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Shepherd Moons
The Celts
The Memory of Trees
A Box of Dreams
Only Time - The Collection

All liner notes are by Roma Ryan

Shepherd Moons
From the forword to the Shepherd Moons music book.

Shepherd Moons

Two tiny new moons had been discovered. Shepherd Moons orbiting a ring of Saturn.  Numbered, not named. Working ceaselessly, it seemed, to keep the particles of the ring together, much as a shepherd would guide his flock. Protectors both, 1980S26 and 1980S27 - either side of the F rings. Voyager had performed like a dream and sent their pictures to Earth. I marvelled at their diligence, a new mystery, poignant and beautiful.  An unspoken glory to the rings of Saturn. The world had not known but all the time they were there, working tirelessly. Everyone had appreciated the spectacular beauty of Saturn, but where would the planet be without those precious, mis-shapen, miniature moons?

Caribbean Blue

It is much easier to imagine a beautiful place on a rainy day than to imagine a dreary one.  It is a simple fact, often forgotten, that people may create something good merely by thinking it so. A day-dream is as rich a gift as any. Like Afer Ventus, the wind from Africa, or Eurus, the East wind, Boreas from the North or the gentle Zephyrus, the imagination is free and can choose and create its own journey. As with all dreams we reach for the ideal, and Caribbean Blue represents such a dream.

How Can I Keep from Singing?

This is based on an old Shaker hymn which I suggested as a suitable addition to the album, not only because of the beautiful melody, but the lyrical content seems as relevant today as it did 250 years ago when the hymn was written.

It is unfortunate that the Shakers are known to the world at large mainly for their ability to build and design beautiful furniture. The Shakers also wrote beautiful music and songs with which they glorified their joy in living. They lived very simple lives and their melodies reflect the beauty inherent in this simplicity.

It is not widely known that in 1846 the Shakers sent food to Ireland in an attempt to relieve the suffering during the famine, and this also held significance in our decision to arrange the piece.


I had come across Ebudæ in Ariosto's classic tale of Orlando Furioso, the island thought to be intended as one of the Hebrides, referred to as the Dreadful Isle or the Isle Of Tears. I had fallen in love with the name, and when sometime later I was browsing through an old book of ancient maps, I was delighted to find Ebudæ actually recorded and in this original form! The title of the song 'Ebudæ' and the lyrics concern themselves with ancient sounds.

There are two 'voices' which work their way through the piece. The first voice concerns itself with the story - which is loosely based on the tradition of women weaving and chanting to the rhythm of their work. The second voice is a mixture of sounds and fragments of sounds half-invented, half-remembered from childhood. As is often the case, what one actually hears and what one thinks one hears can be two very different things.  With this rhythmic section we try to capture those impressions.


At times we ask for extraordinary things to happen in our lives and somehow, deep down, we believe that they will. Someone, somewhere, may have the power to help us – a Guardian Angel perhaps, some spiritual minder, a protector from life's darker moments.

Such a belief can be a comfort in life, an easy relationship with a world beyond our own. A gentle hand on your shoulder to guide you through, though not away from, the harder times.

No Holly For Miss Quinn

A partner piece to Miss Clare Remembers (Watermark). No Holly For Miss Quinn was prompted by another Miss Read story. The idyllic descriptions of country and village life and the simple portraits of those who peopled such settings had appeal to Enya. In composing this music she recaptures the naivety and innocence of an age and place far removed from the whirl and pressure of our sophisticated society and suggests that we need to dip into that world from time to time.

Book Of Days

I am collecting diaries more and more and I continue to be intrigued by the possibilities of each blank page - what will it hold? I experience a mixture of sadness and exuberance when I think of lives laid out on a page or in a book. Personal histories of great loves, of journeys exotic and wonderful, of loss, fear and tragedy, of dreams and simple wishes.


I remember her face. She told of how she had been an evacuee during the Second World War. As she told her story she began to cry like the girl she had been half a century ago. The pain of her separation from her parents registered with immediacy on her face. As a child she could not understand why she had to leave them, and the effect of this had stayed with her. The only hope she had as a child was a promise that they would all be together again.


Sam felt as if he were inside a song when he described Lothlórien, the land of enchantment and wonder in J.R.R. Tolkien's ‘Lord Of The Rings’. Lothlórien is as beautiful as a dream, as pure as the dawn of creation and as old as the beginning of time. Here, the leaves of the Mallorn trees in Autumn do not fall, but turn to gold.

Various translations and suggested origins of the name Lothlórien give us colourful and imaginative expressions such as 'the vale of the land of singers', 'the valley of the singing Gold' and 'Dreamflower'.

Marble Halls

An operatic piece originally scored by the Irish composer and baritone, Michael William Balfe (1808-1870). 'Marble Halls', or 'The Dream' as it is also known, is from his 1843 opera The Bohemian Girl, which enjoyed great success during his lifetime. Balfe was once complimented by Strauss as being the Master of Melody. The Bohemian Girl, and in particular this song, is a favourite of both Enya and her mother.

Afer Ventus

The moment experienced when everything in life suddenly makes sense – when everything fits into place and we know why - is a rare moment, but it does happen. If we are lucky enough we can bathe in the brevity of that moment for it passes as quickly as it arrives. Like Joyce's 'Epiphanies' they can sometimes seem trivial, but are always crucial and revealing moments in our lives, delicate and fleeting.

In Afer Ventus it is those moments of pure enlightenment which are described.

Smaointe... (D'Aodh Agus Do Mháire uí Dhúgain)

The story of the beach at Maragallen (The Plain of the Shelter) is that many years past, a great wave swept onto the land, crashing down upon the small church and graveyard, destroying the church. All who were in the church that day, perished.

It is in this same graveyard that Enya's grandparents are buried. Enya often talked to me of how she could see the graveyard as she walked along the shores of the Maragallen, and of how she felt her grandparents were watching over her and guiding her still. Memories of her childhood and days spent with them come to Enya when she walks there, memories which she will treasure always. I wrote Smaointe in response to these reflections. The word 'smaointe' literally translated means 'thoughts'.


The Celts
From The Celts album.

The Celts

As this is primarily a soundtrack project, we felt it would be appropriate to include the stories, images and thoughts behind the various themes which embrace this album.  They represent histories, mythologies, impressions, hopes and our individual interpretations of them.


The Red giant Star, Aldebaran, found in the constellation of Taurus, is the eye of the bull.  From the Arabic, Al Dabaran, it means ‘the follower’ as it “follows” the Pleiades.  This piece portrays future Celts passing Aldebaran on their journey to new territories, continuing the migratory pattern which was so predominant in their early history.

I Want Tomorrow

…thoughts of the present…

March of the Celts

…echoes from the past…

Deireadh an Tuath

Opened earth, spirits, incantations that earth may once again be fertile and thus ensure the future of the celts.  Samhain, the greatest Celtic Festival, marked the beginning of their New Year—the 31st October—which is now celebrated as Hallow’een or All Souls night.

The Sun in the Stream

Inspired by the legend of the Salmon of Knowledge.  In the Grove of the nine wise Hazel trees, from the sacred pool, the River Boyne flowed.  The salmon feasted on the rich crimson nuts fallen from the hazel trees, and hence possessed all the truth in the world.

To go Beyond

…reflection on the future…


This is based on the story of the Fairy King Midir and his love for the beautiful princess Etain.  It is a story of great love, jealousy, secrets and endurance, in which Etain is banished and transformed into a pool of water, from which she emerges as a butterfly.  Although immortal she is born a mortal child, one thousand and twelve years after her first birth.


Epona was revered as the Horse Goddess and is portrayed with birds as well as horses, with a bag or cornucopia.  She is closely identified with Rhiannon.  Her birds are reputed to lull the living to sleep and to awaken the dead.


St. Patrick

The son of a Roman official, Patrick was captured by a raiding party of Celts when a boy, and spent six years in captivity.  He escaped, became a priest and returned to Ireland.  According to legend it is St. Patrick who is responsible for Ireland’s conversion to Christianity and the final loss of the old Celtic beliefs.

Cú Chulainn

Cú Chulainn means the “hound of Cullan”.  As a child his name was “setanta” meaning ‘the little’.  He became Cú Chulainn when he killed the watchdog of the smith Cullan, and so undertook to guard the smiths house in place of the dog.  Cú Chulainn is one of the great Irish heroes.  The most famous deeds of this hero are found in the saga Táin Bó Cualgne (the cattle raid of Cooley).


Oisin which means “little fawn”, left his home to journey to Tir na n Og, the Land of Youth, with Niamh Cinn Oir, “Niamh of the Head of Gold”.  Timelessness – he stayed 300 years, though never aged.  On his return to Ireland he found his contemporaries long dead, and Ireland now had St. Patrick and Christianity.  Putting his foot upon the earth, he lost Tir na n Og, and so aged and died.


Out if the Blue…


Boadicea, or Boudicca, meaning Victorious, was Queen of the Iceni tribe of East Anglia.  She led a rebellion in 60 A.D. against the Romans, destroying the cities of Colchester, St. Albans and capturing London.  She was eventually defeated by the Romans, and rather than be humiliated by them, she poisoned herself.

Bard Dance

The Bard, in ancient Celtic times was a man of great importance.  His foremost function was in the praise of his king.  He also entertained the assembly, sometimes in eulogy, sometimes in satire.  Together with the Druid, Warrior and Silversmith, he represents the image of the ancient Celt.

Dan y Dwr

Beneath the waters… the village Capel Celyn.  This village in Wales was submerged, against much protest and struggle by its inhabitants, in order to accommodate a reservoir.  This is a lament for the loss of Capel Celyn, memories now held beneath the water.


The Memory of Trees
From the UK Promo The Memory of Trees box.

Anywhere Is

The land of the summer stars... the winter garden...that way...the land of paradoxes...the
city of angels...aigle... anywhere is...roma...the island of ebony....

persia...the island of the four precious walls...the willows on the water... the land of three winters...ole inigo...thoraigh... wood of dreams...the plain of the winds...

anywhere is...gaothdobhair...this way... a whispering world...orinoco... lothlorien....the palace of solitude.... the garden of the singing-ringing tree...

the land of illusion...cuyahoga... the painted ball...the crystal sea... lake my way home...anywhere is...

Pax Deorum

Pax Deorum translates as "Peace of the Gods". This Goodwill of the Gods expressed accord between ancient Rome and her Gods, maintaining a harmonious relationship between Man and Divinity. This concept, and variations of it, are echoed throughout history in other ages and cultures.

Athair Ar Neamh

...the voice of epiphany is found in Athair ar Neamh. It is the voice of day, the voice of night, the voice of all, of understanding.

It is a peace which is unique to the individual, a peace that is felt rather than described. It is that moment in which we experience a sense of calm and understanding amidst the bustle and hustle of everyday living, and although it is a brief encounter, it is complete.

China Roses

Everyone has their own idea of heaven. What creates the beauty of the world is the love we have for it, connected to memories, wishes, desires. For each of us it is a different treasure we embrace - a changing sky, the crimson flower of the Keys of Heaven, a love token, the endless delight of fairy-tales, the ever-shifting pictures of our world that we find in the words of poets. For each one of us a different love becomes our own woo of dreams.

Denique non omnes eadem mirantur amantque: All men, in short, do not admire and love the same things

Hope Has A Place

Hope has a place in the lover's heart.

If love was always kind there would be no need to worry for those who begin this journey.  On Love or the loss of it, no amount of advice or reason can ultimately protect the one who loves from pain or from the disappointment of loss. We hurt so much because we love so much.

This is a wish that love may be kind, and if it should not be, that the one precious feeling held captive in Pandora's box may find it's place in the lover's heart.

Tea-House Moon

It has been told that the path to the tea-house was one of a copse of summer trees, a wave of the sea, the pale evening moon. The trees, the sea, the moon evoked old dreams and the tea-house represented an oasis where the traveller could find peace. On entering through the low door, one could hear the song of water echo the distant sea or the sound of the rain in a bamboo forest. The tea-house was a place of repose and one in which the harmony of nature pervaded.

Once You Had Gold

For some it will be the memory of darkness and their journey thought it. Looking back to the walk though winter into vernal days. Knowing that all things must pass; both good and bad.

For others it is the mother reassuring her child. The ways of the world hold both darkness and dreams. Every day has it's ending and every night it's new dawn. And, although Summer sheds to winter, days will once again become bright.

Others will see the path which took them from one understanding to another; once in which they realised that which was most precious to them.

La Soñadora

From the mythologies of our origins to the dreams of Borges and beyond. From probable to the abstract, from the one to the many, from the dreamer to the bedreamed.

In Irish Mythology there is often mention of the Druid; The Druid was regarded as a man of knowledge and power. He held the knowledge in dreams and signs an interpretation. He knew the lie of lands and the way of the winds. He understood the elements. His was the knowledge of words. One Druid in particular inspired the seed to this lyric; Amergin, who came from the shores of Iberia, modern-day Spain, with the Son of Mil.

And so the Dreamer dreams.

On My Way Home

The journey home. A clear, fresh evening, quiet, restful. Thoughts are comforting, memories are warm and sweet. The air is so still reflection comes easy. A gentle snow may cocoon us and can deaden the night sounds, The mind can dwell on the good things in life as, with each step, one joyful thought begets another. The journey home is filled with the anticipation and excitement of arrival - family, friends, those we love. The solitary path has more room for wishes, in that stillness, in that night, going home.


A Box of Dreams
From the A Box of Dreams Booklet.

Reflections on the way life was, the way life is, the way life might be – peaceful meanderings through the mysteries of life, the journeys where we touch days, remember days, approach new days with the experience these mysteries have given us, with the revelations that still lie before us waiting to be discovered.

From where I am now I have time to remember, time to go beyond.

…beautiful as a dream…
…pure as the dawn of creation…
…old as the beginning of time…
the leaves do not fall – they turn to gold…
…the vale of the land of singers…
…the valley of the singing gold…

How far is it from the beginning to the end.

A daydream is as rich a gift as any.  Like Afer Ventus, the wind from Africa, or Eurus, the East wind, Boreas from the North or the gentle Zephyrs, the imagination is free and can choose and create its own journey.  As with all dreams, we reach for the ideal and we find ourselves in Caribbean Blue…

The theme of dreams: On the river of my imagination I feel I can go anywhere.  Possibilities are endless.  And so, on this ship of dreams, I sail away.  The map of who I am guides me into the light of the heavenly stars, still visible in the morning sky.  Something wonderful steers my course – my belief that there is a journey worth creating, worth following.  The sky deepens blue, wide and giving.  I flow where the river takes me and as it opens out into the ocean I see hues of indigo.  What new worlds await me?  What will I discover?  This is a journey of the heart, mind and soul.  I dive into my book of days, tireless navigator.  The words within myself tell me to trust what is inscribed and I will find the way through.  I pass the Isles of Ebudae.  A whispering world, the domain of ancient queens.  Wonders to behold.  Sail on.  Sail on.  Someday into the Land of the Summer Stars.  The air thickens, beautiful storms wrap around me.  Amharc tríd na stormeacha.  Above me a deep sea of clouds, below the water endless and free.  As I wish myself homeward one joyful thought begets another and I find my way back to the moment in my ship of dreams.

…the ancient islands of the coast of Caledonia…inscribed on ancient maps…found in ancient sounds…

…the line of separation…the impression…
…the rising…the mark left…

Na laetha gael m’óige

The eyes of a child
can lay asleep
not knowing
time could never be enough.
The eyes of a child can cry.
I cry.
The same child within me cries.

I grew to remember the promises of youth
and walked the road of destiny,
and walked the road that was to be mine.

Looking through my childhood
I was so happy,
unaware of life.
Our time was so short.
I sorrow for it.
Long gone the day.

The brighter days of my youth held promise.
The way before me held sure destiny.

I remember
…the shore.
The plain of…
…the shelter

Athair ar neamh…
…Calm and understanding…
…away from the day…

Thoughts from an Oriel window…
The evening star…
the isles of ebony…
Winter gardens…
the singing-ringing tree…

As the light hits a crystal each of its many sides reflect a different hue.  As we walk in the light of our lives so the human heart ignites and radiates emotion, wonderfully varied.  To be human in to be passionately alive.  To be human is to embrace each and every experience with an open heart.  To be human is to express courageously.  The colours of emotion shimmer within us, constantly changing, constantly moving, colours of goodbye kisses, of wishes all too great, of time stolen, of fears deep inside, the colours of the sacred pool, of our journey’s end, the colours of those brave enough to follow, the colours of Divinity, of hope, despair, of love.  We are all of these and more.  The colours of the crystal.  The colours of the heart.  With passion…we feel…we live.

Do gach duine a thug cead dom isteah i do shaoil go maiream a cheil.

The journey home…
my journey ends here.

The exile of lonely words…
the exile of heart and soul.


Only Time - The Collection
From the Only Time - The Collection booklet.>


Has the night taken from you
the one who loves you?
No.  Love is forever.
In your eyes is the sadness of one
who remembers their loss.
Love will not leave you.
Love does not fall under a name or
                                                the mark on a page.
Love is unencumbered,
it's free and it's pure and it's brave.
In your heart is the island
where memories wash on the shore.
Love is an ocean.
Has the night taken from you
the one who belongs to you?
No.  Love is forever.

The title of the track from the album "Watermark" was inspired by a poem I had written at that time.  It remained as a poem and was not adapted for lyric.  This is the first time the poem has been in print.  The track was later used for the tribute album for Princess Diana, the proceeds of which went to the memorial fund set up in her name.


Exile, in this song, is the seperation from one whom you love and is more than merely a physical experience.  Yet in the loneliness of this song there is hope and determination.


The Red giant Star, Aldebaran, found in the constellation of Taurus, is the Eye of the bull.  From the Arabic, Al Dabaran, it means "the follower" as it "follows" the Pleiades.  This piece portrays future Celts passing Aldebaran on their journey to new territories, continuing the migratory pattern which was so predominant in their early history.

March of the Celts

By an amazing co-incidence this track was recorded and titled before we were commissioned to create the music for the BBC series "The Celts".  Director David Richardson had planned on using a different composer for each of the six programmes in the series, but on hearing "March of the Celts" decided that Enya should score the music for the entire series.


Boadicea or Boudicca, meaning Victorious, was the Queen of the Inceni tribe of East Anglia.  She led a rebellion in 60 A.D. against the Romans, destroying the cities of Colchester, St. Alban's and capturing London.  She was eventually defeated by the Romans, and rather than be humiliated by them, she poisoned herself.

The Sun in the Stream

Inspired by the legend of the Salmon of Knowledge.  In the Grove of the nine wise Hazel trees, from the sacred pool, the River Boyne flowed.  The salmon feasted on the rich crimson nuts fallen from the hazel trees, and hence possessed all the truth in the world.

On Your Shore

No matter how far we are in the journey of our lives, no matter how many days and nights have fallen by us, with all their happenings, the child we were is always within us.

Cursum Perficio

My journey is over, my journey ends here.

Storms in Africa

There are two versions of "Storms in Africa", one in Gaelic and one in English.  The Gaelic version is our personal favourite, which we have included here.  Both versions were released as a single in 1989.

The Celts

This was the main title theme for the series.  There were six programmes in the series with 72 minutes of music recorded.  The director had various pastiches in the programme and wanted music to compliment these.  Thus the music ranges from a "Spaghetti Western" through to "The Third Man" and "The Haunted House" to the more familiar tracks embodied on the soundtrack album.  What happened to the other tracks?  We still have them!

Miss Clare Remembers

"Miss Clare Remembers" is the title of a "Miss Read" book.  The idyllic descriptions of country and village life and the simple portraits of those who peopled such settings had appealed to Enya.  In composing this music she recaptures the naivety and innocence of an age and place far removed from the whirl and pressure of a sophisticated society and suggests that we need to dip into that world from time to time.

I Want Tomorrow

This song was written for "The Celts".  Although a track had already specifically been written for Boadicea, the director nevertheless wanted a song to reflect not quite a "re-incarnation", but a fascination or the idea of "being spellbound" by Boadicea..

Orinoco Flow

Although it was the last track written for the album "Watermark" it was the first track to be released, and with great success.  There was a sense of discovery in the creating of this album, a sense of beginning, a sense of something new and exciting.  "Orinoco Flow" reflects the feeling of that time for us - adventure!


Ebudae, latin for the Hebrides, is referred to in Ariosto's "Orlando Furioso" as the Dreadful Isle or the Isle of Tears.  It is also home to the "waulking songs" the rhythm of which is the inspiration for this piece.  "Waulking songs" come from the tradition of women weaving and chanting to the unrelenting rhythm of the looms.


This track was titled even  as it was written.  The title expresses all that Enya wanted to say about this piece.

The Longships

The Longships, the famed war ships of the Vikings.  The Irish Annals tell us that the first Viking raid in Ireland was at a place called Rechru (Rathlin Island) in 795.  By 841 Dublin (Duibh-Linn or black pool) was one of the first Viking settlements or Longphorts in Ireland.

Na Laetha Geal M'óige

A reminiscence on the days of youth, which always seem better in retrospect.

Book of Days

"Book of Days" was adapted from its original instrumental form as it first appeared on the album "Shepherd Moons", for the Ron Howard film "Far and Away" which starred Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman.  The lyrics were written around the theme of the film.

Shepherd Moons

Two tiny new moons had been discovered.  Shepherd moons orbiting the outer ring of Saturn.  Numbered, not named.  Working ceaselessly, it seemed, to keep the particles of the ring together, much as a shepherd would guide his flock.  Protectors both, 1980S26 and 1980S27 - either side of the F ring.  Voyager had performed like a dream and sent pictures to Earth.  An unspoken glory to the rings of Saturn.  The world had not known but all the time they were there, working tirelessly.  Everyone had appreciated the spectacular beauty of Saturn, but where would the planet be without those precious, mis-shaped, miniature moons?

Caribbean Blue

Like "Afer Ventus", the wind from Africa or Eurus, the east wind or the gentle Zephyrus, the imagination is free and can choose to create its own journey.  As with all dreams, we reach for the ideal and "Caribbean Blue" represents such a dream.  The lyrics can be summed up in three words: Believe in yourself.


War carries with it inevitable sadness.  This is the song of the grief of a child evacuee, of the seperation of the child from mother and father.  Unfortunately it is not a song that belongs only to the past.

Evening Falls...

A song of a spirit travelling, of the dreaming of the same dream, of...


Lothlórien is one of the beautiful, Elvish kingdoms in Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings".  This piece was written for the album "Shepherd Moons", which was released in 1991, some tens years before Enya was asked to compose for Peter Jackson's epic film.

Marble Halls

An operatic piece originally scored by the Irish composer, Michael William Balfe (1808 - 1870) with lyrics by Alfred Bunn.  "Marble Halls", or "The Dream" as it is also known, is from the 1843 opera "The Bohemian Girl", which enjoyed great success during Balfe's lifetime.  Balfe was once complemented by Strauss as being the "Master of Melody".  "The Bohemian Girl", and in particular this song, is a favourite of Enya.

Afer Ventus

The moment experienced when everything in life suddenly makes sense - when everything fits into place and we know why - is a rare moment, but it does happen.  If we are lucky enough we can bathe in the brevity of the moment for it passes as quickly as it arrives.  Like Joyce's "Epiphanies" they sometimes seem trivial but are always crucial and revealing moments in our lives, delicate and fleeting.

No Holly For Miss Quinn

A partner piece to "Miss Clare Remembers".  "No Holly For Miss Quinn" was prompted by another Miss Read story.

The Memory of Trees

In ancient Celtic belief trees had spirits within them and were considered sacred.  They were the keepers of memory and lore.  The Druids, the men of knowledge, used to record their wisdoms by means of a secret alphabet called Ogham, which is also called the "Tree Alphabet".  Ogham is named after the God Ogma, the God of poetry and eloquence.  Thus the memory of trees looks into the past.
The future we look at may give us another interpretation of the title, with the destruction of the world's rainforests it may turn out to be that the memory of trees is nothing more than that for us - a memory.

Anywhere Is

Well, it is, isn't it?

Athair ar Neamh

"Father in Heaven"... the voice of epiphany is found in Athair ar Neamh.  It is the voice of the day, the voice of night, the voice of all, of understanding.

China Roses

Everyone has their own idea of heaven.  What creates the beauty of the world is the love we have for it, connected to memories, wishes, desires.  For each of us it is a different treasure we embrace - a changing sky, the crimson flower of the keys of heaven, a love token, the endless delight of fairytales, the ever-shifting pictures of our world that we find in the word of poets.  For each one of us, a different love becomes our own wood of dreams.  Denique non omnes eadem mirantur amantque: All men, in short, do not admire and love the same things.

How Can I Keep From Singing?

This is an old Shaker hymn.  Shakers lived simple lives and their songs reflect the beauty inherent in this simplicity.  It is not widely known that the Shakers sent food to Ireland in 1846 in an attempt to relieve the suffering during the famine.

Hope Has a Place

A song of love's beginning.  A song of first love.

Tea-House Moon

It is said that the path to the tea-house was one of the copse of summer trees, a wave of the sea, the pale evening moon.  The trees, the sea, the pale evening moon evoked old dreams and the tea-house represented an oasis where the traveller could find peace.  On entering through the low door one could hear the song of water echo the distant sea or the sound of the rain in a bamboo forest.  The tea-house was a place of repose and one in which the harmony of nature pervaded.

Pax Deorum

Pax Deorum translates as 'Peace of the Gods'.  This goodwill of the Gods expresses accord between ancient Rome and her Gods, maintaining a harmonious relationship between Man and Divinity.  This concept, and variations of it, are echoed throughout history in other ages and cultures.


An eclipse filled the ancient heart with terror.  Had the sun forsaken them?  Would the light return?  Were they to be forever in the darkness?


A song for a child.  A spirit-child.  One whom both Enya and myself experienced yet know nothing about.  A truly beautiful and peaceful child.  We called the little spirit child Isobella and this song is for her.

Only Time

Who knows the way of love?  Only time...

A Day Without Rain

"...No-one remembers as I do
how each word of love you gave was true.
So often do I dream of you
so my heart is not alone.

Can dreams be found
when the sun comes again?
Tears still fall down
in a day without rain..."

Originally we thought this track to be a song and began writing lyrics.  However as work on the music progressed it became clear that it wanted to be an instrumental.  The lyrics, although incomplete, are given here.  We did however keep one of the lines as the title of the track.

Song of the Sandman

The image speaks for itself.  This song is a lullaby.

Willows on the Water

In Greek mythology Aiglé was one of the Hespéridés, who were guardians to the tree that bore apples of gold.  When the Minyans approached them, imploring them to reveal a river so that they could quench their thirst, the Hespéridés metamorphosed into trees, Aiglé becoming a willow.  She was the one to show the Minyans where to find water.

Wild Child

The day is a wild child.  It is unpredictable, it is reckless, it offers you no security, it promises nothing.  It is what you make it.  So make it good.

Flora's Secret

Tells of lovers lying in the long grass.  Perhaps the girl is called Flora.  Perhaps the "flora" in the song are the flowers they are surrounded by.  Perhaps it is about the Goddess of flowers, Flora.

The Song was inspired by the various legends from classical mythology given to flowers.  The "tears from Persia" are the Persian Iris.  They are the tears of the Mourning Iris taken from the legend of Persephone, the daughter of Demeter, the Goddess of the Corn.  Persephone was abducted by Hades, and was made to spend six months of each year in the underworld with him (hence winter) and the other six months on earth (hence summer).  Ah, but who is the one the moon loves?

Fallen Embers

The memory of a special time with the one you love and a reflection of the loss of that love.  Yet it is reminiscence filled with the tenderness of that love, as much as with the saddness of its loss.  It is a celebration of that special time, and a lament that it is over.

Tempus Vernum

Our lives are entwined with each other and with everything in nature.  Yet, although we are part of the cycle of life, we should remember that the earth can begin again - without us.  Therefore...

Deora ar mo Chroí

This song continues the theme of Tempus Vernum, a reflection on the beauty of mother earth, and how, after we journey through our days with her, we move beyond.  And still the earth sings...

One by One

Four tales from under the Cherry tree.  Four tales, four seasons, four loves.  Each tale tells a different story, each season has its own time, each love ends in a different way.  One by one the tales of love are told, and one by one the pages upon which they are written fall as the leaves fall.

The First of Autumn

Love is like the leaves;
some ever green, some fall on
the first of autumn.

Whilst writing poetry relating to the seasons, I had included some Haiku, the Japanese verse form, and from one of these came the idea for "the First of Autumn".  The Haiku is printed here for the first time.

Lazy Days

In the helter skelter of life it is good for the heart and the soul to have a lazy day.  One where you make time to dream, to consider, to meditate, to reflect.  When simply to be is enough.  When we do not worry about the moments that cause us such concern and distress, but enjoy the moment as it is.  Whether summer or winter, whether watching the corn moving in the wind, or a single red balloon floating skywards.

May It Be

Written for the Peter Jackson film epic of Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" the song "May it be" is written in both English and the Elvish language, Quenya.  Quenya means "speech" and was known as the "Forbidden language" or "the language of the kinslayers".  It was a language used primarily in ancient song and ceremony and in the language of lore.  "May it be" or "Nai" in Quenya, is usually used by the Elves to express a wish.

Oíche Chiúin

This is a Gaelic rendering of the famous Christmas Carol "Silent Night".  Little more needs to be said about this universally known carol.  The version on the video was sung for the BBC programme "Christmas Day in the Morning" and was recorded at Christ Church Cathedral in Dublin.


