Welcome to my enslaved heart
personal website focusing on an alternative adult lifestyle.

For whatever reason You have come, I welcome You to my world. A place where we can laugh and cry... learn and grow... accept and understand.
There is no right or wrong. As others have shared with me I now share with You. There is but one thing that I ask, that being, You do not judge what you find but allow it to open your mind and seek Your own answers.
Within these pages You can learn more About MeThere is also a library of topics on the BDSM Lifestyle and brief introduction to the World of Gor.
I have also included some inspiring Poems as well as a page that links many of the Cards and Gifts sites.
For those who love to laugh, the
Funny Bones page should tickle your sense of humour. 

So come explore with me some of my interests.. learn of my passions and discover some secrets. There may even be a few surprises along the way......

Angel of PeaceWe will always remember...

"When I let go of who I am, I become what I might be".... Lao Tzu

[ The Mystery of Me ] [ BDSM Lifestyle ] [ The World of Gor ]
[ Prose & Poems ] [ Cards & Gifts ] [ Funny Bones ]

[[email protected]]