Strangers In the Night III

After a quiet and tense ride home, Johnny and Dixie finally arrived back at the ranch. Johnny climbed down off the horse and turned to help Dixie down as well. Slipping his right hand into the back pocket of his jeans, he pulled it back out clinging to his keys. �Here Dix, why don�t you go inside and make yourself at home. I�m going to take care of Thunder.�

�Okay, can I do anything?�

�No, I can manage.� He smiled

Dixie turned and walked towards Johnny�s house dangling his keys as she went.

Johnny led Thunder into the corral. He took the saddle off the horse and put it away, returning with a brush in his hand. He started to stroke the horse while talking to her quietly and soothingly. He was telling her what a beautiful ride they had and complimenting her for giving Dixie a comfortable first trip.

�First times aren�t normally comfortable Johnny as a matter of fact they can be down right awkward. How do I approach this? Is it too soon? After all, this really is only our second date. Well it never stopped you before Gage, so why are you so nervous? You know the answer to that, because this is Dixie that�s why. She�s special! Oh boy, that still doesn�t tell me how to go about this.�

While Johnny was looking after his horse and trying to get control of his nerves. Dixie had unlocked Johnny�s house, stepped inside and placed the keys on the table beside the door. She took off her shoes and decided to get herself a glass of water. Their walk, the encounter with the snake, and the nervous tension on the ride home had all served to make her very thirsty. She made her way into the kitchen and went to the cupboard where she knew Johnny kept his mugs and glasses. After opening it up and looking at its contents she wondered whether she should bring a glass out to Johnny.

�No Dix old girl, stay away from Johnny right now. Clear your mind and think. Are you ready for this? I know physically I�m more then ready, but am I emotionally ready? For five years you haven�t been with anyone other than Kel, so you better make good and sure you can handle this.�

�That sure looks good Dixie�

Hearing Johnny�s voice startled the woman standing at the sink, as well as sending her stomach into small ripples of anxiety. �You mean the glass of water? She asked turning to face Johnny.

�Among other things.� He grinned.

She returned his smile and got down another glass and filled it with cold tap water. She handed it to the young man in front of her; their hands barely touching. Johnny felt what seemed like a bolt of lightening streak through his body. He closed his eyes and downed the glass of water in a single gulp. As he started walking over to the sink, Dixie moved out of his way. He refilled his glass and turned to her. �So did you enjoy yourself?� he asked the pretty woman who had made herself comfortable at his table.

�Yes, thank you for asking me out here. It�s beautiful. And I�ve decided the next time Mike gives me a hard time, I�ll just throw him over my shoulder and deposit him in a broom closet.� She smiled.

Johnny laughed as he imagined her picking Doctor Morton up over her shoulder and carrying him threw the halls of Rampart. �Hey now, it�s meant to be used as a safety tool.� He teased.

She threw her head back and laughed a hearty laugh. Johnny loved the sound, realizing he didn�t think he�d ever heard her have a real good laugh before. He watched her mouth form an exquisite smile and her eyes twinkle and capture the sunlight streaming through the window over the sink above his head. �Oh God, I want you Dixie. But you have to give me some sort of signal. I can�t seem to read you.�

Dixie stopped laughing and looked into the sexiest eyes she�d ever seen. Her stomach felt as though it was competing in the Olympics for the national gymnastics team. �John Gage why do you make me feel like a 15 year-old school girl?�

�So are you hungry?� he asked.

�Actually I am getting hungry.� She glanced at her watch and was surprised to find it was 5 o'clock. �Boy time flies when I�m with you Johnny.�

�Good, why don�t we go out somewhere to eat? I don�t really have much in the house to make a decent meal.�

She chuckled remembering she had those same thoughts earlier in the afternoon when she had made him a sandwich for lunch. �Sure, that would be nice.�

�Okay, I suppose you�d like to change. Would you like to wait for me or go home to change now and I can pick you up there later?�

�I�ll go home now and meet you there when you�re ready.�


He walked her out to her car and opened the car door for her. He bent down and gave her a soft sensual kiss. �I really enjoyed our afternoon together Dix.�

After returning his kiss, she opened her eyes and looked into his handsome face. There was no mistaking his desire for her. �I did to Johnny. Thanks again. I�ll see you in a little while.� She slid into her car�s waiting seat. �By the way, your keys are on the table beside the front door.�

�Kay.� It was almost a whisper. He shut her car door and watched her drive down his driveway. He let out a frustrated sigh and ran a hand through his hair. �Okay Johnny, she�s not fawning over you, but she�s not telling you to take a hike either. I guess that�s a good sign.�

The young man entered his house and for the second time that afternoon went into his master bath to prepare for a date. Precisely ninety minutes later he was knocking on the door of his Dixie's apartment. He stood stunned when the door opened.

�Come on in John, I�m almost ready.� She retreated down the hallway into her bedroom to put the finishing touches to her attire.

He closed his gapping mouth, cleared his throat, stepped into the apartment, and closed the door behind him. He knew Dixie was a beautiful woman, but he would have never, in all the years he�d known her, described her as sexy. But he would now! She was wearing a dress that did nothing but accentuate her womanly figure. She was also wearing a small amount of make up which served its purpose nicely. Johnny couldn�t help but notice how incredible her eyes were. �Boy Johnny, have you ever really looked at Dixie before? Man she�s going to drive you crazy looking like that.�

As she finally came back into the room, putting on the bracelet the men of Station 51 had bought her for her birthday, she smiled at the man still leaning against her door. �You could have come in and made yourself comfortable.�

Realizing he hadn�t moved since he�d walk into Dixie�s apartment, Johnny smiled a rather bashful smile, �um...That�s okay. I�m comfortable.�

�Well I�m ready. We didn�t discuss where we would be going so I tried not to overdo it.�

�Uh you look�um you look�well stunning Dix.

�Thanks, you don�t look so bad yourself. Would you like a drink before we go?�

�To be honest, I�m starving.�

She smiled and let out a small chuckle. �Like I said, you�re always hungry.�

�Just think of me as a growing teenage boy.� He responded. He opened the door and Dixie started to walk out, placing a hand on her shoulder he brought her to a stop. �You really do look great Dix!�

�Thank you. So do you.� She placed a hand on his cheek. She didn�t know why she did it; she just felt a need to touch him. He closed his eyes and savored her touch. Dixie�s hand slid to the back of his neck and gently lowered his head to her. He opened his eyes and his mouth found hers as he brought his arms around her. He caught the scent of her perfume and felt his body starting to react to her. He let out a soft groan as he ran a hand threw her soft shoulder length hair. He wasn�t sure how much more of this he could take so drew himself away from her, but not breaking eye contact. �Is there anywhere in particular you�d like to go?� he half groaned, half whispered.

Taking her hand away from his neck, which allowed him to stand up straight, she nodded her head. She cleared her throat trying to find her voice. �I was hoping for Italian?�

�You�ve got it.� He smiled.

After making the decision of which restaurant to go to, Johnny escorted his date out to his waiting Rover. He opened the door for her and closed it when she was safely inside.

After a twenty-minute drive, he found himself walking into Mario�s Eatery with Dixie on his arm. Mario�s was the perfect choice of dinning for a couple hoping for a nice quiet and romantic dinner. The lights were low; a candle was in the center of each table and the soft sounds of only the best crooners provided the perfect dinner music. After being seated and ordering the baked lasagna for himself and the fettuccini Alfredo for Dixie, he also asked their waiter for a bottle of white Italian wine.

�Are you off tomorrow?� Johnny asked.

�No I�m working.�

�Okay, I�ll try to remember to keep the hour decent. Not that I wouldn�t like to spend all of my free time with you.� He confessed.

She smiled, enjoying his honesty. �Does that mean you�re off tomorrow.�

�Yep, you bet.� He rubbed his hands together.

The waiter returned with their bottle of wine and poured the clear dry beverage into their waiting glasses. They both responded with a friendly �Thank you.�

�So what are your plans for tomorrow?�

�I think I�ll finish my deck and then Chet, Marco, and I plan on playing pool in the afternoon.�

�Sounds busy. Don�t you ever relax during your days off?�

�Yeah, once in a while. My relaxing days are usually spent with Roy and his family. Occasionally Mike and his wife Beth will invite me over as well. That�s pretty relaxing too.�

�You guys are all pretty close, aren�t you?�

�I suppose so. Don�t you ever get together with any of your co-workers?�

�Occasionally, but not very often. We all pretty much work different schedules. But Joe and I will usually try to get out to a few jazz shows a year. We normally go together because Kel doesn�t�� Having said the name of her former lover, Dixie stopped herself, not knowing how Johnny would respond to hearing his name.

At that moment, the waiter once again returned, this time with their food. Before picking up his fork, Johnny looked over at Dixie. �Listen Dix, it�s ok. I don�t mind you talking about Doctor Brackett. I understand, he was a big part of your life for a long time.�

Feeling more relieved than she could have ever imagined; she smiled at her dinner date wishing she could embrace him with a thank you. Instead she settled on giving him a verbal �thank you.�

Johnny gave her a quick grin and then went to work on his lasagna. Noticing Dixie�s wineglass was empty, he picked up the bottle and poured her another glass and topped up his own. After they had both finished their meals, Johnny asked to see the dessert menu. Dixie declined her menu with a kind wave of her hand.

Johnny frowned. �You�re not having dessert?�

�You�ve got to be kidding? I�m stuffed.�

�You�re sure?�

�Yes Johnny, I couldn�t eat another bite.�

�Do you want a coffee or tea?�

�No, I�m still working on my wine, thanks.�

�Well okay.� After scanning the menu, he decided on a cheesecake. While waiting for his dessert to arrive, he asked, �Do you have next Sunday off Dixie?�

�No, why?�

�Well Roy and Joanne have invited me over for dinner. I was hoping you could come with me.� Her reply left him feeling somewhat dejected.

Seeing his disappointment she explained, �I get off at three in the afternoon. So I guess I could make it if it�s okay with Roy and Joanne.�

With a smile spreading across his face he let her know, �Of course it would be okay, you�re their friend. Plus, Jo�s always trying to get me to bring a date.� With his dessert arriving, Johnny�s attention turned once again to his stomach.

Dixie sat drinking her wine, continuing to wonder where her dinner date put all his food? �You must have an amazing metabolism. Boy what woman wouldn�t kill for it!�

While eating his cheesecake Johnny slowly realized Dixie was humming to the Dean Martin song playing in the background. �Man, that�s a nice sound, very soothing. I bet she can sing! I should try and get her to sometime. Man what a night! Good food, good wine, and a beautiful sexy woman humming by candle light. This is something I could write home about.�

�I think I�m finally full� he patted his stomach. Dixie chuckled realizing for the first time a small part of Johnny�s charm was his boyish playfulness wrapped into a good looking sexy man. �Yes despite popular belief around the hospital, Johnny is definitely a man. Geez Dix, you�d better decide real soon how you want this evening to end!�

After paying the bill, Johnny drove back to Dixie�s apartment building. Killing the engine he turned to her, �I�ll walk you up.�

Glancing at her watch, she realized it was only 9 o'clock. �Why don�t you come in for a bit Johnny.�

He looked at his own watch. �Are you sure?�

�Yeah, it�s still early.�

After they entered her apartment, Dixie turned on the lights and bent over to take of her high heels off. As she started towards her kitchen she turned to Johnny. �Would you like a drink?�

�No, I�m driving. I�ve had my limit thanks.�

Would you like anything to drink?�

No, I�m fine thanks.�

Dixie retreated to the kitchen and put on the kettle to make herself a tea. Coming into the living room a few minutes later, she found her companion sitting in front of her stereo going through her record albums. By this time, he�d taken off his sports jacket, loosened his tie and undid the top button of his shirt. �My he�s sexy!�

�Is there anything you�d like to listen to?�

� not really.  I�m sorry I shouldn�t be going through your stuff�

�Oh that�s ok, music should be shared.� Her face, more than her words let him know she didn�t mind. �She sure has a nice softness about her. I�m crazy about you Dixie McCall.�

They both made their way over to her couch and sat down. Dixie placing her hot tea onto her coffee table. Johnny looked at his watch. �Are you sure you wouldn�t like me to leave? You have to get up and work tomorrow.�

Placing a hand on his arm she re-assured him, �It�s okay. It�s still a bit early and I don�t start until 10:00 a.m. I�ll be fine.�

Her touch was unbearable for the young man. He leaned over and took her in his arms. His kiss was soft and sensual. Unlocking their lips, but with heads still together, he spoke in a throaty voice, �Dixie I can�t tell you how much a love being with you.� He started to place small kisses along her jaw line.

Dixie was becoming overwhelmed by the younger mans desires. �Oh God Johnny I want you to, but I don�t think I�m ready for this.� Despite her thoughts, she couldn�t help but love what he was doing to her senses. She tilted her head giving him access to her neck. Johnny immediately responded to her guidance. She closed her eyes and let a small moan escape from between her lips. Johnny�s mouth made its way towards Dixie�s once again. As their lips met, she felt Johnny�s hand find her breast. She let out another moan. �Oh but you make it hard to say no Johnny.� After enjoying these sensations a moment longer, she placed her hands on his chest and gently pushed him away from her. �Johnny, I�m really sorry. I don�t think I�m ready for this just yet� she panted. �I feel so foolish.�

Although feeling very disappointed as well as frustrated Johnny was quick to re-assure her. Placing a hand on her cheek and softly rubbing her face with his thumb he looked straight into her eyes. �It�s okay Dixie. I understand. I only told you to think of me as a teenage boy where food is concerned. I�m a grown man I can wait. There�s no reason to feel foolish.� 

His words brought a small smile to her lips. �Thanks Johnny, you�re sweet and kind.�

The hand on her cheek made it�s way down her neck and started playing with her hair. �It has nothing to do with being kind Dixie. I care about you. I don�t want you to do anything you�re not ready for. You can set the pace here.�

�Thank you Johnny. That means a lot to me.� She was no longer feeling foolish, but had to admit she was a bit disappointed with herself. She really did want to be with Johnny. It was just too soon for her.

�I suppose you�d like to leave now?� She sighed.

�Not unless you�re kicking me out.� He smiled a crooked questioning smile.

�Of course not. I just thought��

�You thought wrong.� He took her hand in his and sat contently on the couch with her. They sat in silence enjoying the time they could spend together. After another thirty minutes and a bit of small talk, Johnny insisted he leave so she could get a good night�s sleep.

�Thank you for dinner Johnny.�

�My pleasure Dixie. I�ll call you tomorrow.�

�I'm looking forward to it.� She admitted.

He bent down and gave her a slow passionate kiss.

�Drive careful.� She said as he finally made it out of her apartment. She closed the door, locked it, and leaned against it. �Ok Dix old girl, you�ve gotten used to his kisses, lets work on the rest of it. The poor man will probably take a cold shower when he gets home. You could use one yourself.� 

She turned out her lights, walked into her bathroom and washed off her make up and brushed her teeth. She went into her bedroom and got ready for bed. Pulling the covers over her body after climbing into bed, she turned off the small lamp on her night table and snuggled into bed. Despite how tired she felt, she couldn�t sleep. She could still feel Johnny�s body against hers and his hand fondling her breast. Bringing her own hand to her breast she let out a loud sigh. �Okay Dix, he�s giving you control, you know you want Johnny in your bed. Try to relax and not think about how different he makes you feel compared to Kel. Of course it�s different, he�s a completely different person with different qualities. What he showed you tonight were qualities you always wondered if he possessed. Understanding, gentleness, and maturity, those are important to you. He has proven he�s got them as well as being sweet, sensitive and caring. Now go to sleep.�

The next morning at 8:30 Dixie�s phone rang. Making her way into the living room from the kitchen where she�d been making herself a coffee, she picked up the phone. �Hello.�

�Morning beautiful�

She smiled a very wide smile. �What are you doing up this early on you�re day off John Gage?� She heard a chuckle on the other end and pictured him standing barefoot in a pair of jeans drinking his own coffee.

�I told you, I have a deck to finish. Plus I wanted to hear the sound of you�re voice to start my day.�

�You really are an incurable flirt.�

He smiled, �So I�ve been told.�

�Well believe it Fire boy.�

�Fire boy?�

�Yeah, Fire boy, do you have a problem with that?�

�No more than you do with my flirting.�

She laughed. She woke up wondering if Johnny had only been being nice to her the previous evening. She was worried she�d ruined what had been starting between them. But true to his word, he�d called her. Her heart skipped a beat thinking about the night before.

He broke into her thoughts  �You know, if I�d been thinking straight last night. I would have offered to swing by and take you out for breakfast this morning before your shift.�

�Oh that�s ok John.�

�I just want to spend as much time with you as possible.�

�I have to admit that would be nice. But then you wouldn�t get to work on your deck.�

�I could work on it this afternoon.�

�I thought you said you�d be going out with Chet and Marco?�

�I am, you see I could call them up and tell them I�ve had a change of plans. I�d tell them I�m firing up the barbecue pit and putting the beer in the fridge. Invite them over for burgers and when they get here, put them to work.�

�Johnny you�re insufferable. You can�t do that to you�re friends.� She laughed at what sounded like one of his infamous business schemes.

�Sure I could. Roy does it to me all the time.� He protested.

�Well Fire boy. As much as I�d love to spend the next hour talking with you, I have to get ready for work.�

�Okay Beautiful, have a good day.�

�I will and you have a good time with Chet and Marco.�

�Thanks, I will.�



Johnny reluctantly replaced the receiver back in its cradle and made his way into his kitchen to pour himself another cup of coffee, stopping at the sink he relived his dinner with Dixie. He couldn�t stop thinking about her. She looked incredible and she had felt so good in his arms. He hadn�t gotten a very good night�s sleep. He�d tossed and turned wondering how long it would be before he could make love to her. He understood her apprehension, but it didn't stop him from wanting her.

�She was with Kelly Brackett for five years Johnny. That�s a long time to be with only one person. She�s nervous, you�re new to her. Be patient. I wish I�d thought of taking her out for breakfast last night. I miss her already.�

Pouring himself a coffee he retreated into his bedroom seeking out a pair of socks and a T-shirt. Finding what he was looking for, he put on a pair of running shoes and made his way outside to finish his deck.


Later in the afternoon as Dixie made her way down the hallway at Rampart, Joe Early came up beside her placing an arm around her shoulder. �You about ready for lunch?� he asked.

�Sure Joe, you buying?� she laughed.

�Don�t I always?� he smiled.

They stopped at the nurse�s station so she could sign herself out for lunch. Then the pair made their way to Rampart's cafeteria. Having made their eating choices and each grabbing a cup of coffee, Joe paid the cashier for both meals.

�It�s beautiful outside, let�s sit on the patio.� She said.

�Sure.� After sitting and eating for a few minutes, Joe decided to take the plunge. �Dix, this is none of my business, so if you tell me to butt out I�ll understand.�

The nurse took in a deep breath and slowly let it out. She had the distinct feeling she knew what this was going to be about. �Go ahead Joe.�

�Well as you know, this place is full of rumors.�

�Rumors of which I�m surprised you of all people listen to.� She interrupted.

�Oh I listen Dix, I just don�t join in.� he smiled. Seeing his smile helped relax the nurse. She and Joe shared a unique friendship. They had a lot in common and enjoyed each other�s company. �Well anyway, something I heard in the lounge the other day has been bothering me.� He continued.

She frowned, not liking the sound of this.

�I heard the reason for yours and Kel's breakup was Johnny Gage.�

Before she could respond he put his hands up to stop her. �Dixie I really could care less whom you�re seeing as long as he treats you right. Like I said, it�s none of my business but I just can�t see Johnny doing something like that, or you for that matter. I just thought you�d like to know what�s been going around.�

Dixie was furious. She hated the thought of being the topic of the latest gossip circulating around the hospital. Suddenly she felt like she�d been punched in the stomach. �Has Kel heard this rumor Joe?� concern evident in her voice.

�He hasn�t mentioned anything, but you know Kelly, he wouldn�t comment anyway.�

The two continued to tackle their lunch and Joe got up and bought them each another coffee. Placing the Styrofoam cups on the table, he looked at the woman sitting across from him and curiosity got the better of him. He�d noticed a difference in his friend for a while now, and her reaction to Johnny�s being stuck in that cave was highly unusual for her. �So are you seeing Johnny, Dix?� he asked cautiously.

She couldn�t have hid her pleasure if she�d tried. �We�ve had a few dates.�

�That�s great! If that�s what�s put a spring in your step lately, than I�m all for it. Does Kelly know?�

�Thanks Joe. And yes, Kel knows.�


Johnny wasn�t paying much attention to what Hank was saying during roll call. He knew his captain was just letting everyone know what his chore for the shift would be. He perked up at the sound of his name. �John you�re cooking today Pal.� A loud groan could be heard from the four other men standing along side the paramedic.

�And Johnny, Roy, you�ll be having a ride along today. When you�re at Rampart picking up supplies, pick up Dixie McCall as well. She�ll be riding along because of some problems the hospital staff has been having appreciating the paramedic program again, or something like that.�

Roy glanced at his partner trying to read whether Johnny had known about this and hadn�t mentioned it to him. By the shocked look on his partner�s face he guessed the answer was no.

After dismissing his men Hank headed for the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee. His paramedics did their morning calibrations and checked the drug box over. The two didn�t speak, Roy could sense the younger mans mood. He wasn�t ready to talk yet. As Johnny came around to the front of the squad after replacing the biophone and drug box, he turned to Roy who was starting to get into the vehicle. �Uh...can you wait a minute Roy? I need to talk to Cap.�

�Sure Junior.�

Noticing his captain had taken his coffee into the office, Johnny knocked on the open door and waited for Hank to acknowledge him. Looking up from his desk Hank was surprised to see John Gage�s nervous face. �Come in Johnny. Something the matter?�

Johnny walked through the doorway and stood before his captains desk. �Well��s about this ride along today.�

�I know you and Roy find them irritating but today it�ll be Dixie. I�m sure you and Roy could use the extra pair of hands.�

�Well yeah you�re right, it�s nice to hear someone in the medical field will be joining us�but�.�

�John what�s wrong? As I understand Dixie used to go out with you and Roy all the time before the program passed legislation?�

�Well yeah she did but�well�I think you have the right to know something before you ok this.� He ran a hand through his hair.


�Well Cap, Dixie and I have been sort of seeing each other.�

�Sort of?�

�Okay not sort of, we have been.�

�Oh, do you think it will cause any problems in the field?� Hank asked trying to hide the shock Johnny�s confession brought with it.

�No we�re both professional.�

�Does Roy know about this?�


�Can you ask Roy to step in here John�

�Sure Cap.� Johnny went over to the door and poked his head out. �Roy, Cap wants to see you.� He motioned to his partner waiting by the squad. Roy couldn�t help but wonder what was going on. �Did we do something wrong? Is there something wrong with Johnny?�

�Roy, Johnny tells me he and Dixie McCall have been seeing one another. Do you have any problems with her riding along with you guys today?�

Roy felt relieved to know that nothing was wrong. Taking a quick look at his partner he turned his attention to his captain saying, �No, I don�t have a problem with it.�

Hank looked first at Johnny, then at Roy and back to Johnny. �Okay then it�s settled. Nobody has any reason to believe there will be any problems so I guess I�m still okaying this.� He smiled

Roy left the room and got into the driver�s seat of the squad, patiently waiting for his partner to exit the office. �I�m proud of you Junior, I know it took a lot of guts for you to tell Hank, but you�re right, he deserves and needs to know about you�re dating Dixie if she�s going to join us today.�

As Johnny started out the door he was stopped by his captains voice. �John thanks for telling me, I appreciate it Pal. And don�t worry we�ll watch out for her.�

�No problem, thanks Cap.� Johnny waved his hand in the air as he made his retreat out of the office and over to the squad. He climbed in and Roy pulled the squad out of the bay.


�Yeah Johnny.�

�I invited Dixie to come with me to your place on Sunday. I hope you don�t mind?�

�Of course not. I�ll let Joanne know to expect her. How did your ride go on Saturday?�

�Oh it was great! Turns out Dixie�s never been on a horse before, so we rode together.�

�Isn�t that convenient?� Roy teased.

�Ha ha very funny. You�re a real card.�

�So is Dixie prepared for your culinary skills?� Roy teased remembering his partner had kitchen duty.

�No I didn�t get a chance to go grocery shopping Saturday morning so I took her out for dinner.�

�So things are going nicely I take it?�

�Yeah. It�s really nice to be so comfortable with someone. You know what I mean?�

�Yes Johnny I know exactly what you mean.� Roy thought of Joanne and a smile spread across his face. The two men remained quiet the rest of the way to Rampart, each involved in his own pleasant thoughts concerning the woman in his life.

Dixie looked up as she heard the unmistakable sound of John Gage�s chuckle. As she expected, the two paramedics from 51 were making their way down the hallway. She smiled as she saw a look of total confusion on Roy�s face. �What�s Johnny doing to poor Roy now?�

�Morning Dix. Are you ready for a fun filled day with a bunch of overgrown boys?� Roy asked.

�I thought I was until you asked. What�s up?�

�Oh Johnny�s just explaining a new card game he�s come up with. It�s got more rules than you can shake a stick at. I have the unmistakable feeling it�s going to be a very interesting day at the station.�

�Roy it�s really rather simple. You just don�t have any card sense, that�s all.� Johnny interrupted as he went about getting their supplies from the nurse�s station.

The elder paramedic rolled his eyes and tried to ignore his partner. �Are you ready to leave Dix. We have some grocery shopping to do.�

�You�re kidding! We�re going grocery shopping?�

�Yeah, we need to buy food for the station.�

�Okay, I�m as ready as I�ll ever be.� She smiled and walked down the hall with the blonde haired fireman. Johnny looked up and noticed he�d been left behind and hurried down the hallway after his partner and the woman whose presence was making him nervous for some reason. �It�ll be fine Johnny. Dixie knows not to put herself into any danger. That�s our job.� 


Wheeling the shopping cart around the grocery store Roy was teasing Dixie. �Now I want you to stay clear of these shopping carts. They can be pretty dangerous.�

Although she was enjoying Roy�s gentle humor she wasn�t going to let him know, so she slapped the man lightly on the arm protesting. �It wasn�t my fault. Could we please forget that incident.�

�Okay, but only for now� he smiled. �Where�s Johnny gotten to?�

�He�s gone to pick up a bag of coffee. Roy I hope you don�t mind, but Johnny invited me over to your place on Sunday.�

�Mind? Of course I don�t mind Dix. You�re more then welcome to come along with Johnny anytime.�

�Thanks Roy, I just wanted to make sure it was ok with you and that you knew.�

�Yeah I knew, Johnny told me.�

Arriving back at the station they noticed the engine gone. Johnny went to work putting the groceries away, while Roy started a fresh pot of coffee. Dixie made her way over to the day room and sat on the couch next to Henry. The dog was smelly and looked like he had no energy at all. Despite these facts, Dixie liked him and started to pet him anyway.

�So how come you have to do a ride along?� Johnny asked taking a seat beside her.

�Some of the newer employees are having a hard time appreciating the work you guys do, so Kel decided some ride a longs were required. He also decided not to discriminate, so everyone has to do at least one.�

�Well I�m not going to complain, we get to spend some more time together.� He lowered his voice.

Just than the sound of the engine could be heard backing into the apparatus bay. Four tired looking men walked into the room and Roy started to pour coffee for each of them.

�Thanks Roy.� Chet said accepting the mug from his co-worker. �By the way Roy, I think you need to check Johnny out Pal.�

Johnny frowned and wondered what Chet was talking about? Roy had a similar look on his face and asked, �What do you mean?� noticing Johnny getting up off the couch and coming to sit at the kitchen table with Dixie following close behind.

�I just think he�s not feeling very well, ask Marco he�ll agree with me.�

�What the heck are you talking about, I feel just fine.� Johnny objected placing a hand on his chest.

�For once I agree with Chet. We went out to play pool with Johnny yesterday and he wasn�t acting right.� Marco nodded his head in agreement with Chet.

�I was acting just fine, you two have lost your marbles.�

�What was he doing that�s made you concerned?� Roy was started to get a bit worried; if Marco agreed with Chet, maybe Johnny hadn�t been quite acting like himself.

�It�s more like what he wasn�t doing Roy. There we were in a bar, surrounded by all these gorgeous chics�� Chet looked at Dixie and smiled. �I mean women, these gorgeous women and not once did Johnny try to hit on any of them! That�s just not normal.�

�Not only that, but one lady even approached Johnny and asked him if he�d teach her how to play pool and he turned her down. Now you tell me Johnny�s not sick.� Marco offered.

Roy just couldn�t help himself he started to laugh.

Johnny was feeling uncomfortable with Dixie sitting at the table listening to the guys talk about, what even he had to admit, was not normal behavior for him. �That�s not funny Roy!�

Soon Mike Stoker joined Roy�s laughter. The fact that Johnny was getting riled so easily made the whole story too funny not to laugh at.

�I don�t think it�s funny either. I think there�s something seriously wrong with Gage.� Chet said.

�Okay you Twits, let�s leave the bar talk alone. Dixie would you like a cup of coffee?� Hank felt sorry for Johnny and Dixie both, having John�s libido or lack of it discussed in front of the new woman in his life, was probably making them both uncomfortable.

As Hank was handing Dixie a cup of coffee the klaxons sounded� Station 51�house fire� 16 Claremont�cross street Elm. 16 Claremont�time out 10:11.

Six firemen and a nurse all sprang into action. Hank Stanley stopped at the microphone and responded to LA dispatch.  �KMG 365�.  He handed a piece of paper to Johnny who was standing beside Mike at the map on the wall. Locating their destination, the two men each made their way over to their waiting vehicles. Getting into the squad Johnny opened the glove compartment pulled out a notebook and a pen out of his breast pocket. After looking at his watch and scribbling something down he returned the two items to their rightful place and turned his attention to the road ahead him. Once in a while he�d tell Roy to make a turn pointing as he did so.

As the two wailing vehicles came to a stop in front of a fully involved two-story house, a woman came screaming towards them. Getting out of the squad Johnny placed both hands on the woman�s shoulders. �Okay ma�am, you need to calm yourself down. What�s the problem?�

�My daughter is still in the house! She was home sick from school today, my husband and I assumed the other had gotten her! Please get my baby!�

�Alright, you just stay here with this nice woman. This is Dixie, she�s a registered nurse. My partner and I will get your daughter okay.� He gently moved the woman over towards Dixie, whom immediately wrapped her arm around the young woman to comfort her.

Roy walked over to Hank. �Cap, we have a young child still in the house. Johnny and I are going in.�

�Make it quick Pal.�

Roy returned to the squad just as Johnny was putting on his mask. �Let�s go Junior.� He grabbed his own mask and started adjusting it. As the two walked past the mother and nurse Johnny caught the worried look on Dixie�s face. �Geez Dix, why do you have to do a ride along, you�re not causing any problems at Rampart. You don�t need to see me walking into a burning building!� As he entered the house, the heat and smoke snapped him out of his thoughts of Dixie, he turned his concentration to finding a little girl and watching his partners back.

As she watched the paramedics enter the house, Dixie held the woman next to her a little harder, �Don�t worry Mrs.��

�Callaway.� The woman responded.

�Well don�t worry Mrs. Callaway. They�re the best paramedic team in the County. They�ll have your daughter out in no time. Are you or your husband hurt?�

�No we�re fine thank you.�

Dixie turned to look at the house again. She felt sick thinking about the two men and a little girl who were all in the house, which was by now fully engulfed in flames. She watched as Chet and Marco held onto hoses trying to do battle against the raging fire. Hank was right next to them making small gestures with his arms once in a while, or helping when either of them needed it. She than turned and looked at the engine. Mike was right where Johnny said he�d be, standing by the engine and staring up at the house, and then back to the number of gauges on the side of the rig. Every once in a while he�d adjust a knob, or turn a lever.  She decided she couldn�t watch him any longer, the determined look on his face, interrupted once in a while by a frown was too much for her to take.  �What exactly goes through your mind Mike? Are you thinking about Johnny and Roy being in the house when you look up at it, or are your just re-evaluating your gauges?�

When Dixie heard what sounded like a loud explosion she turned to look at the house just as Chet went flying through the air. She immediately ran towards him and was met at his side by Captain Stanley. 

�Chet, can you hear me Pal?� Hank asked.

Shaking his head as if to rid it of cobwebs, Chet opened his eyes, �I hear ya Cap. Man that was some back draft. I didn�t see it coming.�

�Neither did I�neither did I.� Hank turned to look back at the house. �Come on Roy, Johnny. You gotta get out of there.� He grabbed his HT out of his pocket. �Squad 51 this is Engine 51. Are you two okay in there?�

His HT crackled. �Yeah Cap, we�re fine. We have the victim but we�re going to need a ladder. The explosion caused the staircase to collapse.� Roy�s calm voice responded.

Dixie looked up at the house seeing an upstairs window being opened. She decided to turn her attention to Chet and started to take his vitals, her hands shaking. �Don�t think about Johnny and Roy being in a house that�s on fire, concentrate on Chet. He�s a victim and needs your help. How do the guys do this everyday?�

Hank yelled out. �Mike we need the ladder Pal.� He placed a hand on Dixie�s shoulder and asked, �Are you ok Dix?�

�To tell you the truth Hank, I don�t think so.�

Mike started over to unhook the ladder and was soon joined by Marco who�d dropped his line to help. They carried the ladder over to the house and placed it up to the open window on the second floor. Making sure it was secure and holding onto it firmly, Mike nodded his head letting the fireman at the window know it was okay to come down. Johnny started out the window carrying a small fragile victim over his shoulder. Once he was half way down Roy started down the ladder as well.

Making it to the ground Johnny carried the little girl over to the squad and gently placed her on the ground then took off his gear and gently threw his helmet off. Captain Stanley had taken out the equipment his paramedics would need then picked up the line Chet had been using, and started to work on the fire. Marco also picked his line back up and Mike walked back over to the engine with the ladder. By this time Roy had joined his partner carrying the oxygen from the squad and started to set up the biophone.

Dixie joined the two men as Johnny started to take the girl�s blood pressure. Roy placed the oxygen mask on the tiny face lying on the ground; he placed the phone to his ear. �Rampart this is squad 51, how do you read?�

�Go ahead 51.� Brackett responded.

He put his free hand on the child�s stomach �Rampart we have female victim, approximately 7 years of age. The victim is unconscious the result of smoke inhalation, hold for vitals.� He glanced at his partner.

Johnny responded. �BP is 80/40 and pulse is 80.� 

Roy took his hand away from the girl�s stomach �Rampart vitals are BP 80/40, pulse 80 and respiration�s are 15. We�ve administered 02.�

Dixie went to the drug box and found a bag of D5W. She reached for a needle the same time as Johnny. He looked up at her and gave her a warm smile. He was surprised she hadn�t jumped into action sooner, but looking into her scared and worried face he immediately understood she was recovering from a small amount of shock. The explosion must have scared her. This is going to be a very difficult shift.

�Okay 51. Maintain airflow start an IV of D5W and transport as soon as possible.�

�10-4 Rampart.�

Replacing the phone Roy looked up to see Dixie starting an IV. He looked at Johnny who was busy trying to convince the girl�s parents she�d be ok. He glanced over at the squad and noticed Chet sitting on the back bumper. He got up and casually walked over to his station mate. �You ok Chet?�

�Yeah Roy I was blown by the explosion, that�s all. Just a bit shaken.�

�Let me take a look at ya.�

�Dixie already did.�

�Just humor me Chet.�

Roy went and got the BP cuff and ran back over the squad. Just as he was starting to put the cuff around Chet�s arm the ambulance arrived. �Hold on Chet.�

He walked over and helped place the victim on the gurney and into the waiting ambulance. Just as Johnny started to climb into the ambulance, Roy grabbed his arm. �Johnny, Chet was knocked down by the explosion. I think he should come in with you. Just to be sure.�


Roy walked over to Chet and told him to get into the ambulance with Johnny. Making sure Chet was safely inside; he closed the doors and gave them two hard knocks. He turned to Dixie �Sorry Dix but you�ll have to wait to go back to the station with the crew. We�re going to need to bring Chet back with us.�

�Sure no problem Roy.�

When Chet and the paramedics returned to the station, they found their Captain and Dixie finishing preparation�s for lunch. 

�Thanks Cap, Dix. I appreciate this.� Johnny stood behind Dixie looking into the pot on the stove. He went to the cupboard planning on setting the table. When he opened the cupboard containing the bowls, he was hit square in the face with one of the Phantom�s water bombs. Turning to face Chet he just glared at him not saying a word.

�You know Gage, I think the Phantom�s tiring of you. He thinks you�re just too easy.� Chet smirked.

�That would be a nice change wouldn�t it?� the soaking wet paramedic seethed.

Slapping Johnny on the back, Hank advised, �Why don�t you go change John. I�m sure Chet won�t mind setting the table, will you Chet?�

�Yeah sure Cap.�

After Johnny left the room Roy laughed, �You know Chet, one of these days he�s going to get you back.�

�When cows fly Roy�when cows fly.�

�What about cows flying?� Marco asked as he and Mike entered from hanging hoses outside.

�That�s when Johnny will get his revenge on the Phantom gentleman.� Chet took a sip of the cup of coffee he�d poured himself.

Roy at this point started to dry the counter top, while Mike appeared with a mop and bucket taking care of the floor. After all evidence of the Phantom�s prank was cleared away. The men turned their attention to lunch.

�So Cap what did you and Dixie prepare for lunch?� Roy asked glancing towards the stovetop.

�My famous Clam Chowder! I figured since Johnny was suppose to be cooking and you guys weren�t back yet, I�d do Dixie the pleasure of having some decent food while she was here.� He rubbed his hands together.

All the men in the kitchen turned to look at the subject of their captain�s comment. They found her deep in thought. She was standing by the stove quietly taking in the scene she�d just witnessed. She hadn�t realized just how random Chet�s attacks could be. She also wondered how he knew Johnny would be the one to open that particular cupboard? If she hadn�t been told by Johnny himself that he didn�t mind these attacks, she would have believed him to be really angry with Chet. She suddenly realized that five sets of eyes were watching her. She smiled not knowing what to say.

�Are you okay Dixie? You look shell shocked.� Roy asked.

�Yeah I�m fine. I just didn�t expect that, it kind of startled me.� She laughed.

All the men smiled realizing how shocking one of Chet�s water bombs could be to someone not used to having them go off at anytime. Johnny made his way back into the kitchen still tucking his fresh work shirt into his pants.

�Gage, there�s a lady present. Couldn�t you spare her the sight of you�re highly unattractive body?� Chet bellowed.

Looking up, Johnny met Dixie�s gaze and grinned. �Sorry Dix.�

She flashed him a smile and turned to Chet. �Don�t worry Chet. It wouldn�t be anything I haven�t seen at the hospital.� She teased. �As a matter of fact, I believe I�ve seen a few of you gentlemen on the examining room table.� She slowly looked from Chet to Roy and then Marco.

�Yeah well we�re not at the hospital Dixie, the least he should do is remember some manors in front of a lady.� The stocky man replied wondering when and if Dixie may have seen him in his birthday suit.

�Shut up Chet.� Johnny bellowed.

�Okay you Twits, give it a rest� Their Captain ordered. �Dixie doesn�t need to witness your immature bickering. Now sit down, lunch is ready.�

Dixie laughed inwardly at the captain�s words. �Boy Roy certainly was right. I�m spending the day with overgrown boys. How does Hank keep his sanity? 

While everyone sat down. Chet started placing bowls at the table while Mike went over to the drawer and got out seven spoons. Walking over to the table he purposely set the first spoon beside Dixie�s bowl. The captain had grabbed the pot off the stove and was ladling portions into the bowls. The room quieted as the seven people started to eat, passing a bowl of cut French bread around. Within seconds of tasting the delicious Clam Chowder, the claxons went off.

Squad 51�woman trapped�915 Belmont�cross street Samson�915 Belmont� Time out 12:47.

Roy and Dixie jumped up and were followed out of the room by Hank. Johnny hung his head and groaned. Looking up he saw the sympathetic eyes of his co-workers. No one liked being called out while they were eating. He slowly got to his feet and then ran out of the room. Sliding into the squad beside Dixie he patted her softly on the leg. �You know Dix, you don�t have to come, you can stay behind and eat.�

�I have my orders to ya know, if you get called out I go.�

Roy took the small peace of paper from his captain and passed it to Johnny. �Excuse my arm Dix.�

�Sure Roy.�

Just as Dixie witnessed before. Johnny took the peace of paper and once again took the notebook out of the glove box and his pen out of his breast pocket and scribbled something down. He then replaced the book and pen and looked up. �Uh Roy you should have turned right coming out of the station.�

Roy threw Johnny a playful look. �Now�s a fine time to tell me Junior.� He did his best imitation of Stan Oliver.

�I was busy! I can�t watch every move you make. If you weren�t sure where you were going you should have asked!�

�Obviously I thought I knew where I was going. Do you think I just decided to take a guess?� Roy answered irritated with Johnny�s over reactance.

�Well it doesn�t matter now, but I suggest you turn around.�

�Would you like me to pull over so you can drive?�

�Yeah right, like that would ever happen! You�re a major control freak�

Pulling the squad around, Roy sighed. �Look Johnny, I don�t want to argue, just pay attention and tell me how to get to Belmont.�

�See what I mean, you don�t want to argue so I should just shut up and become your puppet.�

�Johnny let�s drop it please.�

�Yeah whatever Roy. Take the next left�

As the two men on either side of her became quiet Dixie glanced at the man driving. He was watching the road intensely while biting his lip. She was almost afraid to look at Johnny; she�d never heard him raise his voice before. She finally forced herself to sneak a peek. He was looking out the window with his right arm holding onto the window frame. His left leg was bouncing up and down. �What the heck just happened? I don�t believe this! They were fine before we left the station. Could this be the result of Chet�s water bomb? No, Johnny said he didn�t mind Chet�s antics. Boy you could cut the tension in here with a scalpel.

Looking at the numbers on the houses he informed his partner. �This is Belmont Roy, go left.� Johnny�s voice had softened a bit. �Odds are on the right, it should be about five houses down.�

Sure enough Roy brought the squad to a halt five houses down and jumped out of the squad. Racing around to the other side to grab the drug box, he couldn�t avoid looking into Dixie�s eyes. He was embarrassed by the confused look on her face. Turning to look at the house he saw a man coming towards him.

�Thank God you guys are here, I called you because I didn�t know what to do.�

�What seems to be the problem Sir.� Roy asked as Johnny turned to face the man as well, with the biophone in his hand.

�Well I just came home for lunch and found my wife stuck.�

Where�s your wife stuck?� Johnny questioned.

�Well maybe you�d better follow me.� He turned and started walking towards the backyard. �She say�s she locked herself out of the house and was trying to break in.�

Dixie noticed the glance pass between the paramedics. �Was that humor?�

As they rounded the corner, Dixie and the two firemen slowed their pace. The sight in front of them could�ve been funny if not for the shrieks coming from the man�s wife. She had tried to break into the house by climbing through the kitchen�s tiny sliding window. She had managed to wedge herself pretty tightly and now the bottom part of her body was sticking out of the window; she was shouting at her husband to do something.

�I did do something. I called the fire department. They�re here to get you out Snookums.�

�Sir, could one of us go inside?� Roy asked pointing towards the house.

�Yes of course Mr�� He looked at the nametag pinned to Roy�s chest. �Mr DeSoto.�

With just a glance at one another, Johnny made the move into the house while Roy walked up to the window. �Are you in any pain ma�am?� he asked.

Hearing the calm man�s voice seemed to settle the woman down somewhat. �No, not at all.�

�Okay, my partners on his way into the house. Don�t worry we�ll get you out of there in no time.�

Johnny walked into the kitchen and looked at the scared face of the stuck woman. She was desperately trying to get herself free. �Hi  I�m John Gage. I�m a paramedic with the fire department. The man outside is my partner Roy DeSoto. What�s your name ma�am?� He spoke softly.

�Jane Winters.�

�Are you hurt anywhere Mrs. Winters?�

�No not at all.�

�Good that�s good. Uh Mrs. Winters maybe you could stop squirming around so much, if you could?�

�Johnny, is there anyway you could lift the window out of its track?� he heard Roy�s voice from the other side of the window.

�Yeah probably Roy,� he said taking a look at the window, �but I don�t see how that�s going to help. There�s still the pane between the windows, she�s wedge against it pretty tight.�

Roy sighed, realizing Johnny was right. He turned to Dixie; �Maybe you could go inside with Johnny. This woman isn�t going to like what�s about to happen. Maybe seeing a friendly female face will help keep her calm.�

�Okay Roy.� Dixie left the yard to join Johnny inside.

Roy turned to the woman�s husband. �Mr. Winters, we�re going to have to break the vertical pane between the two windows.�

�Sure, sure thing. Whatever it takes Mr. DeSoto.�

�Uh Johnny, I�m going to get the saw from the squad, we're gonna have to cut that pane.�

�Sure Roy.� Noticing the panic in the woman�s face, Johnny stepped in front of her. �Mrs. Winters let me hold you up. You must be tired. How long have you been stuck here?� Johnny lifted the woman�s upper body and let her weight fall back onto him.

�About an hour. Did I hear your partner say he was getting a saw?�

�Yes you did, don�t worry we�re not going to hurt you.�

Dixie walked into the kitchen and her heart melted. The woman�s body was leaning against Johnny�s chest and he was holding her hand, while his other hand was placed lightly on her back. �So this is the infamous Johnny Gage bedside manner.�

�Who�s that? the woman asked.

Johnny looked towards the kitchen�s entrance. �This Mrs. Winters, is Rampart General Hospital�s finest nurse Dixie McCall. You�re in excellent hands now.� Johnny winked towards Dixie

�What can I do Johnny?�

�When Roy gets back you could take over bracing Mrs. Winters while I help him.�

�NO! Mr. Gage, please don�t leave me. I�m scared, I feel safe with you.�

Johnny closed his eyes. �Well Johnny how do you keep her calm and still help Roy? She�s not going to let you go she�s got a death grip on you now.�

Dixie stepped forward. �Mrs. Winters, your name is Jane right.�


�Would you mind if I called you Jane?�

�No, not at all.�

�Well Jane, I know how you feel, trust me. Mr. Gage once protected me from a rattlesnake.�

He did? That was very brave.� Johnny could feel Mrs. Winters body starting to relax. �How did he do that?�

�Well he held me close, just like he�s doing with you right now. I know how protected and safe you feel right now��

�Johnny you ready?� Roy yelled.

He felt the woman�s body once again go rigid. �No Roy, give me a sec.� He nodded for Dixie to continue.

�Jane, while Johnny was protecting me, if he had asked me to let go of him, I would have despite how scared I was.�

�You would?�

�Yes, I trust him immensely. If he needed me to let go or he had stop holding me, I know it would have been for a very good reason. Trust me Jane, this man isn�t going to let anything happen to you. I know I�m no substitute for John Gage, but I�ll do the best job I can.� Dixie smiled the warmest smile she could muster.

�Well okay.�

�Mrs. Winters do you have a blanket we could use?� Johnny asked still holding her.

�Yes in the upstairs hall closet.�

�I�ll get it.� Dixie replied. Upon her return Johnny transferred the woman�s weight to her. He looked the window over. �Roy we should take the windows out of their tracks. I�d rather not break them.�

�Sure Johnny.� Roy understood his partner�s concern, breaking the windows posed a risk of hurting the victim. Johnny took the windows out and nodded his head to Roy. 

As his partner readied himself to saw the windowpane. Johnny went back over to the woman in Dixie�s arms. �Mrs. Winters, Roy�s going to saw the pane now. It�s gonna vibrate and you may feel some tugging and jolting. If you feel any pain you let me know okay?�

�Yes okay but my stomach is starting to hurt now,� the woman said wearily.

Johnny and Dixie exchanged glances. They both heard the sluggishness in her voice. Chances were pretty good she was suffering from an internal injury.

Poking his head out of the opening on the other side of the troublesome pane, Johnny looked at his partner. �Uh Roy, let�s make this quick. But just before it breaks let me position myself back over to Mrs. Winters.�

Meeting Johnny�s eyes, Roy knew the woman was in worse shape than they had originally thought. �Okay.�

As Roy started to saw, Johnny placed the blanket over their victim explaining to her that he wanted to shield her from any possible flying debris. He then turned his attention to the windowpane, watching Roy expertly continuing his plight of getting rid of the pane. After cutting the top, Roy started on the bottom, just before the final cut was made; as promised he stopped to let Johnny take over for Dixie. Knowing once the pressure was relieved the woman was likely to pass out.

Dixie stepped back and shook her trembling arms. Holding the woman�s weight had proven to be a very tiring and difficult task. �You made it look so easy Johnny.�

As Roy split the windowpane the woman in Johnny�s arms jolted up, let out a painful cry and then slumped into his chest. With Roy�s help on the other side, Johnny pulled most of the woman�s body into the kitchen. Dixie stepped forward and held the victim�s legs, helping Johnny place the unconscious woman on the floor and removed the blanket.

She pulled the drug box over had brought with her; took out the stethoscope and the BP cuff, �I�ll get her vitals.�

Johnny set to work himself. �Rampart. Squad 51, how do you read?� Dixie noticed him taking out a small pad and a pen then place his hand on the woman�s abdomen. 

�Go ahead 51.� Doctor Morton instructed.

�Rampart we have a female victim approximately 45. She�s unconscious; she was stuck in a window frame with a large amount of pressure applied to her mid section. Hold for vitals.� He glanced at Dixie as Roy came into the room. 

�BP 90/50�pulse 100.� Dixie told Johnny which he relayed to Morton.

Hearing the vitals Roy knelt beside Dixie and got out the supplies he knew Rampart would order. While waiting for Morton�s response, Johnny lifted the woman�s shirt slightly and started to palpate the area just below her ribs and also her abdomen. �Uh Rampart. A hematoma is starting to appear on victims mid section.� He said wiping his forehead with his arm.

�Okay 51. Start 15ml of Sodium Bicarb TKO, an IV with D5W, and transport as soon as possible.

�10-4 Rampart.�

Johnny closed up the biophone while Dixie and Roy each started the IV.

Mr. Winters came into the house with the ambulance attendants. The attendants and the two paramedics prepared the woman for transport then headed out of the house with Rampart�s finest nurse following closely behind.

Placing the equipment in the ambulance, Roy informed Mr. Winters he could ride in the front of the ambulance if he wished. He retreated to the squad with Dixie and followed the ambulance to Rampart.

�Dixie I�m sorry about mine and Johnny�s behavior earlier.�

�That�s ok Roy. I know co-workers sometimes have tiffs, but I have to admit, that did seem to come out of nowhere.�

�It didn�t. I should have known better.�

�I don�t understand? If I recall Johnny yelled at you first�

�He did but I know better then to tease Johnny when he�s got an empty stomach.� He smiled.

�You mean that all happened because Johnny�s hungry?�

�Yeah, he can get pretty irritable when he�s hungry.�

Dixie started to laugh. �Thanks for the warning, I�ll try to remember that.�

Roy joined Dixie�s laughter. Arriving at the hospital, Roy and Dixie split up. Dixie went to see if she could help Mike and Johnny with the victim. Roy headed to the nurse�s station to replace some of the supplies they had already used during the day. A bag of D5W slipped out of his hand and fell to the floor. Just as he bent down to get it, Sheila and a nurse named Sue walked up to the station stopping on the other side of the high counter. �So as I understand, Johnny made his move and Dixie broke it off with Doc Brackett.� Sheila was explaining.

�I didn�t think Ms McCall would be the type to end a long standing relationship for a quick roll in the hay?�

�Well believe it!�

Roy couldn�t� believe what he was hearing. �I wonder if Dixie knows what�s being said behind her back. I hope Johnny doesn�t find out about this, he�ll be outraged.� As Roy stood up and faced the two women, he caught Johnny and Dixie approaching out of the corner of his eye. The women were shocked to find Johnny�s partner had overheard their conversation, Sue, was turning red with embarrassment.

�Let�s go Roy, I�m starting to feel sick. I really need some food. Hi Sue, Sheila.�

�Yeah I�m feeling sick myself partner.� He said not taking his eyes off the nurses.

�Hi Johnny.� Sheila sang. �So are you still interested in going to a movie sometime?� She asked boldly.

After overhearing what he�d just heard, Roy was shocked. He looked at Dixie but couldn�t read her face.

�Uh�no sorry Sheila, I�ve kinda got my hands full.�


As the day was coming closer to being over for Dixie, she sat in front of the TV trying to find something interesting to watch. Mike Stoker came to sit with her. �Unless you like soap operas or terrible movies there�s nothing on.� He informed her.

She smiled into the handsome mans face. �How come you�re not with the other guys playing basketball Mike?�

�It�s a round robin tournament, I was eliminated last shift. Not that I really care, Chet�s and Johnny�s babbling and rules can drive me a little crazy.� He smiled back. �Would you like to play a game of cards.�

Turning off the TV she got up �Sure, it beats soap operas any day.�

The two walked over to the kitchen table; Mike got a deck of cards out of a drawer and sat down at an angle to Dixie. He started to shuffle the cards asking, �What would you like to play?�

�Do you guys have a cribbage board?�

�Yeah, I�ll get it.�

After playing a few silent games with only the occasional 15-2, 15-4 being said. Mike broke the silence. �So why are you doing a ride along?�

�Oh some of the newer employees aren�t appreciating the paramedic program.�

�Oh I see, I�m kind of surprised they put you with us.�

�Really why.�

�I think you know why.� He smiled picking up a peg on the board and moving it two spots.

Dixie was taken aback. �Has Johnny told the guys about us? No I don�t think so, I don�t think Marco would have made the comments about the bar if he knew. How does Mike know? Or is he guessing? Well there�s only one way to find out.�

�How do you know Mike?�

�A few clues just point to it.  That�s all.�

�What clues?�

�Well the first was your asking me about dating younger men and then when you asked me how the guys here would feel about it. Well I narrowed it down to two of them.�

Dixie laughed. �I thought I was being so casual.�

A smile crossed his face. �Don�t worry, you were. I�m just real good at reading people. The guys tease me a lot because I don�t talk much. I�ve learned the more talking you do, the more you miss.�

�I see. So you said you narrowed it down to two. Are you still stuck there?� Dixie was enjoying their riddled conversation.

�I was until earlier today.�

�So you think you�ve figured it out huh?�



�Well Johnny�s odd behavior at the bar yesterday was a pretty good clue.� He chuckled. �And then, when Johnny came into the room still tucking his shirt into his pants, I got it.�

Although she was shocked she was kind of pleased to know that her newfound relationship had been revealed and not just as the latest gossip around the hospital. �How did that do it?�

�The look you and Johnny exchanged when he apologized to you. I know that look. I don�t think anyone else caught it. But it was unmistakable.�

�You know Mike, if you ever decide to make a career change, you should apply with the LAPD.�

�Mike a cop, I don�t think so, you need to talk to people in order to solve crimes Dixie.� Chet said as he and the others made their way into the kitchen from their game outside. They all walked over to the cupboard getting down glasses to get a much-needed drink of water. Dixie glanced at Mike and smiled at him. �No Chet, I think Mike would make a very good detective.�

After downing their drinks Roy asked Mike. �Is Cap in his office?�


�Kay, I�m gonna let him know that we�d like to get showers if we can.� He walked out of the room.

�So who won?� Mike turned his attention to his sweaty co-workers. 

�Chet.� Marco and Johnny replied together.

�Cap says to make it quick. Who want�s to go first?� Roy returned.

�The winner should.� Chet said as he flew out of the room.

�So what�s for dinner Johnny, or do I need to ask?� Marco looked at Johnny who was taking another drink of water; his hair was damp and was clinging to his forehead.

�Well its not hotdogs.� He placed his glass on the table and rubbed his hands together. �I figured we could barbecue some hamburgers today.� He smiled expecting a round of applause.

�You know Johnny, I think you need to go to a night school that offers cooking courses. You need to learn to put variety into your line up.�

�Marco, if I�m not mistaken, you make that dam Irish stew more than anything else. So what�s the difference between my menu and yours?�

�I make it often yes, but it�s not the only thing I make. Just like spaghetti and chicken aren�t the only things Mike makes.�

�Oh, so what would you like me to do, use you guys as my guinea pigs like Roy does?�

�What�s wrong with my food?� Roy protested turning from the cupboard with a bag of cookies in his hand.

�Nothing, it's just you�re always trying out new recipes on us and half the time they don�t turn out, that�s all.�

�Well at least I take a risk, I don�t just make two things and nothing else.�

�So if you guys have such a hate on for my food, why don�t you approach Cap and have me taken out of the rotation?� he frowned.

�Oh you�d love that wouldn�t you?� Marco took a cookie out of the bag.

�As a matter of fact I would, but don�t lie, you would too. All of you would.� He waved his hand through the air.

�What would we like?� Chet entered the room.

�For Johnny to be taken off of cooking detail permanently.�

�Man, wouldn�t that be a dream come true!� Chet replied

Roy got up from the table; �I�m going to grab a shower.�

Chet walked into the day room, turned on the TV and plopped down beside Henry.  Marco noticing Chet was watching an old movie got up and joined him.

�So who�s winning your game?� Johnny asked.

�Mike.� Dixie answered. �So was that nervous tension?�

Mike smiled realizing Johnny had probably explained the dynamics of a fire station to her. �Yep.� Mike and Johnny said together.

�So no one actually minds your cooking then?�

�Well I wouldn�t go that far Dixie, but no one was really mad or anything.� Mike started to deal the cards again.

�What do you mean by that Mike?� Johnny frowned.

�Come on Johnny, don�t get worked up, let it go buddy.�

Johnny got up. �I�m going to see if Roy is out of the shower yet.

The rest of the afternoon was quiet with both vehicles being called out only once more for a fire before supper. With no serious injuries Hank assigned Roy and Johnny to help fight the fire. Dixie decided that ignorance was not bliss and walked up to Mike. She found herself needing to know more about his position on this �team�.

�Mind if I watch, I won�t get in your way?�

�No. Not at all.�

She sat quietly on the side of the rig and watched Mike perform his duties for close to an hour before speaking again. �Do you mind talking Mike, or will I distract you?�

�No Dix go right ahead, but don�t take it personally if I don�t look at you ok.�

She chuckled to herself. �You�ve got to be one of the politest people I know Mike.� �I understand. At the fire this morning I was watching you and every once in a while you�d look up at the house while Johnny and Roy were inside. I was just wondering if you were worried about them or just keeping a close watch on the fire to re-adjust your gauges?�

As he turned a knob Mike turned to look at Chet and Marco.  Nodding his head he answered Dixie�s question.  �It�s a little of both.  I don�t really worry too much about them.  They know what they�re doing.  I do worry about the water coming out of the hoses and if I�m giving Chet and Marco what they need to help keep Johnny and Roy safe.  So I�m constantly watching everything.  I�m ultimately responsible if something goes wrong with the hoses. I know I do the best job I can every time out, but if one of them gets hurt, I always feel a small amount of quilt.� He looked up to watch the fire and once more pulled a lever.

Dixie sat silently not knowing what to say. She decided this was one of those moments where the person speaking, and the situation, didn�t need a response. She turned and watched the paramedics battle the fire.  �Sometimes I forget you guys are more than paramedics, how many times do you get called out to a fire and never have to come into the hospital?�

After the fire was put out and the clean up complete. The two linemen and the two paramedics put the hoses onto the engine. Mike checked the gauges over and Hank walked over to Dixie who was standing beside the squad. �I�m sorry your last run of the day had to be just a plain old fire Dixie. But you have to play the hand you�re given. Anyway I�ll have Roy and Johnny take you back to the hospital now, or would you prefer they take you home.�

�Thanks Hank, I�ll need to go by the hospital to get my car. And this run wasn�t a waste; I got to see you�re entire team in action. I haven�t seen them in the field for some time. They�ve really refined their skills. It�s like watching one person in action. Plus, I got to observe Mike close up. He�s really quiet amazing Hank.�

Hank turned to look at his Engineer, �Yes he is Dixie. He�s the best engineer I�ve worked with. I hate to admit it, but he�s better than I ever was. If that says anything about what kind of captain he�ll make one day. Then he�s going to eventually make an exceptional one. Well anyway, I�m sure to see you around. Take care of yourself as well, as my crew member Dix.� He turned towards the engine and walked away.

Dixie was shocked by Hanks last comment. �Okay so how does Hank know, did Mike tell him? No I can�t see him doing that. Do these guys know everything about each other?� She looked up to see the paramedics making their way over to the squad. Taking off his turnout coat and placing it in it�s rightful spot in one of the squad�s compartments Johnny looked down at her. �So did that bore you?� He opened the door and waited for her to get into the cab of the squad, than hopped in himself.

�No, actually it was very educational.� She replied taking in the unmistakable smell of soot and smoke and watched Johnny hang is helmet on the hook behind him.

�So Dixie, Cap says to drop you off at Rampart before we head back to the station. Do you still have to work?� Roy asked.

�No my car is there.�

�Why didn�t you just drive to the station?� Johnny asked.

�Oh Kel wanted me to sign in first, then figuring you guys would be by any minute for supplies� well I guess he didn�t really think it through.�

�That�s okay Dix, maybe by the time we get back to the station the guys will have decided they just can�t stomach my cooking and will have started to make supper.� Johnny chuckled.

�Don�t count on it partner. You�ve already gotten out of your detail once today.�

�Well let me tell ya Roy, as much as you guys hate my cooking, I hate to do it just as much.�

Dixie couldn�t help but feel like a mother listening to her children squabble. She decided to change the subject. �So whatever happened to your guys dream of starting your own floor cleaning business?�

�We didn�t call the guy fast enough.� Johnny offered.

�What guy.�

Roy sighed. �The guy selling the machine. He sold it to someone else.�

�Oh that�s too bad, but I�m sure Johnny will come up with something else real soon Roy.�

�Hey what is this? Pick on John Gage day.�

�Well you know what they say John, when in Rome�� 

Roy started to laugh. He was happy to see that the budding relationship between the two hadn�t changed their banter.

�Dixie, we�re not in Rome and we�re no longer at station, so you can stop the �let�s get Johnny� crusade. Plus I�ll have you know, it was Roy�s idea not mine.�

�You�re impossible.�

Roy pulled into the employee parking lot at Rampart and asked Dixie where her car was. After being told, he found her car and put the squad into park. Johnny got out and held the door open for her. �Roy I�m just going to say goodbye.� He closed the door.

�Sure Junior. Tell you what, I�ll go inside and grab us a coffee.� He put the squad in gear and drove away. Johnny knew Roy didn�t want a coffee, he always preferred something cold to drink after fighting a fire. He appreciated his partner�s instincts as he watched the truck drive away.

Dixie took her keys out of her purse and placed one into the car door. She got into her car and closed the door behind her, rolling down the window. Johnny leaned down placing his arms on the windowsill once Dixie had rolled the window down. �I�ll call you tomorrow after your shift.�

�Okay Fire boy.�

He smiled at the nickname. �I guess there�s no chance of us getting together before Sunday?�

�I don�t think so. Our shifts are just too mixed up this week.�

�You know, I�ve decided that�s your fault.�

�Mine, why?�

�You do make the nurse�s schedule right.�

She nodded her head in the affirmative.

�Well then, you could make it easier for us to see each other.�

�You know I can�t do that Johnny. That wouldn�t be fair to my nurse�s.�

He raised his eyebrows up and down, �A Fire boy can dream.�

�Johnny Gage why don�t you start worrying about getting back to the station and putting some food in that stomach of yours before you take Roy�s head off again.� She laughed.

�Oh yeah, I forgot about that, I�m sorry you had to see that Dixie. It was pretty immature. I was just so hungry and I knew we probably wouldn�t get to eat for at least another hour or so.�

�It�s okay, Roy explained.�

�Okay, let�s get back to trying to solve our problem.�

�What problem?�

�Our lack of time together.�

�John, there�s nothing we can do about it this week. I don�t remember what next week looks like for me. So why don�t we just wait and see.�

�So I guess you wouldn�t consider calling in sick on Sunday so you could spend the entire day with me?�

�Johnny like I said, you�re impossible� she laughed, knowing he was only half joking.

�Alright, but I�m going to miss you Beautiful.� He leaned his head in the window and gave her a quick kiss.

�I�m already missing you Fire boy.� She said when he leaned back out the window.

�What time do you start work tomorrow?�

�9 a.m.�

He let out a sigh. �I was hoping we could get together for breakfast after my shift ends. I guess I�ll just have to be happy with some quick phone calls until Sunday afternoon.�

�I guess. You really should be getting back to work Johnny.�

�Yeah okay.� He leaned in the window and once again sought out her lips with his own. He gave her a long passionate kiss this time, knowing he wouldn�t get another chance for a few days. �Bye� he groaned not taking his mouth away from hers.

�Bye.� She whispered.

He reluctantly stepped back as she backed out of her parking spot. She threw him a wave and drove out of the parking lot heading towards home. He turned towards the building and went in search of his partner. As he rounded the corner into the emergency department he headed over to the nurse�s station to see if Roy was there. He saw Sheila and Sharon sitting at the desk conversing. He leaned on the counter looking down at what they were doing. �Have either of you seen Roy?�

�Yeah Johnny. He said if you came in to tell you to wait here for him.� Sharon responded.

�Okay thanks. Have you guys been busy today?�

�No it�s been slow, makes for a long shift.� Sheila offered.

�Yeah I understand. Nothing worse than a slow shift.�

�Well at least you guys can watch TV or something when you�re not working.� Sheila said.

�Well um yeah sometimes. But you know we do have other work to do when we�re at the station.�

�Yeah and you have beds, so you can lay down and rest.� Sharon quipped.

Johnny frowned. �Boy I guess some of these people do need a reality check. I would think Sharon would know better, she�s been around a long time now. She started as a student nurse after all. Oh well, they�ll get to see.�

�Oh yeah, you guys do have beds don�t you. Well maybe I�ll get lucky and get assigned to you�re station Johnny.� Sheila purred. There was no mistaking her meaning.

�You ready Johnny?� Roy slapped him on the back as he came to stand beside his partner with a couple of juices in his hand. He didn�t like the look on his partner�s face. He looked irritated. He looked from Johnny and back to the two nurse�s. �Oh boy what just happened. Did Johnny overhear something?�

�Yeah I�m ready Roy, more then ready.�

Roy never did find out what had happened before he had walked up to the nurse�s station. They rode back to their own station in silence. Roy helped Johnny cook the dinner and then they both went into the captain�s office to get caught up on some of their paper work before they got called out.


The week progressed slowly for Johnny. He was getting frustrated at not being able to see Dixie. He called her whenever he could but it only frustrated him more. He wanted to hold her in his arms, smell her fragrance and taste her lips. He was more than happy to see Saturday arrive. It would be his last shift before being able to see Dixie the next day. Even if it would be at Roy�s and not something a little more intimate.

Walking into the kitchen to pour himself a coffee before roll call, he stopped. Shocked to she Sheila Daniels sitting at the table talking to Marco. Marco looked up as Johnny went to pour himself a coffee. �Hey Johnny, looks like you have another ride along today.�

Hi Johnny.�

�Morning Sheila. I see you got your wish.�

�Not yet, but I hope to soon.�

�Morning all.� Roy said happily entering the room. He noticed Sheila and nodded his head at her without a smile.

Mike looked up from his paper. He didn�t like the sound of Johnny�s voice. �Oh boy, what�s going on here? Johnny isn�t normally cool towards people. I don�t like the looks of this. Roy doesn�t look too pleased either. Did Sheila just come on to Johnny?�

Thankfully the shift was a busy one and Johnny was able stay away from Sheila and her sexual overtures most of the day. He couldn�t help but be confused. �Man I must have asked her out 3 or 4 times without any success. What was it she said to me, something like I was � too immature�? Why is she so hot for me all of a sudden? Maybe it�s just my imagination, no no it�s not my imagination.�

He and Roy spent some of the afternoon doing paperwork at the kitchen table while the captain used his office for his own paperwork. Chet and Marco were out back hanging hoses while Mike was polishing �Big Red.� Sheila sat watching the two men trying to figure out which run had involved arriving to the scene later than had been planned because of some minor fender bender they witnessed and stopped to see if everything was okay.

�It was the dog bite run.� She offered.

�Oh yeah, that�s right, thanks.� Johnny smiled.


�You know Sheila, you�re more than welcome to watch TV, shoot hoops, or something, you don�t have to sit here with us.� Roy tried to encourage her to leave them alone. He wasn�t pleased with her being anywhere near his partner, knowing the lies she was spreading around the hospital about him. He�d thought long and hard about whether to tell Johnny, he just couldn�t see what good it would do to get him worked up over someone else�s immaturity.

Before Sheila could tell Roy she was more than happy to sit and watch Johnny the Klaxon�s sounded.

�Squad 51.  Unknown type injury�1165 George Street�cross street Hamilton�1165 George Street�Time out 16:09.�

The three people sitting at the table jumped to their feet and ran to the apparatus bay. Captain Stanley was already responding to dispatch and writing down the address. �KMG 365.� He walked up to Johnny at the map and gave him the slip of paper.

Johnny climbed into the squad; �Roy, Thompson Street is closed. You�ll have to reroute by taking William Avenue to Mill street and then onto George.�

�Okay thanks Junior.�

As they arrived at the office building they were met out front by a female employee. �Right this way.� She led them to a cubicle which had a man of about 35 lying curled up on the floor withering in pain. As Roy started to set up the biophone, Sheila and Johnny knelt beside the man. She started to get his vitals. 

�Sir, I�m John Gage, I�m a paramedic with the county, this is Sheila Daniels, a registered nurse.  What�s your name?�

�Mike Saunders.� The man answered through clenched teeth.

�Okay Mr. Saunders. Where are you in pain?� Johnny asked.

�My side, it really hurts.�

�Okay, which side?�

�Roy, vitals are BP 80/60, pulse 120 and respiration�s 15.� Sheila looked to the man speaking to Doctor Brackett on the phone.

Roy repeated the vitals to Brackett while Johnny got the man to lie flat on his back and undid his shirt.

�Mr. Saunders, have you had any other problems in the last few days?� Johnny asked after getting the man into a somewhat comfortable position.

�Yeah I�ve had indigestion, haven�t been able to eat much.�

�Squad 51. How�s the victim�s abdomen?� 

Roy glanced up at his partner. Hearing the question, Johnny started to palpate Mr. Saunders abdomen. Although he�d only gently applied pressure, the man let out an excruciating shriek.�

�It�s pretty tender Roy.�

�Uh Rampart, abdomen is tender to the touch and victim says he�s had indigestion for the last few days.�

�51, has the ambulance arrived yet?�

�That�s affirmative Rampart.�

�Start an IV with D5W, continue to watch vitals and transport as soon as possible, the victim is probably suffering from appendicitis.�

�10-4 Rampart.�

Johnny took over for Sheila, seeing she was having problems starting the IV. Then the two paramedics and the ambulance attendant�s readied Mr. Saunders for transport. Johnny jumped into the waiting ambulance while Roy and Sheila got into the squad and followed.

�I�m sorry Roy.� Sheila said humbly.

�What for?�

�I couldn�t start the IV back there, I don�t get it, I don�t normally have problems like that. I think Johnny was angry with me.�

�No he wasn�t Sheila, he just saw you were having problems and took over. It may have seemed like he was curt, but he wasn�t. He�s just used to working with me. We don�t really say much to each other when we do things.�

�So I�ve noticed. You guys are really good at this. I didn�t realize how easy we have it at the hospital. Our surroundings are ideal, it�s sterile, secure, and we don�t have an audience. I don�t think I could do it.� She smiled towards Roy.

�Well, you get used to it after a while, as a matter of fact, you get to the point where you don�t notice the crowd gathering around anymore. It just takes time is all, so don�t go beating yourself up over it okay.� He smiled back.

They remained silent during the rest of the trip to Rampart. They walked up to the nurses� station and Roy poured himself a coffee. �Hi ya Dix.�

�Hi Roy. How are things going?�

�Good, Sheila�s doing well.�

�Roy�s just being kind Dix, I�m not doing very well at all. These guys have a very difficult job and they make it look very easy.�

�Well Kel will be happy to hear you say that.� Dixie smiled at the young nurse and looked at Roy. He just shrugged his shoulders and turned his head towards his approaching partner. Noticing his uniform was soiled.

�I take it Mr. Saunder�s wasn�t feeling very well on the ride in?�

�Yeah, Dix do you have some scrubs I could change into?�

Sunday afternoon at 4:30 Johnny knocked on Dixie�s door. Once the door was open, he entered her apartment and wrapped his arms around her.

�It�s nice to see you to Johnny.� Dixie laughed wrapping her arms around his waist.

�Five days is way too long to go without holding you.�

�I�ve missed you Fire boy.� She kissed him. �Your lips are so soft Johnny, it�s very pleasurable.�

�I�d love to continue this some more Dixie, but we have to make a stop on the way to Roy�s. So if you�re ready can we get going? �

�Sure I�m ready, just let me grab my purse and the bottle of wine I picked up on my way home.�

Johnny brought his Rover to a stop in front of a small coffee shop, he got out and met Dixie on the sidewalk. He took her hand in his and they walked the small block to a flower shop and stepped inside. Johnny spotted the counter close to the back of the store and he and Dixie walked up to it.

�Hello, my I help you?� The petite woman with flaming red hair asked her customers.

�Uh yeah, I need to have flowers delivered out of State.�

�Sure, that�s not a problem.�

�Well I need them in Montana tomorrow, if it�s possible?�

�That�s not a problem Sir, now what were you planning on sending?�

�Um�Twenty-seven pink tulips.� After paying the young woman for his order and giving her the address of his parent�s home in Montana, he took a small card and wrote the words �Mom. Happy Birth Day. Love Johnny.�

Sitting in the passenger seat of the Rover, Dixie turned to Johnny. �So it�s your mother�s birthday tomorrow?�

�Um�no actually it�s mine.�

�It�s your birthday tomorrow?�


�I wish you would have let me know, I would have gotten you something.�

Reaching over and taking her hand in his he said. �That�s ok Dixie, you don�t need to get me anything. Just coming to dinner with me is enough.�

�Still I wish I�d known.�


After a few minutes of silence she had to ask. �If it�s your birthday, why are you sending you�re mother flowers?�

Johnny smiled. �After becoming a paramedic and delivering my first baby. I realized what a beautiful gift my mother gave me the day I was born. So ever since, on my birthday, I send her tulips. They�re her favorite. It really should be my mother�s special day, not mine.�

�Johnny that�s beautiful. You�re amazing! You really are a special person.�

As they approached the front door, Jennifer came flying out of the house and Johnny knelt down, bracing himself for her assault. �Happy Birthday Uncle Johnny!� she gave him a wet slobbery kiss on the cheek.

�Thanks Pumpkin,� Dixie watched his entire face light up as he stood with Roy�s daughter in his arms.

�Hi Dixie.� The little girl said with her arms still wrapped around Johnny�s neck.

�Hi Jennifer, it�s nice to see you.�

�Me too, guess what Uncle Johnny?� she turned her attention back to her carrier. Not waiting for Johnny�s response she continued. �I baked you a birthday cake.�

�You did! What kind?� he asked carrying her into the front door of the red brick split level home.

�White cake with strawberry icing and sprinkles on top!�

�Sounds delicious sweetheart. I can�t wait to try it.� He placed her onto the floor of the DeSoto home.

�Dixie, Johnny can I get you a drink?�

�Sure Joanne, I�ll have a beer, where�s Roy?�

�Out on the deck, I�ll bring your beer out to you.�


�What about you Dixie?� she asked watching Johnny walking hand in hand with Jennifer towards the sliding doors leading to the deck.

�Well I brought a cold bottle of wine.� She gave the younger woman the bottle and followed her into the kitchen.

�I�m really happy Johnny invited you here today. Roy tells me you two have had a few dinners together.�

�Yeah we have, I really must thank you for helping me find the courage to ask him to dinner Joanne. He really is a remarkable person. I do however wish he�d told me today was a birthday celebration.�

�He didn�t tell you?� Joanne poured two glasses of win and opened a bottle of beer.

�No he didn�t.�

�That sounds just like him.�

They walked outside to join the men and found Roy starting the barbecue and Johnny on the lawn playing with Jennifer and Chris. They sat down and listened to the giggles of two children and one grown man.

�Where does he get his energy?� Dixie asked.

Roy turned to watch his partner swinging his son around in an airplane ride. �You know Dixie, I haven�t been able to figure out whether he eats a lot because of his energy or he has energy because he eats a lot.�

�Either way, he�s got better stamina with our children then we do.� Joanne offered laughing.

Dixie sat quietly watching Johnny play. He ran, climbed, slid, jumped and most importantly laughed with the kids. �Stamina, that�s something I hadn�t thought of. Hopefully it�s an added benefit of dating a younger man! I can�t believe I just said that!�

Johnny told the kids he�d like to take a break and talk with their parents and Dixie for a while. He walked up the steps of the deck, took his beer off the table and sat in a lawn chair next to Dixie. �I forgot to bring my camera.� He frowned.

Jennifer came onto the deck and climbed onto Johnny�s lap facing him. She placed a hand on either side of his face, �Uncle Johnny are you sick?�

�No Jenny, why?�

�Well Dixie�s here, she normally looks after you when you�re sick.� All the adults let out a small chuckle at the little girls reasoning. 

�No, I�m fine. Dixie only looks after me when I�m at the hospital. She�s here now because she�s my friend.�

�Okay, you know I�m your at home nurse remember?�

�Don�t you worry, I haven�t forgotten, you�re the best at home nurse ever.�



After dinner had been eaten, Jennifer was squirming and fidgety not able to stay still. �Mommy can we bring out my cake now?�

�Maybe you should ask Johnny if she still has room for dessert first.� She said with amusement, knowing full well that Johnny could probably eat another plate full of food. She looked at her husband whose face mirrored her own.

�Uncle Johnny��

�Of course I have room Pumpkin.� He winked at her patting his stomach for affect.

�Yippee!� she jumped down off her chair and raced into the kitchen with her mother close behind. They soon returned with a very small cake with a single candle sticking up from the center. Jennifer placed it in front of Johnny and climbed into his lap. �I made it in my Easy-bake oven.� She was beaming with pride. �Do you like it?�

�Of course I do, it�s the prettiest cake I�ve ever seen!� He kissed the top of her head and looked at the small pink cake with colorful sprinkles on the top sitting in front of him. His expression was one of pure delight.

Roy started to chuckle at the look on Johnny�s face. �I couldn�t possibly have a better partner.�

�Mom, you have to light the candle so Uncle Johnny can make a wish!� Christopher
admonished his mother sternly, trying to move things along so they could eat the cake.

�I was just letting Johnny have a good look at it first, you know your sister worked very hard preparing Johnny�s cake.� Joanne got up with a pack of matches in her hand and lit the solitary candle.

�Don�t forget to make a wish Uncle Johnny.� Chris reminded him.

�Okay. Are you going to help me blow out the candle?� his arms, which were around the little girl in his lap, gave a small squeeze.

�Uncle Johnny it�s only one candle.� She giggled at the thought of his needing help.

�Oh ok.� Just before he blew the candle out, Johnny looked into Dixie�s eyes holding her gaze for a second; then blew it out. �Do you want to share with me?� He asked Jennifer taking the candle out of the cake and placing it on the side of the plate.

�Yes please.�

�What about you Sport?� he looked at Christopher.

�Yes Uncle Johnny.�

Joanne handed Johnny a small butter knife. �I knew you�d share.� She smiled at him then looked at Dixie.

Dixie had been watching Johnny interact with Jennifer and smiled. She was realizing she was slowly falling in love with the man sitting across the table from her. Suddenly she felt a little claustrophobic.

�Are you okay Dixie.� Roy asked concern all over his voice.

�Yeah Roy, I�m fine, do you mind if I step outside and get a bit of fresh air though?�

�Yeah sure.� He got up and pulled her chair out for her and walked her over to the patio doors. �Would you like some company?�


Roy watched Dixie as she leaned against his picnic table and tried to get control of her emotions. The color was starting to return to her face. �Are you sure you�re okay Dixie?�

�Yeah, I just had a sudden�� she stopped and turned her head towards the door...�He really is a beautiful person.�

�I couldn�t agree with you more.� He followed the direction of Dixie�s gaze and found Johnny and his children each eating a small piece of pink birthday cake, off of some plates from Jennifer�s tea set. �So what has you all flushed and panic stricken?�

�I don�t know�I guess I just�well this may sound foolish coming from someone my age and with my experiences in life, but I don�t think I�ve ever felt this intensely before. I guess it kind of scares me.� She blushed at the thought of telling this too Johnny�s partner, knowing they didn�t really hold much back from one another.

Roy took another quick look at Johnny talking with Joanne. �You know Dix, there was once a time I felt overwhelmed with Johnny myself. Not long after we were partnered together I approached Captain Hammer about the possibility of my getting a new partner.�

�You�re kidding?�

�Nope, but Hammer told me to give it six months. Well needless to say, after those six months I felt totally at ease with him, Johnny proved himself to me. He was professional and very good at his job; he was quick to adapt to any situation we found ourselves in. I came to realize Johnny�s non-stop babble and ranting and raving, which I guess was my real bone of contention, were just his way of dealing with his nervous energy. Now on days when he�s quiet and not talking it makes me nervous, it�s hard to concentrate with all the peace and quiet.� He laughed.

Dixie started to laugh. �Thank you Roy. But I�m still feeling a bit uneasy. It�s�well I look at him and see what a wonderful person he is and I�m afraid of something going wrong between us. I really don�t want to cause him any pain; he feels things very deeply. That�s something I guess I never really knew about him.�

�Yeah he does, and he�s also a very sincere person. He cares about you Dixie; he�d go the ends of the earth and back for you. Don�t worry about him, he can take care of himself, not that I believe anything will go wrong between you two. From what I can see, I think you guys are working on something pretty special here. He seems pretty relaxed around you.�

Roy once again watched Dixie�s head turn and look at his partner. �You�re one very lucky man partner. I think you finally found who you�ve been looking for. She cares very strongly for you.�

�You love him don�t you?�

She turned and looked into a beautiful pair of gentle blue eyes. �Yes I do. I think I just discovered that today.�

�That�s why you felt so panicked Dix, you�re fighting your feelings and not allowing yourself to follow them. Johnny would never purposely hurt you. If anything, he�d hurt himself trying not to hurt you.�

�Thank you Roy. You really are a very wise man.� She smiled at him.

�Thanks Dixie. Now let�s go inside and have some of the birthday cake Joanne baked for Johnny.� He placed his arm around her shoulder and gently guided her back into his dinning room.

�Are you okay?� Johnny turned his head to the sound of his friends coming back into the room talking softly to each other.

�She�s fine Johnny, she just needed some fresh air. So how about a bigger piece of cake?� Roy looked at Joanne. �I�ll give you a hand.�

The married couple retreated to the kitchen as Johnny walked over to his date. Wrapping his arms around her he placed a kiss on her lips. �Are you sure you�re ok? I can take you home.�

�I�m fine. I just felt a little dizzy. The fresh air helped.�

�Well let's sit you down again, I can�t have you fainting at my birthday party. The kids would never invite us again.� He said it, but didn�t make a move to sit her down; instead he stood continuing to hold her.

�I like the sound of that.�

�What are you talking about, you want to faint or you don�t like it here?�

She started to laugh. �No I mean us�I like the sound of it.�

�Oh yeah�me too. I could still take you home, we could tell Roy and Joanne you aren�t felling very well.� He was whispering into her ear just as Roy and Joanne walked back into the room. Looking at the couple embraced in their dinning room and then at each other, they just smiled and walked over to the table. Joanne placed a cake on the table, Roy the plates and forks.

�Johnny you�re incorrigible.� They heard Dixie reply to whatever it was Johnny had been saying to her when they had walked into the room.

Roy cleared his throat. �Uh we hate to break this up, but we do have two small children that would love to have a bigger piece of cake.�

�Um�uh�sorry we were just.� Was all Johnny could get out before being cut off by Joanne.

�Oh we know what you were doing Johnny Gage!� She teased. �Now why don�t you behave yourself and sit down. I baked you a nice cake too, it�s not as pretty as Jennifer�s; but I worked just as hard.�

Stepping over to his partners wife, he took her into his arms giving her a hug and kiss. �Well I guess you deserve a thank you as well.�

�You�re a hopeless flirt!�

�Yeah I�ve been told.� He looked over to Dixie.

After eating more cake, talking with his friends and opening his gifts, a new camera lens from Roy and Joanne and a new photo album and picture frame from the kids. Johnny and Dixie decided to leave so the DeSoto�s could put their children to bed. On their way out Dixie stopped and gave Roy an embrace. �Thank you Roy. What you said tonight made a lot of sense.�

�I�m just glad I could help.� He let go of his best friend�s date.

Johnny watched knowing the exchange had something to do with their departure outside earlier. He gave Roy a slap on the shoulder and Joanne a kiss and hug thanking them for his presents.

When they entered Dixie�s apartment, Johnny took off his shoes and sat on the couch. He stretched out his legs and placed his arms behind his head, sliding down a bit as he did so. Dixie went to her stereo and turned it on, filling the room with the soft sounds of Nat King Cole. She walked over to her couch and sat down beside Johnny resting her head in the crook of his shoulder. He let his arm fall down placing it gently around her.

�Thanks for inviting me today Johnny, I had a nice time.�

�Your welcome, thanks for coming.�

She looked up into his face, �But I think I may have some competition for your affections.�

�What are you talking about?�


�Jennifer?� he repeated frowning.

�Yes Jennifer, she has a bit of a crush on her favorite �uncle.��

He smiled realizing Dixie was teasing him. �Well don�t you worry, there�s enough of me to go around.� He kissed her on the forehead.

�And what if I don�t want to share you?� she started stroking his chest lightly.

�Well you�re going to have to take that up with Jennifer, I know better than to get in the middle of two head strong females.�

�By the way, I have tomorrow off.�

�You�re kidding? That�s great! We�ll be able to spend the day together. What do you want to do? We could go for a hike, or maybe to the beach, the horses should be takin� out maybe we could do that�� he would have went on and on if Dixie hadn�t placed her index finger against his lips.

�Johnny let�s worry about what to do with our mutual day off tomorrow. Right now we should concentrate on our evening together.� She replaced the finger on his lips with hers, placing her hand on his cheek.

Johnny started to run one of his hands through her hair for a few seconds, then he placed it along the curve where it met her jaw. He moved his mouth along her other jaw placing soft kisses along it, which Dixie could barely feel, making her shutter. He moved down to her neck and his kisses were soon replaced with soft bites. �Oh God, here comes that sensation again. Don�t panic Dixie. Remember what Roy told you; follow your feelings.� She let out a soft moan and gently pushed Johnny away from her.

Johnny felt his frustration starting to mount. �Okay Johnny, you told her she could set the pace. Every step taken gets you closer to being with her just remember that.�

�Johnny let�s go into my bedroom. I�m sure we�d be much more comfortable.�

Johnny could barely contain his shock  �Make sure she�s ready Johnny. You don�t want her to end up regretting this. Oh man I�d rather not do this than have her regret it. �Are you sure Dixie? I mean�I just�only if you�re ready.�

�Yes Johnny, I�m positive.� She took his hands in hers and got up off the couch pulling on his hands as she did so. Johnny slowly got to his feet still holding onto her hands. He didn�t understand how she could be ready. They hadn�t been able to spend any time together since the last time he was in her apartment telling him she needed more time. �Can she be ready for this, I mean all we�ve done this week is talk on the phone?�

Dixie started to walk backwards, towards her bedroom, gently pulling Johnny along with her. �Johnny trust me, I�m ready. I want to be with you, I need to show you how much I care about you. Please don�t make me beg you to spend the night.�

That was all Johnny needed to hear to ease his troubled thoughts. �You�ll never have to beg me Beautiful, I promise.� He flashed her a crooked grin and wrapped his arms around her, turning her around so she could see where she was going.

As they entered her bedroom, Johnny felt his desire�s heightening. He moved her hair out of the way and placed soft kisses on the back of her neck, slowly making his way to the side of her neck. �Dixie, I want you so badly.�

She moaned and shifted her head giving him better access. His hands left her hips where they had been when they had entered the bedroom and came around to the front of her body each finding a breast. Dixie leaned her body against Johnny�s taking in the pleasurable sensations he was giving her. After arousing her for a few minutes more his fingers found the top button of her shirt and started to undo each button while his mouth continued it�s attention to her neck. Remembering how she had reacted to his gentle bites on her neck, he switched from kisses to bites. He slowly took off her shirt letting it fall to the floor. His lips moved down her neck and onto her shoulder.

Dixie felt her insides set on fire. She turned to face her impending lover. After running her hand through his hair, she used it to bring his face to hers. She started to kiss him with more passion than even she knew she had within her. Their height difference was making this slightly uncomfortable for both so she slowly started to walk over to her bed, never taking her mouth away from his she lowered herself down. Johnny gently pushed her to a lying position, once again seeking out her neck yet exploring her body with his hand.

Johnny felt Dixie�s body trembled from his touch. He wasn�t sure if she was scared or excited, or a combination of both. He knew he had to take it slowly with her.

Carefully Johnny undid Dixie�s bra, exposing her pale skin. Dixie sat up and reached into Johnny�s pants to take his shirt out. She helped him remove his shirt. The two embraced in a kiss letting their warm bodies touch one another.

After ten minutes of intense kissing and exploration, Johnny shifted his hand to remove the rest of Dixie�s clothes. Once her clothing was removed, Johnny took his off and threw them on the floor next to Dixie�s. The two lovers embraced letting their bodies entwine for the inevitable encounter they were soon going to take pleasure from.

After bringing Dixie to the heights of ecstasy a couple of times while exploring her aroused body. Johnny couldn�t take the overwhelming desire he was feeling for her any longer. He climbed on top of her and made the sweetest, slowest, most sensual love he�d ever made to a woman in his life.

Following their passionate lovemaking, Dixie�s head was on Johnny�s chest and her arm draped across his abdomen he was caressing the small of her back; he had his eyes closed listening to the low sound of Dixie�s humming. He tried to remember the last time he had felt so happy. �Face it Johnny, you�ve never felt this way. That was incredible! Well worth the wait.�

Dixie lay listening to Johnny�s heartbeat slowing to its regular pace when she felt his stomach rumble. �Johnny are you hungry?� she looked up into his face.

�Well I just expelled a lot of energy!�

"Would you like something to eat?�

�Well�I could use something small to eat and maybe a glass of water, I�m parched.�

�I bet you are. I�ll be right back.�

Dixie got out of the bed and made her way down the hallway to find Johnny something to eat. She came back with some juice and granola bars, simple yet effective energy food. John greedily drained the juice from the glass, not leaving any for Dixie to have.

�Oops, I thought you brought two glasses! Sorry beautiful,� he said as he moved her hair off her face. His eyes clouded over which indicated to Dixie what Johnny�s body was telling her.

�Eat your food and I�ll get us some more juice.� Johnny nodded in agreement and watched Dixie walk out from her bedroom. �Man she�s so beautiful and what an appetite! I always heard about older women, but never thought�.�  His thoughts were interrupted as Dixie placed the glass on the nightstand. Johnny finished eating the granola bar and watched Dixie sit down on the bed and come closer to him. No words were spoken as she slowly made her way up his body, using her hands. Johnny closed his eyes to experience the wonderful sensations coursing through his body. Just when he thought he couldn�t take it any longer Dixie spoke to him. �Roll over and I�ll do your back.�

As ordered, Johnny rolled on to his stomach so Dixie could give him a back rub. She reached into her nightstand and took out a small bottle of massage oil. It was a combination of lavender and sandalwood. The warm sensation of the oil spreading over his body deeply relaxed Johnny. He heard Dixie humming as she kneaded his body. He was falling into a light sleep when Dixie patted his rump.

�My turn.�

Reluctantly, Johnny sat up changed positions with Dixie. She lay down on her belly and moved her hair out of his way. Johnny poured the oil on to her back. Using his thumbs, he rubbed her back in circular motions. His circles grew larger and proceeded down her sides, causing Dixie to giggle.

�You ticklish?�

�Yes and if you tell anyone I�ll get you,� a throaty reply came.

He worked the oil into her buttocks and down her legs. His fingers ran along the length of her body, which caused Dixie�s excitement to grow. She purred as Johnny�s fingers explored and touched her. Sensing Dixie�s excitement caused Johnny�s own body to react. When he couldn�t take it any longer, he rolled Dixie on to her back. She opened her eyes and looked into his brown ones. His hand touched her cheek. �I want to make love to you again, Dixie.�

�I�m all yours Johnny.�

After making love for a second time that night, Johnny was spent. He�d never put so much of himself into making love before. He slowly rolled onto his back turning his head to look at Dixie. �You�re incredible Dix. If I wasn�t so tired I think I could easily go for another round.� He raised his eyebrows up and down.

�Well thank God you�re tired. I don�t think I could handle it again so soon. I did work today you know.�

�I know Beautiful. Just don�t think I�ll ever be able to get enough of you. I think I know how I want to spend our day tomorrow.� He smiled at her.

�Johnny, where do you get you�re energy from?�

�I don�t know, are you complaining?�

�Not at all Fire boy. Not at all, as a matter of fact I like what you have in mind for our day.� She snuggled up to him once more. �By the way Johnny.�

�Umm�� his eyes were closed and he could feel himself drifting off into a very restful night�s sleep.

�Happy Birthday, I love you.� 

�Love you too.� He lazily managed to get out before his left arm reached up and covered his eyes. Secure in the knowledge that he and Dixie truly did have something special developing.
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