Eric's Inspiration


My wife Nina.
Her constant love, support and encouragement are the ultimate gifts I continue to receive.
Our wedding day was the happiest day of my life, and she continues to make each day wonderful.
Thank you sweetheart!!

Eric's Mom dancing with George Abdo's band
The Averof, Cambridge, MA, 1975


                                                                              George Abdo                             Drummer Steve Kouyoumjian
The Averof, Cambridge, MA, 1975

with Steve Kouyoumjian, 2007
This was a trip, running into Steve Kouyoumjian in a cd store in Watertown, MA.
His influence is huge, and what a thrill it was this day (as he happened to have a drum in his truck!)
that we talked and drummed in the store for a couple of hours.
This was a moving experience for me.

with dear family friend and early drumming influence, the one and only Leon Manoogian.
The one on the left was taken at the Sahara restaurant in Worcester, MA, 2007.
I’ve loved Leon’s drumming since I was a kid, and he’s still fantastic.
It’s been a real joy to sit in with his band and drum with him.
He’s got great riffs, excellent taste, and plays with a wonderful presence that’s so musical in the way he works with the melody.
He inspires me greatly still.  I can’t take my eyes and ears off of what he’s playing!

Eric with his favorite drummer of all time, Hossam Ramzy

Mance Grady
Dear friend and drum brother.
This wonderful musician is in a class of his own.
It’s been a pleasure to share the rhythm section with him, and a joy in friendship, too.

Meher Baba

Of course this page wouldn’t be complete without mentioning The Beatles.
For me to write in full what these four mean to me would take too long for you to read.
I’ve loved The Beatles since I was 12 years old, and I’m still not tired of them.
Everything they stood for has inspired me in every phase of my life, as a person and as a musician.
Above all, they make me very happy,
whether I’m listening to one of their albums or looking at a photograph of them.
“When you’ve seen beyond yourself, you may find peace of mind is waiting there.
And the time will come when you see that we’re all one, and life flows on within you and without you.”
                                          – George Harrison

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