Third Quarter 2022 -- Lair No. 3

Lair No. 3 of the Rascals, Rogues, and Rapscallions held its third quarter 2022 meeting on Saturday, September 10, 2022, at the Huntingdon Valley Presbyterian Church barn. A total of 12 people were present in person and two were online. Guest Rich James kicked off the evening with his slide presentation about escalators. Rogue Hayes Lewis talked about translating an Italian book about the Doge of Venice. Guest Jason Enelow talked about the drinking habits of Queen Elizabeth II and raised the question, “Is the pineapple in the drink an affectation?” Rogue Calvin Morrison talked about a rolodex he purchased at a Goodwill store and proposed identifying its former owner. He also talked about making electronics for his Saab. Rogue Jordan Goretti talked about birdwatching. Rogue Sean McVan talked about old bottles he found in his basement. Rogue Jim Barr talked about the bubbles in Guinness beer. Rapscallion Dan Morrison talked about Ebby Flack, an HVPC choir director featured in a chapter of the dissertation Morrison is writing.

Present in Huntingdon Valley were:

  1. Jim Barr
  2. Dan Bramer
  3. Jordan Goretti
  4. George Green
  5. George Hindley
  6. Roger Hull
  7. Rich James
  8. Mike Landis
  9. Sean McVan
  10. Calvin Morrison
  11. Dan Morrison
  12. Leon Moscherosch

Present online were

  1. Jason Enelow
  2. Hayes Lewis

Meetings of Lair No. 3
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