First Quarter 2023 -- Lair No. 3

Lair No. 3 of the Rascals, Rogues, and Rapscallions held its first quarter 2023 meeting on Saturday, March 11, 2023, in upper room at the Doylestown Maennerchor Society. The evening's program was Jim Barr's Rogue Challenge presentation. His challenge was "Get a beer named after the RR&R to be sold in at least four bars." All evening long, the Rascals and friends drank Rascals, Rogues, and Rapscallions, a hazy New England style double IPA produced by Jim's brewery, the Van Lieus Brewing Company. In the midst of Jim's presentation, the lights went out in the room, which created special challenges.  After his presentation of the travails of producing this beer, the Order of Rapscallions conferred and agreed that Jim had met his challenge. He then received the neck decoration of the Order and was duly named a Rapscallion.

Present at the Maennerchor were:

  1. Alex Aimette
  2. Jim Barr
  3. Jordan Goretti
  4. George Green
  5. Jon Haines
  6. Ray Hull III
  7. Roger Hull
  8. Rich James
  9. Mike Landis
  10. Mark McDowell
  11. Sean McVan
  12. Calvin Morrison
  13. Dan Morrison
  14. Michael Moscherosch
  15. Chris Power
  16. Jeff Sivek
  17. James Wood
  18. Present online were:

  19. Hayes Lewis
  20. William Moult

Meetings of Lair No. 3
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