Red Light Cafe

Middle Eastern Extravaganza

The Red Light Café features the longest running Middle Eastern music and dance event in Atlanta, Georgia.  I started the shows six years ago, and they’ve been getting stronger ever since, as it showcases more and more the talent and hard work of Atlanta based musicians and dancers.
Over the years, I’ve seen the shows and all of us performers grow and develop.  Audiences of all types of people were packing these shows to maximum capacity once a month.  Americans, Arabs, Iranians Turkish, and Indians, so many people came and had fun.  Musicians and dancers had large audiences who came to see and hear just what we came to perform.  The audiences at the Red Light shows are among the most attentive and appreciative audiences I’ve ever performed for. For us performers they would roar with their applause, and gave fully their support to all of us. I’m very grateful for having the honor for playing for them.  To all who’ve come to the shows, you know who you are and thank you!!
I had long since gave over the organizational duties to my friend Sheila Gambill, who had done such wonderful work over the years organizing and hosting the show each month since the beginning.  I have ceased performing at the shows for a long time now.  It was time to draw my participation to a close, as my focus on the shows just wasn’t there anymore, even as a performer.  My musical attention is focusing in other directions.
Many thanks to Emrah Kotan and the Sultans, a great bunch of guys. This was a great band for me to have closure with, there were times we really kicked some ass!!  Emrah is the most incredible drummer I’ve ever had the honor of playing with, I learned a lot from him and I’m very grateful to know him.  Many thanks too, for Borte, “The Gypsy King” my Abim.
Now, Sheila brings her time with the show to a close. I know it was a wonderful experience for her as well, it was something we started together, we watched it grow from an infant stage into something polished and professional, something we felt proud to be a part of.
The shows continue, thanks to the dedicated efforts of our friend and fellow performer Zi’ah, leader of the Awalim Dance Company, who we know will do such a great job.  Contact and information for upcoming shows: [email protected] or visit her web-site at:
To all of the performers and audiences over the years, thanks for some great times.

Emrah Kotan and the Sultans with Asha


                                                 Emrah Kotan & Eric Peterson                                         Berk


                                            Emrah                                              Bortecene Terlemez


Shems - North African Music Group




                                   Asim                                                                               Cindy Alana


                                                            Suzahna                                               Ajan


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