Set Me Free
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Falling together
Slipping deep
I watch your eyes fade
As we drift to sleep

You've not gone far
I feel you're near
You feel so far away
Yet, you're still right here

If I sleep for happiness
Why aren't you there
If I long for other things
Why can't you care
Can't you feel it
Something's wrong
Someone's singing
A disheartened love song

I've lost your face
Inside this dream.
I can't hear how
Your voice calls for me

I pushed you away

But you're not far
I can feel you're near
But I'm awake now
And you're still not here

Find your way
Back to me
I'm not far
I'm still right here
-Emily Adams September 15, 2003
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"Have you forgotten all I know and all we had?"
      -Amy Lee
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