keys. I grabbed the door handle, and pulled it open. "I'd love to stay and chat Isla, but I'm already late for my appointment with the financial counsellor..."
"I know, just..." she paused, joined me in the doorway, and leaning against the door. I moved into the hallway, frowning at her. "Isla, just tell me what it is. Quick!"
"Well, I think he might stay the night," she said, and rushed on before I could respond, "And I've checked with Mira, you know, from across the hall? Anyway, she said it would be fine for you to sleep in there tonight. It would be awesome if you could. I knew you'd understand, and wouldn't mind. But you'd better go, or you'll be late." She gave me a fake smile, and shut the door in my face. I was left blinking wildly at a plank of wood. The bitch! Why should I have to vacate my room just so she and Taylor could make whoopee?? I lifted my hand, about to storm back in and give her a piece of my mind, when a voice behind me said, "Leave her, Brynn, she's not worth it."
I whirled around to see Mira, watching me from her doorway.
"You may as well just stay with me," she said, giving me a friendly smile, "I promise my floor is very comfortable."
I smiled gratefully. "Thanks, Mira. I appreciate the floor space. And you're right, it's a good idea to just keep out of her way."
She nodded. "Are you going out?"
"Oh, shit!" I said glancing at my watch, "I am so late! Bye!" O called, heading down the hallway.
"See ya."

"I know Brynn, and I understand, but I don't make the rules. If you want to keep your place in the University, you need to pay your bills. Are you sure there's no way your parents can help out?"
I shook my head, knowing full well that if I asked them, they would do everything they could to help. But that was a last resort. They already helped out quite a bit, and I felt bad. We're not poor, but my Mum doesn't work because of my two younger siblings, and my Dad's job isn't terribly well paying. If they tried to contribute more, which was an inevitable consequence of me confessing my problem, they would go without things to help me. I couldn't let them do that - I wanted to be independent.
The counsellor frowned to herself. "What about a part time job?"
I looked up. "That would work..." I said, thinking it over.
"well, Brynn, it seems like the best option to me. But you'd better start looking. And get back to me, won't you?"
I nodded, thanked her, and left. I had some serious Situations Vacant browsing to do.

I was sitting in the floor lounge, reading a magazine and chatting to Mira, when Taylor and Isla got home that night. Taylor waved at me as they walked past, but Isla ignored me.
Mira nudged my side and smirked. I rolled my eyes. But out conversation stopped, and we both strained to hear what they were saying. Immature, I know. They stopped outside my and Isla's soor, down the hallway where we couldn't see them.
"I had a great night, Taylor" Isla said, and I could almost see the doe-eyed look she was undoubtedly giving Taylor.
"Yeah, it was fun", Taylor replied. There was a brief silence, when I guess they were kissing. Then Isla said, "Do you want to come in?" I couldn't quite place the tone of her voice, but I think she was aiming for sultry.
"Well..." Taylor hesitated.
"It's alright, Brynn's staying in another room tonight."
"Oh." Taylor sounded surprised. Mira suggested later that he might've been disappointed, and I laughed. Hysterically.
"I don't think so, Isla." Taylor continued. "I have an early class tomorrow."
I couldn't hear Isla's reply, but when Taylor walked past us and into the lift, both me and Mira were biting our lips to keep from laughing. I won't deny I got some sort of sick pleasure from Isla's problems.
I slept on Mira's floor that night anyway. I figured Isla wouldn't be in a good mood, and it would probably be safer to steer clear of her.

"What's this?" Isla enquired, as I came in from my shower a few days later. She held up a newspaper, open at the Situations Vacant page, with red circles dominating the print. I towelled off my hair, and looked over at her.
"I'm getting a part-time job" I replied, zipping my toilet bag shut.
"Oh," she said, glancing at the paper again. "Looks like this one might be good." She passed me the paper, pointing out an ad. "I'll see you later. I've got a tutorial."
"Okay, bye" I answered, skimming the ad. It was advertising a nannying job for two young kids, from 3-5pm every weekday. It was pretty well paying, and seemed like the sort of casual job I was looking for. I also don't have any afternoon lectures, so it was perfect. I mentally thanked Isla, wondering how I'd missed this ad, and wrote the number on my hand.

When I rang the number, the woman who answered introduced herself as Beth Thomson. She asked me to send a CV with references, and gave me an address. She promised she'd get back to me soon.

[part two]

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