Donuts & Coffee at Endless Summer


On Saturday morning at 8:30, we have Donuts and Coffee in the Rec Hall. We do have a nominal cost for the Donuts and Coffee. However, once a month, on Saturday we have a Park Meeting and the Park Managers, Butch and Linda Mathews, bring us up to date on the goings on in the Park. During this meeting, coffee and Donuts are provided by our park managers. Also, this is the day that our Park Committee, made up of 5 residents, informs us as to anything special that might be happening over the next month, and our treasurer provides us with our financial health. This is also a day when we, the residents, get to state our concerns directly to the managers for appropriate action.







Donuts  are a must on Saturday Morning!
Just don't spill any.  It's more expensive that Diesel Fuel.