The Books of E. Phillips Oppenheim: 1920-1929


  1. The Great Impersonation
    1920: Boston, Little Brown
    1920: New York, A.L. Burt
    1920: New York, Collier
    1945: New York, Pocket #224 [paperback]
    1963: Garden City, Doubleday [in "Five Spy Novels," ed. Howard Haycroft]
    1963: Toronto, Popular Library
    1978: New York, Dover [paperback]
    1980: New York, Carroll & Graf
    1984: New Haven, Leete's Island Books [with The Wrath to Come][trade paperback]

  2. The Devil's Paw
    1920: Boston, Little Brown
    1921: New York, A.L. Burt
    1936: London, Hodder and Stoughton
    1941: New York, Triangle

  3. Aaron Rod, Diviner, SS
    1920: London, Hodder and Stoughton

  4. Ambrose Lavendale, Diplomat, SS
    1920: London, Hodder and Stoughton

  5. The Honorable Algernon Knox, Detective, SS
    1920: London, Hodder and Stoughton


  6. The Profiteers
    1921: London, Hodder and Stoughton
    1921: Boston, Little Brown
    1921: Toronto, McClelland & Stewart

  7. Jacob's Ladder
    1921: London, Hodder and Stoughton
    1921: Boston, Little Brown
    1921: New York, A.L. Burt

  8. Nobody's Man
    1921: Boston, Little Brown
    1921: Toronto, McClelland & Stewart
    1922: Hodder and Stoughton
    1922: New York, A.L. Burt


  9. The Evil Shepherd
    1922: Boston, Little Brown
    1922: New York, Review of Reviews
    1923: New York, A.L. Burt
    1923: London, Hodder and Stoughton

  10. The Great Prince Shan
    1922: London, Hodder and Stoughton
    1922: Boston, Little Brown
    1922: New York, A.L. Burt
    1922: Toronto, McClelland & Stewart
    1940: New York, Pocket Books #54 [paperback]
    1950: London, Hodder and Stoughton

  11. The Amazing Quest of Mr. Ernest Bliss
    1922: London, Hodder and Stoughton


  12. The Mystery Road
    1923: Boston, Little Brown
    1923: New York, A.L. Burt
    1924: London, Hodder and Stoughton [also 1936]

  13. The Seven Conundrums
    1923: Boston, Little Brown
    1923: Toronto, McClelland & Stewart
    1924: London, Hodder and Stoughton
    1970: Freeport, Books for Libraries Press
    19XX: N/A, Ayer Company

  14. Michael's Evil Deeds
    1923: Boston, Little Brown
    1923: Toronto, McClelland & Stewart
    1923: New York, Review of Reviews
    1923: New York, A.L. Burt
    1924: London, Hodder and Stoughton

  15. The Inevitable Millionaires, SS
    1923: London, Hodder and Stoughton
    1925: Boston, Little Brown
    1925: New York, A.L. Burt
    1925: New York, Review of Reviews


  16. The Wrath to Come
    1924: Boston, Little Brown
    1924: New York, A.L. Burt
    1924: Toronto, McClelland & Stewart
    1925: London, Hodder and Stoughton
    1984: New Haven, Leete's Island Books -- [with The Great Impersonation]

  17. The Passionate Quest
    1924: London, Hodder and Stoughton
    1924: Boston, Little Brown
    1924: New York, A.L. Burt
    1924: Toronto, McClelland & Stewart
    1932: London, Hodder and Stoughton [yellow jacket paperback]

  18. The Terrible Hobby of Sir Joseph Londe, Bt., SS
    1924: London, Hodder and Stoughton
    1927: Boston, Little Brown


  19. Stolen Idols
    1925: London, Hodder and Stoughton
    1925: Boston, Little Brown
    1925: New York, A.L. Burt
    1925: Toronto, McClelland & Stewart

  20. Gabriel Samara
    1925: London, Hodder and Stoughton

  21. Gabriel Samara, Peacemaker -- American title of "Gabriel Samara"
    1925: Boston, Little Brown
    1925: New York, A.L. Burt
    1925: Toronto, McClelland & Stewart
    1984: New Haven, Leete Island Books -- [with Mr. Billingham, the Marquis, and Madelon]

  22. The Adventures of Mr. Joseph P. Cray, SS
    1925: London, Hodder and Stoughton
    1927: Boston, Little Brown


  23. The Golden Beast
    1926: London, Hodder and Stoughton
    1926: Boston, Little Brown
    1926: New York, Collier
    1926: New York, A.L. Burt

  24. Prodigals of Monte Carlo
    1926: London, Hodder and Stoughton
    1926: Boston, Little Brown
    1926: New York, Collier

  25. Harvey Garrard's Crime
    1926: Boston, Little Brown
    1926: New York, A.L. Burt
    1927: London, Hodder and Stoughton
    1940: New York, Triangle

  26. The Little Gentleman from Okehampstead, SS
    1926: London, Hodder and Stoughton

  27. The Quest for Winter Sunshine, M
    1926: London, Methuen
    1927: Boston, Little Brown


  28. The Ex-Duke
    1927: London, Hodder and Stoughton

  29. The Interloper -- American title of "The Ex-Duke"
    1927: London, Hodder and Stoughton
    1927: Boston, Little Brown
    1927: New York, A.L. Burt
    1941: New York, Triangle

  30. Miss Brown of X.Y.O.
    1927: London, Hodder and Stoughton
    1927: Boston, Little Brown
    1927: New York, A.L. Burt
    1927: Toronto, McClelland & Stewart

  31. The Prince of Story Tellers Tells His Own Story
    1927: Boston, Little Brown

  32. The Channay Syndicate
    1927: London, Hodder and Stoughton
    1927: Boston, Little Brown

  33. Mr. Billingham, The Marquis and Madelon, SS
    1927: London, Hodder and Stoughton
    1929: Boston, Little Brown

  34. Madame, SS
    1927: London, Hodder and Stoughton

  35. Madame and Her Twelve Virgins< SS -- American title of "Madame"
    1927: Boston, Little Brown

  36. Nicholas Goade, Detective, SS
    1927: London, Hodder and Stoughton
    1929: Boston, Little Brown
    1929: New York, Review of Reviews


  37. The Light Beyond
    1928: London, Hodder and Stoughton
    1928: Boston, Little Brown
    1928: New York, A.L. Burt
    1939: New York, Triangle

  38. The Fortunate Wayfarer
    1928: London, Hodder and Stoughton
    1928: Boston, Little Brown
    1928: New York, A.L. Burt

  39. Matorni's Vineyard
    1928: Boston, Little Brown
    1928: New York, Collier
    1928: Toronto, McClelland & Stewart
    1929: London, Hodder and Stoughton [also 1936]

  40. The Exploits of Pudgy Pete & Co., SS
    1928: London, Hodder and Stoughton

  41. Chronicles of Melhampton, SS
    1928: London, Hodder and Stoughton


  42. The Treasure House of Martin Hews
    1929: London, Hodder and Stoughton
    1929: Boston, Little Brown
    1929: New York, Collier
    1929: New York, A.L. Burt
    1952: London, Hodder and Stoughton [paperback]

  43. The Glenlitten Murder
    1929: London, Hodder and Stoughton
    1929: Boston, Little Brown
    1929: New York, Review of Reviews

  44. The Human Chase, SS
    1929: London, Hodder and Stoughton

  45. Jennerton & Co., SS
    1929: London, Hodder and Stoughton

  46. What Happened to Forester, SS
    1929: London, Hodder and Stoughton
    1930: Boston, Little Brown

SS = Short-story collection
M = Miscellaneous
PoM = Pool of Memory
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