Páginas de diseñadores de Fuentes Tengwar

Dan Smith's Fantasy Fonts for Windows
Tengwar Fëanora
Tengwar Parmaite de Mans Bjorkman
Tengwar Cursive de Harri Perälä
Tengwar Formal de Michal Nowakowski
Tengwar Annatar de Johan Winge

Sitios que continen Fuentes Tengwar

Yamada Language Center

Idiomas de Tolkien

Ardalambion (de Helge Fauskanger)
Ardalambion Español
The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship-Vinyar Tengwar
Instituto Lingüístico Lambenor - ILL
Sitio de Eldalamberon
Amanye Tenceli (de Måns Björkman)
Gwaith-i-Pheddain de Ryszard Derdzinski
Studies on the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien de Harri Perälä
Writing With Elvish Fonts de Harri Perälä
Lista de preguntas frecuentes del foro Elfling
Forodrim: Mellonath Daeron: Tengwar Guides and DTS
Chris McKay Page @ Geocities
The Tolkien Language List (TolkLang)
Tyalie Tyelellieva de Lisa Star
Tolkien's Middle-earth Alphabets de Dan Smith
Tengwar und ihre Verwendung (en alemán)
I Lam Arth - The Noble Tongue (Sindarin)
Lambë Eldaiva (Quenya) de Alex Grigny de Castro
Rivendell: Home of the Elves ... Elrond's Library
Deutsche Tengwar (German)
Tengwar alphabet - Omniglot Guide
Ostadan @ Green Books

Programas Tengwar

YaTT (Yet Another Tengwar Tool)
Tengwar Translator

Dibujos, Escritos, Libros, etc. de Tolkien

Talking About Tolkien ("All in one" site)
The Valaquenta
Sitio Tolkien ruso

Portales relativos a  Sitios dedicados a Tolkien

TolkienWorld.com - The Gateway to Middle-Earth!

Galerías de Arte y las Películas

Tolkien On Line (see Gallery, sometimes off line)
The Lord of the Rings The Two Towers Official Movie Site ...


Otros Sitios dedicados a la obra de Tolkien

The Tolkienion
The Encyclopedia of Arda
Tolkien Society Links Page
The Led Zeppelin and JRR Tolkien Relations Page
Endorion.org (en ruso)


Lambenor (espacio para la discusión sobre las creaciones lingüísticas de JRR Tolkien - en español)
Elfling (scholarly study of the languages invented by J.R.R. Tolkien)
Elfscript (discussion of JRR Tolkien's orthographies and scripts)
Lambengolmor (scholarly study and discussion of the invented languages of J.R.R. Tolkien)


Tipografía y Programas

Cómo instalar fuentes

Microsoft's Typography
Desktoppub.about.com (no solo paraWindows)
Desktoppub.about.com (para Windows)

Introducciones, Tutoriales, Vínculos, etc.

Microsoft's Typography
FreeType Glyph Conventions
TrueType Typography info about TTF fonts & technology
ProGothics Downloads
Type Design, Typography, Typefaces and Fonts
Typography on computer basic documentation and resources
Chank's Font-Making
Tutorialfind - Typography tutorials
Tutorialfind - Fontographer
Type, handwriting, and lettering
The World of Fonts


Zeichensätze und Symbole
Fontographer Workshop
Google Fonts/Management and Tools
Google Typography


A Tutorial on Character Code Issues (muy bueno!)



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