Strangers In the Night II

Firefighter/paramedic Roy DeSoto entered Station 51�s locker room finding his best friend and partner John Gage sitting in his locker, putting on his boots while whistling �Strangers in the Night.�

�I see you�re in a good mood this morning.�

The dark haired man looked up. �Sure am. I had a very nice evening.�

Seeing the dark circles under his partner�s eyes concerned Roy. �Are you sure it went well? You look like hell.�

�Yeah, I�m fine. I just didn�t get much sleep.�

Roy raised his eyebrows.

�Oh come on, Roy. It was a first date. What do you think I am some sort of sex maniac?�

�Well if the shoe fits, Junior, if the shoe fits�..�

�You know, Roy, you�re incredible. I don�t believe you. I�m tired because we were up until early this morning talking.�

�Struck out again eh, Gage?� Chet popped his head around the lockers.

�No, Chet, I didn't strike out!�

�Did you get a second date?�

�Well, no, not exactly.�

�What�s that suppose to mean, either you did or you didn�t. So which is it?�


�Told you. So, what young tart ran screaming from you this time, Johnny?�

�Oh, Chet, would you grow up. I didn�t get an actual date but she�s gonna come out the ranch some time to go horseback riding. AND SHE�S NOT A TART!�

Roy, sensing Johnny�s irritation with the smaller fireman, decided to break them up. �Come on you two, Cap�ll be starting roll call any second.�

�Well good morning, John. Nice to see you here on time. It�ll make roll call easier won�t it?� 
What the hell happened to him, he looks terrible?

Just as always, Johnny didn�t respond to his Captain�s comments. He knew the man was being sarcastic.

Hank dispensed daily duties. He reminded his paramedics to meet the engine crew at Fitzmore Public School at 9:30 a.m. for a fire drill and demonstration. Making his way into his office he asked Johnny to join him.

Man what did I do now? I�m on time for once. Johnny wondered as he closed the door behind him.

Not sure why he was being summoned, Johnny ran a hand through his hair. He didn�t know whether he should remain standing or sit down, so he opted to remain standing until he was told other wise.

Hank made the decision for him. �Have a seat, Johnny. You look like you could use it. Is there anything bothering you that you would like to talk about?� he asked with concern in his voice.

�No, Cap, why?�

�Well, Pal, you look terrible. Are you feeling okay? I don�t need an inattentive crew member getting in the way on any calls today.�

�I�m alright. I um� well I went out last night and I guess� I umm� I guess I stayed out a little late is all,� Johnny hung his head, feeling like a child in the principal�s office. �I�m sorry, Cap. I know better, I just didn�t realize I stayed out as late as I did until to was already too late.�

�All right, Pal, just try not to overdo it today. No heroics.�


Johnny left the office and found Roy standing by the squad waiting for his partner so they could head off to Rampart. They climbed into the vehicle and Roy slowly drove out of the apparatus bay. �Anything the matter back there?�

�No. I guess I�m looking worse than I feel. Cap was just worried about my state of mind.�

�Well I don�t blame him. You are looking a little rough today, Junior.�

The rest of the way to Rampart was driven in silence. Johnny was re-living his evening�s date while Roy pondered what his partner had done the night before.


�Hi Carol, how are you this morning?� Roy asked as he went about getting their needed supplies at the nurses station.

�Morning Roy, Johnny.�

�Hi Carol, I thought Dixie was working this morning?� the younger man questioned a bit worried.

�She was suppose to, but I called her earlier this morning and asked if we could switch shifts. I had something come up unexpectedly.� she explained.

�Oh, I hope it�s nothing serious.� Johnny responded.
I�m glad, Dixie will be able to get some needed sleep now. I really did stay much too late.


Having gotten what they needed, the pair headed over to the school. The engine was already there so they walked into the school�s lobby and waited with their crewmates. Captain Stanley came out of the office followed by the schools principal. �Okay, fella's, lets get to work.�

Marco went over to the fire alarm and pulled the lever which resulted in an assaulting high-pitched bell, which vibrated through the halls of the school. Young children, formed in perfect lines, made their way out of various doors led by their teachers.

Each of the crewmembers made their way outside to see if anyone was injured on their organized, yet panicky exit. When everyone was accounted for and finding no injuries, the entire school body and six firemen returned inside and into the schools gym.

�Well, good morning. I�m Captain Stanley and the gentlemen behind me are my firemen. We�re here from Station 51. You kids did a wonderful job leaving the school quickly, quietly and safely. We timed you and so far you�re the quickest school we�ve had at three minutes and sixteen seconds. I think you should give yourselves a round of applause.�

The six grown men in front of the assembled school body were joined in their applause by six hundred rather enthusiastic children.

�We�re here today to show you some of the equipment we use at fires and accidents. We�ll also teach you a little about fire safety.� The tall lanky man smiled when the applause subsided.

After Marco and Chet demonstrated the port-a-power, Mike explained the Jaws of Life and the paramedics displayed the EKG; Hank showed the children some simple knots with ropes. The firemen then went on to explain about not touching hot stoves, playing with matches, and a number of other fire safety tips.

The crew spent the next twenty-five minutes answering questions ranging from, why the captain�s helmet looked like a skunk, to how the water gets into the hoses. The children were given the opportunity to put on helmets, turnout gear, empty tanks, play with the ropes, and listen to Johnny�s heartbeat with his stethoscope. Before making their final farewell the captain told the gathered children since they did such a great job leaving the building during their drill, they would each receive something from the department. The children let out another huge cheer.

The principal thanked the captain and his crew for their demonstration, while handing Hank a plaque of appreciation.

The men gathered their supplies and went outside to put them away. Johnny returned to the school�s office and handed the principal a heavy long slender box which he explained had a Smokey the Bear poster inside for each child.


It had been a slow day for the station. After making themselves available leaving the school, the engine had only been called out once and the squad twice. 

The paramedics walked out of treatment room 5 and over to the base station. Dixie sat with a clipboard in her hands, dolling out orders to Sharon.

Johnny poured himself a cup of coffee and turned his attention to the two nurses in front of him.
Man she sure does look good. I wish I could take her in my arms right now. She must have taken advantage of her rearranged schedule and gotten some decent sleep. She sure looks better than I did this morning. He smiled a crooked grin while thinking these thoughts.

Johnny had taken advantage of the station�s slow day himself and gotten some much needed sleep during its down times. He had to admit he was feeling much better, but still wasn�t looking like his normal well rested self.

�Hi Johnny. Have you given any thought about taking me out dancing?� Sharon quipped as she turned her attention to the lean paramedic.

Startled, Johnny looked at Dixie who quickly looked away, pretending to be interested in her chart. 

�Um... uh... no not really, Sharon. I�ve been kinda busy, plus I�m not really much of a dancer.�

A smile spread across the older nurse�s face.
Oh I don�t know about that. I thought you did just fine last night.

�Oh, oka,y Johnny.� the pretty nurse looked hurt as she walked away.

�Oh man, I knew I�d end up hurting her feelings. What do I do now?�

�Nothing.� Roy answered quietly.

�Nothing?� his partner repeated.

�Nope, you let it go, otherwise if you drag this out, it will only hurt her more, right Dix,� he looked at the head nurse for confirmation.

�I guess so, Roy. That�s if Johnny truly doesn�t want to go out with Sharon.� It was more of a question than a statement.

�Well, I can�t speak for my partner, but I think he�s exploring other opportunities right now,� Roy teased, not realizing he was talking to his partner�s dinner date from the previous evening.

�Oh is that so?� she answered Roy not taking her eyes off his partner.

Johnny�s whole face was lit up smiling at her.
My God he�s gorgeous. He looks awfully tired though; I hope he�s okay.

�Yeah.� Roy answered. �He had a hot date last night but won�t tell me anything about it other than he was up most of the night talking,� he winked at Dixie.

�Squad 51, what is your status?� The HT came to life.

�Squad 51, available� Roy responded to LA dispatch.

�Squad 51, stand by for response.�

�10-4, LA.�

�Well, Dix, we�ll have to get to the bottom of my partner�s date another time,� Roy teased not understanding why Dixie hadn�t joined in on their normal pestering banter concerning his partners love life.

She smiled at Roy but didn�t say anything to him. She noticed Johnny wasn�t comfortable with his pestering.

Carillons began to play from the HT. �Station 51, child trapped in cave. One mile north on County Road 16. That�s one mile north on County road 16. Time out 18:45.�

�Squad 51.�

With that the paramedic team left the nurse to ponder why Johnny hadn�t told his partner of their date.
Is he embarrassed? No. Mike told you Johnny doesn�t kiss and tell. Speaking of kissing, boy I can�t wait for our next date!


The men of station 51 found the cave with a group of people gathering around its entrance. Since the police had not yet responded, Captain Stanley instructed the people to move out of the way and stand back so his men could work.

The opening of the cave had been blocked with falling rocks and boulders. There was a small opening near the top. Roy gingerly made his way up to take a look inside. He shone his flashlight in and saw a small boy of about nine or ten sobbing in the middle of the cave.

�Hey there. My name�s Roy. I�m a fireman and I�m here with my friends to help you out of here okay. What�s your name?�

�Steven.� The boy cried.

�Okay, Steven. I know you�re scared, but we�re going to get you out of there all right. Now I have to climb back down but I promise you I�m going to be right on the other side of the rocks. I�m not going anywhere. I just have to go talk to my boss okay?�

�Okay, but what about Mickey

�Who�s Mickey?�

�My best friend.�

�Stephen, is Mickey in there with you?�

�Yes, he�s sleeping and I can�t get him to wake up.� the young boy started to cry.

�Listen Steven, we�ll get Mickey out too. Don�t worry. I�m going to talk to my boss now.�

Roy made his way back down and walked over Hank. �Cap, there�s two children inside about ten years old or so. One seems fine, just scared. The other�s unconscious. We need to get him out as soon as possible. I also don�t think we should wait until we have the entrance opened to start treating him.�

�I guess we�ll have to send you through to get to him, Pal.�

�No, not me Cap. The hole�s too small. I think Johnny could get through though.� The two men looked around at the crowd seeking out the leaner paramedic. They saw him talking with a woman who was coming close to hysterics.

�Ma�am, you�re going to have to calm yourself down. You won�t do your son any good by letting him know how scared you are. I promise you, we�ll get him out of there. You�re just going to have to be patient?�

�But my baby needs me�.�

�Ma�am,what is your son�s name?�

�Steven Myers.�

�Okay, Ms. Myers.�

�Mrs. It�s Mrs. Myers,� the woman corrected Johnny.

�Okay, Mrs. Myers. What Steven is going to need is a mother who's calm. Trust me your sons scared. He doesn�t need to see you in this state when we get him out. So please try to remain calm. We need to turn all of our attention to getting him out of there. Do you know how long he�s been in there?�

�I came looking for him about twenty minutes ago. I heard him answer my cries and found him in there.� The scared mother answered Johnny�s calm, reassuring question.

�John, we�re going to need you over there.� Captain Stanley said walking up to his younger paramedic and the obviously scared woman.

�Okay Cap. This is Mrs. Myers and her son Steven is the one inside the cave.� He made sure not to say the word trapped for fear of sending the young mother over the edge.

�Don�t worry Mrs. Myers. I know you�re scared, but trust me when I tell you my men will do everything that�s humanly possible to get your son out and into your arms.� Hank put his arm around the young lady, walking her away from the squad.

Turning to Johnny, Roy let him know what was going on. Johnny grabbed the drug box, handi talkie and his helmet out of the squad and walked over to the cave. 

�Okay Pal, you go in. We�ll hand you the equipment and we�ll start to work on clearing the entrance.� Hank informed him.

Johnny nodded his head, put on his helmet and started to climb the rocks. When he got to the top he looked behind him to make sure Roy was still behind him.

�The conscious boys name is Steven. His friend is Mickey and Johnny be careful.� The elder partner warned.

Once again Johnny nodded his head and dissappeared into the hole. Once inside he stuck his head out and took the drug box and flashlight in one hand and the talkie in the other. 

He made his way down to the floor of the cave and turned to the young child in front of him. �Hi Steven. My name is Johnny an� I�m Roy's partner. I�m here to get you and Mickey out of here.� Johnny used his best comforting voice.

He made his way over to the other boy lying motionless on the ground then turned to Steven. �Are you hurt anywhere, Steven?�

�No, I just want my mommy.� The boy started to cry again.

�Hey, Steven, it�s okay. Your mother is outside waiting for you. Can you come over and help me with your friend?� he encouraged.

The boy got up and made his way over to the fireman kneeling beside his best friend. Johnny placed his helmet on Steven�s small head. �Okay Steven, I need you to hold my flashlight for me.� Johnny handed him the flashlight and set to work checking out the unconscious child beside him.

Johnny questioned Steven as to how long Mickey had been �a sleep� and how old he was. He took the HT out of his pocket, �Cap, I have the boy�s vitals.�

�Go ahead, Pal.�

Dixie heard Roy�s voice over the phone. �Rampart, this is squad 51, do you copy?�

She called out to Dr Early and went to the phone. �Go a head, 51.�

�Rampart we have a male victim, 10 years old. Uh, the victim has been unconscious for about 25 minutes. Vitals are as follows. BP 90/60, pulse 90 and respiration�s are 20. Pupils unequal but reactive. He�s currently unavailable for transport.�

�Ok, 51, start IV with D5W and transport as soon as possible.� Dr Early instructed.

�10-4, Rampart.�

�Johnny, we�ve made the hole big enough for the stokes. Here it comes.� Marco called down as the stokes made it�s way down to him on a rope. He went to work placing the small child in the basket and yelled up to his coworkers they could bring him up.

Just as the engine crew got the stokes out with the small boy in it, falling rocks from above completely blocked the small opening leaving Johnny and his small companion stranded in the cave. Steven started to cry, as the cave became very dark. He wasn�t sure what had happened at first. When he realized they were trapped he started to hyperventilate.

Johnny placed his hands on the boy�s shoulders and gently but sternly said to him, �Steven, listen to me. You need to slow down you�re breathing. Everything will be ok; Roy, won�t leave us in here. The firemen out there know what they�re doing. They�ll get us out. It may take some time, but I promise, they�ll get us out of here.

Meanwhile on the other side of the entrance, they loaded Mickey and Roy into the back of the ambulance. The child�s mother was helped into the front of the ambulance and then it left for the hospital. Chet followed in the squad.

Roy was met at the hospital�s entrance by Dr Early and Dixie, and preceded to treatment room 1. Seeing Roy�s face confused Dixie. It had the same worried look of a few days before when he had brought Johnny in. �What�s going on?�

�Roy, do you have any idea why he�s unconscious?� Joe asked.

�He has a rather large bump on the back of his head. He was probably hit by a falling rock,� the worried paramedic said as the medical staff expertly transferred the small body onto the treatment table.

When the treatment room door opened, Dixie turned expecting to see Johnny come sailing into the room. When she saw Chet come in instead, asking Roy anxiously if he was ready to head back to the cave, she started to sway.

She turned to Roy and asked with terror in her voice, �Where�s, Johnny?�

The paramedic placed his hand on the nurse�s back to steady her. He turned to her and saw the fright in her eyes and suddenly the events of the last few days became clear. Johnny�s concern about dating a 40 year old woman. His anger towards Chet for calling her a tart. Dixie�s reaction the other day when he brought Johnny in. Her not joining him, like she normally did, when he teased his partner earlier that afternoon about his date.

Dixie was Johnny�s dinner date! He thought to himself as he walked Dixie over to a stool and gently sat her down. 

Joe asked an orderly to get another nurse in the room to assist him, realizing something was wrong with his friend.

Roy turned his full attention to Dixie, �Just as we got the boy out of the cave, there was another cave in. Johnny and another child are trapped inside.�

�Oh God.� Dixie started to tremble.

�As far as we know, he�s not hurt. We�ll have him out of there as fast as we can Dixie.�

�But he could be hurt?�

�There�s a possibility he is, but it�s slight. I won�t lie to you. Our main concern right now is not knowing how much oxygen is in the cave.�

The room started to spin around on the nurse. Roy placed his hands on Dixie�s upper arms and reassured her everything would be okay! He wasn�t sure who he was trying to convince more, the terrified nurse or himself.

�Are you going to be all right?� he asked looking straight into her eyes. He was hoping he could get her to understand, using his eyes, that he understood her sudden concern for his partner. 

Dixie looked straight back into his blue eyes and knew he understood the reason for her state of mind. �Yes I�ll be okay. Please go back there and get him out Roy,� her eyes started to tear up.

�We will Dix, and I promise he�ll be fine.� He gave her arms a gentle squeeze and turned to a very distressed Chet, �Let�s go,� was all he said.

The two firemen made a hasty exit as Dixie lowered her head into her hands, closed her eyes, and tried to pull herself together. All she could hear was Johnny�s own words.

I have to admit Dix, when I�m trapped in a burning building; there�s a part of me that�s terrified. I�m no longer in control of my destiny. I have to give my complete trust and faith over to my co-workers. I trust these guys, each and every one of them with my life.

Oh God, Johnny, I didn�t realize there�d come a day when I�d have to trust them with your life as well. They�ll get you out. They have to. Hang on, Johnny!


�Johnny, I�m scared. I don�t think your friends are going to get us out.� the boy said nervously.

�Hey, now what kind of talk is that, Steven? I promised you Roy would get us out of here, and you want to know something?�


�Firemen aren�t allowed to break promises,� Johnny�s voice smiled.


�Really. Do you know how to play tic tac toe, Steven?� Johnny wanted to keep the boy occupied.


�Well, then let�s play!� he said enthusiastically.


Johnny turned on the flashlight he had decided a while ago to save until it was really needed. He decided calming the boys fears was just such a time. He reached into his breast pocket and pulled out his notepad and his lime green pen. �Here we go, just like the boy scouts, I always come prepared.� He smiled.

Steven relaxed and allowed himself to get a little excited.

After losing four games in a row Johnny took a discreet look at his watch.
It�s been two hours, Roy. You�ve got to hurry up, partner. The air�s getting pretty thin.

Half an hour and twenty horrible games later, the crews of Stations 51 and 8 finally managed to break a small hole into the entrance. Roy stuck his head in and found his partner and a small boy with a fireman�s helmet on, taking turns writing onto Johnny�s notepad.

�Hey, Johnny, we can take Steven out though this hole. You�re going to have to wait a few minutes though.� Johnny helped the small child out of the cave and paitently waited to be freed himself. He said a small prayer while he sat thinking about how badly he wanted to see Dixie. When he was finally out of the cave and checked over, he willingly climbed into the ambulance with Roy and Steven.

�Dixie seemed pretty upset to find out you were trapped partner.�

�Did you tell her I was going to be okay?�

�Yes, but I don�t think it helped any.�

�Thanks, Pally.�

�You�re welcome, Junior.�

The two paramedics both understood the under tone in their conversation and rode the rest of the way to Rampart in silence.

When Dixie saw Johnny hop out of the ambulance on his own accord, she didn�t think she�d ever been so happy to see anyone in her entire life. She had to admit he looked terrible. He was covered in dirt and he still looked worn out. But he was alive and looked to be in good health.

Dr Brackett took him into treatment room 3, with Dixie following close behind him. �How do you feel Johnny?� the doctor asked.

�Just a little light headed, Doc. The air was thinning in the cave. I�m sure I�ll have a wicked headache tomorrow.�

�Yeah, I�m sure you will.� Brackett replied as he started giving Johnny the once over. Not finding anything wrong he declared him fit as a fiddle; said he was going to have to take the rest of the evening off and asked when his next shift was. He told the younger man if he experienced anything abnormal over the next couple of days to come back and see him. Then he left the room, leaving a very tired paramedic and a very relieved nurse in the room by themselves.

Johnny looked into the still terrified but beautiful face in front of him. Holding out his arms he said, �Come here.�

Dixie walked over to the treatment rooms table he was sitting on and allowed herself to be wrapped into his strong arms. �I was never so frightened in my life ,Johnny.�

Holding Dixie gently in his arms he found her rigid. �You can relax no,w Dixie, I�m here and I�m safe.� He looked down into her face and kissed her affectionately.

Forgetting where she was for a moment, Dixie responded by wrapping her arms around his waist and returned his kiss. Suddenly she pulled her mouth and arms away from him and blushed slightly.

�What�s wrong, Dix?�

�I�m on duty. If I walked in here and found one of my nurses necking with a patient there�d be hell to pay.�

�I�d like to think I�m not just any patient.� He smiled.

�No, I don�t think you are, but that doesn�t change the fact that I�m on duty. You really should get home and get some sleep, Johnny. You look exhausted.� She returned to her professional demeanor stepping back from him

�Yeah I am, I think I could sleep for the next two days.�

�I�ll go find Roy.� She started to walk away.

The weary fireman reached out and grabbed her arm lightly pulling her back over to him and held her tightly against his body. He started placing soft kisses on the side of her neck, placing one hand on her shoulder and the other on the side of her face. �Dixie when can we have our next date?� He whispered into her ear. The fact that his earlier kiss had gotten a response from her had turned the young man on.

Dixie, feeling her body responding to his desires, was torn between scolding his behavior and relishing it. She finally decided she couldn�t let this highly personal physical contact between a patient and his nurse continue, no matter who the patient was.

Placing her hands on his chest, Dixie said, "Johnny, if you behave yourself,
I'll give you what you want."

A confused Johnny smiled at her statement and released his hold on her.

Dixie, reading his body language laughed and continued, "What I mean is we
can set our date."

"Oh, I see, Dix." Johnny chuckled......

He reluctantly obeyed her order and the two set a date to go horseback riding at his ranch the following week.

�Now Mr. Gage, I suggest you listen to your doctor and go home to bed and get some sleep.� She teased.

He couldn�t let this sentence go untouched. �Sleep isn�t exactly what I had in mind, Dix!�

Dixie opened her mouth to respond, but was almost thankful Roy picked that moment to make his entrance

He stuck his head into the treatment room; �Come on, Junior, your flashy red chariot awaits. Chet and I will take ya home.� 

Johnny let his tired body slide off the table and stood next to Dixie. He put his arms around her and gave her a quick kiss, then headed out the door, saying he�d call her the following day. He didn�t care Roy had witnessed the exchange. He just wanted to let her know he was okay.

Later in the evening Dr. Brackett looked up to find Dixie entering the doctors lounge. He wasn�t sure if he should broach the subject or not. It really was none of his business, but he still cared about the woman who took a seat next to him. �It sure has been a busy shift.� He decided to ease into his thoughts.

�Not only busy, but strange; you�d think it was a full moon.�

�Are you okay? You look beat.�

�Yeah, I�m fine. You�re right though, I�m very tired.�

�If I�m not mistaken, I think it isn�t just how busy we�ve been.�

�What do you mean?�

�I think your getting close to being emotionally drained.�

�Kel, I think you�re exaggerating. I�m fine.�

�I don�t think so, Dix. A certain paramedic�s latest injuries have you a little more worried than usual.�

�Is it that obvious?�

�Well, no not exactly. But when Joe told me how you reacted to Johnny�s being trapped in the cave and then I saw how relieved you looked to see him hop out of that ambulance, well let�s just say you never looked that happy to see me.� He smiled at her.

�Oh, I�m sorry, Kel, I was kind of hoping to keep this under a tight lid for a while, at least until I know where it�s going.� She said wishing he didn�t look so hurt.

�Do you mind my asking how long it�s been going on?�

�No, but there�s nothing really going on. We�ve had one dinner together that�s all. We�re also getting together this weekend at his ranch. Does this bother you, Kel?�

�No, Dix it doesn�t bother me. I just don�t want to see you hurt that�s all. We�ve all heard the stories.�

The head nurse felt a little angry with her former lover, �Ke,l you know as well as I do you can�t believe all you hear around this place. Johnny was a perfect gentleman with me. And Kel, I shouldn�t have to tell you this.

�I�m sorry. I guess I�m just a bit jealous,� he replied his face twitching.

The door to the lounge came to a close as Sharon started to walk down the hall. �You�re a little old for Johnny aren�t you boss? From what I understand, it couldn�t have been such a hot date if nothing happened. Johnny is a young sexy man after all, and I�m sure his needs run deep.�

�Sharon, I need your help in treatment room 3� Joe Early brought her out of her thoughts and back to work.


�Jo, please stop fussing, I�m fine.� Johnny sighed towards his partner�s wife.
How does Roy put up with all this attention. It would drive me batty.

�I�m sorry Johnny, I don�t know what�s wrong with me.�

�Well,, why don�t you sit down and relax.� He was frustrated with the normally mellow woman.

Roy watched the two with amusement. They were like a cat and mouse. One stalked while the other tried desperately to find a place to hide. He knew Joanne could get like this a few times a year, being a fireman�s wife couldn�t be easy. Most of the time he was in awe of her. He honestly didn�t know where she got her inner strength, but getting two phone calls within five days that Johnny was in danger had driven her into one of her over protective mothering moods. This however was the first time she'd reflected her fidgety energy towards his best friend.

Roy broke into the nervous tension between the two, �So, Johnny what exactly were you and Steven doing when we finally got to you?�

Johnny, hearing Roy�s question, gave a silent thank you for the distraction of being Joanne�s  �personal doll�. �Playing tic-tac-toe. I had to keep him occupied. He was starting to lose faith in you guys.�

�I hope you set him straight.�

�Of course.�

�Johnny, could I ask you something?� Joanne joined into their conversation.


�I was just wondering what you were thinking while you were trapped in there?�

Johnny looked to Roy for guidance. This was a topic he and Roy very seldomly talked about, and they certainly never talked about the dangers of their job and how they felt about it in front his partner�s wife.

With a single glance, Roy was able to let him know that is was okay to discuss. If Joanne wanted to know he could tell her as long as he was comfortable with it.

�Uh, I was a bit scared. Being trapped in a dark, damp, cold, and lonely place is no fun. I knew the guys would get to us, but it did cross my mind if they�d make it on time. I also felt guilty about my feelings towards the kid being there.�

�What on earth are you talking about feeling guilty? He�s the one who crawled in there in the first place Johnny. If it hadn�t been for him you wouldn�t have been their either.� she sounded angry.

�Joanne, it�s not my job to lay blame. They were just being curious kids. What I meant was a part of me was happy I wasn�t in there alone. Now if you want to get angry, get irritated over that. I�m a grown man and here I was a bit happy to have a frightened ten year old boy to keep me company.� He explained with a frown.

�Your human is all that means. I�m sure anyone in that same situation would rather have someone with them,� she softened her tone.
He can look like such a child himself. How many times have I seen that look and longed to give him a hug. Boy would he ever get agitated with me then� She smiled inwardly at her own thoughts.

�Would either of you two like a coffee?� she asked making her way into the kitchen.

�Sure,� they both replied.

�So, how did you find out about Dixie, Roy? Did she tell you?�

�No, she didn�t. It was her reactions when you didn�t show up with me at the hospital and when she found out you were in danger. I�ve never seen her so scared Johnny. I just figured it out. Why didn�t you tell me?�

�I don�t know. I guess I just wanted to find out where it was headed first. I wasn�t trying to hide it from you. Honest.�

�I understand, Junior. It sure looks to me like this is something you wish to pursue.�

Johnny�s face got a faraway look as he remembered his dance with Dixie only nights before. �Yeah I do. Dixie�s really something, Roy. I can�t stop thinking about her; I want to spend all my free time just being with her. Something I didn�t tell Joanne just now was that while in the cave, I was also thinking about how much I wanted.. uh no.. uh how much I needed to see her again. She�s coming to the ranch on Saturday to go riding.�

�It sounds to me like you only have eyes for her at the moment?� he questioned.

�Yeah, I guess and you know what? I like the feeling.�

�UNCLE JOHNNY! UNCLE JOHNNY!� Jennifer DeSoto ran into the room.

�What is it, pumpkin?� Johnny�s entire face smiled as the little blonde girl jumped into his arms.

�I finished cleaning my room. You promised you�d play Candyland with me, remember?� she squeeled with laughter as her �uncle� started to tickle her.

�Sure I do, so why dontcha go set it up and I�ll be right there, okay.� He gave his best girl a wink.

�Okay.� Jennifer ran to the rec. room and searched for her game while her father�s best friend met Joanne coming back with their coffees.

�Thanks.� He flashed her a smile, took the black coffee and retreated to play a game of Candyland.

Joanne sat down beside her husband. �Did I hear Johnny talking about Dixie?�

�Yeah, you did. They had dinner together the other night.�

�Well, good for Dixie, I knew it.�

Roy turned to look at his wife in astonishment. �You knew about this?�

�Well not exactly. At the party we threw for her, Dixie questioned me about how I felt about an older woman dating a younger man. She was also concerned about being the one to ask him out. So I just gave her a bit of encouragement.� She smiled.

�So she asked you how Johnny would feel about her asking him out?�

�No she didn�t use his name, but I knew.�

�You�re incredible. How did you know?�

�Just call it woman�s intuition.�

The married couple fell into a comfortable silence as they listened to the sounds of a five-year-old child and her favorite playmate chatting and laughing. It was a sound they had both gotten used to and looked forward to hearing over the last few years Johnny had become a part of their lives. It seemed if he wasn�t playing games or Barbies with their daughter, he was playing catch, cards or discussing something of interest with their nine-year-old son Chris.

�So how does Johnny feel about all of this?� Joanne broke the silence.

�I think by the sounds of it and by what I witnessed at the hospital the other day, he�s found someone he�s comfortable with. I�ve noticed a change in him over the last year. He�s become very restless. I couldn�t place my finger on it until recently. I had my suspicions when he turned down a nurse at the hospital for a date. I have to say I was a bit shocked. But putting it together with what I know now, it makes sense. I think he�s been restless because he�s seeking something solid and stable. He�s tired of the chase.�

�I agree. Boy, how he's matured since I first met him. Remember that night? It was at that birthday party and Dr. Brackett ended up leaving. I have to tell you, Roy, I didn�t think much of Johnny then. I thought he was reckless, immature, cocky and rude. It took a few visits to our home before I changed my mind about him.�

�Really? You never told me that.�

�What good would that have done? Plus, I needed to learn to trust him. He is your partner and I knew that you two would be entering dangerous situations together all the time. So I didn�t want to cloud your opinion about him. You liked him and that was all that mattered. I did however want to tell you no the first time you wanted to ask him over for dinner. God how I dreaded that dinner.� She laughed at how wrong she�d been about the man she had come to love like a brother.


�So, do you know why John Gage hasn�t been pestering me for a date lately? I kind of miss it. I hope I didn�t play too hard to get?� asked Sheila, a tall blonde who had been the latest attraction of the handsome paramedic.

�From what I understand, he�s been seeing someone for weeks now.� Replied Judy, the woman next to her.

Just then Sharon came into the lounge and made herself a cup of coffee.

�So, what are you two discussing?� Sharon asked.

�Johnny Gage,� they both replied.

�Oh, have you heard the latest? The young nurse couldn�t wait to tell the two women what she had overheard. She still couldn�t believe it herself.
What could Johnny see in Dixie. She�s old! He needs someone young and adventurous!

�No, tell us!� Sheila responded.

�Johnny had a date with Dixie McCall!�

�No way, when?�

�Not too long ago from what I understand, I don�t imagine it will last though.�

�It never does with Johnny.� Sheila quipped. �So, I guess I�ll get my chance with him soon enough.� A smile spread across her face as she imagined having a hot and heavy date with the fireman.

The nurses became quiet as Joe Early entered the room and put a quarter into the coffee machine. No one seemed to know why the older man preferred the vending machine coffee over that of the freshly brewed pot next to it. Once he received his coffee he sat down at the table and started to read the newspaper.

Sharon and Judy got up to return back to work.

�You ladies got awfully quiet when I entered the room. You weren�t talking about me were you?� Joe questioned with a smile.

�No Dr Early. We were actually talking about Johnny Gage.�

�Oh I see. As long as it wasn�t me.� 
I wonder what Johnny�s done now? You never know what it will be with him. Oh to be young and virile again.

�No, not you. It seems Johnny came between Dixie and Dr Brackett though.� Sheila responded.

Joe didn�t respond to this comment. He didn�t know why, but it just didn�t sound right to him. He knew Johnny liked to spread himself around, but he just couldn�t picture the young man purposely breaking up someone else�s relationship. He shook his head and turned his attention back to his newspaper.


It was a beautiful sunny day in Southern California and Johnny decided to take advantage of it. He woke up early and had some breakfast, then started to rebuild a deck on the back of his house. The original deck was in poor shape, plus he decided it wasn�t big enough.

Johnny loved physical labor. It helped relieve some of the built up stress and tension from the riggers of his job. Today however, he was trying to relax before his afternoon with Dixie.

He was looking forward to taking her horseback riding. He hadn�t taken the horses out in a while. The previous week was a rough one. First he was the victim of a collapsed ceiling. He knew he�d been lucky when he only suffered mild smoke inhalation, a mild concussion, and received stitches to his forearm. Then only five days later, he became trapped in a cave while rescuing two young boys. Granted he wasn�t hurt in the cave, but it was one of those incidents that usually left the young man emotionally drained. He ended up with a very bad headache the following day, which he knew came from lack of oxygen. But if truth were told, he�d do it again in a heartbeat. The two boys were rescued and he knew both were fine. That�s all that mattered to him.

The sound of a car pulling up to the house brought Johnny out of his hammering rhythm and his private thoughts. He glanced at this watch.
Oh damn. It�s almost 1:00. That�s probably Dixie. Why didn�t you pay more attention to the time Johnny? You�re sweaty, smelly, and probably look like crap. Nice way to greet your date.

After placing his hammer in his toolbox and putting away the nails, Johnny made his way to the front of the house. �Hi, Dix.� He called out to the woman getting out of her station wagon.

�Hi, Johnny.� She smiled although a bit confused by his disheveled appearance.

�I see you found the place okay.�

�Yeah, your directions were great. I didn�t get lost once.�

�I get lots of practice.� He winked noticing a strange look come onto her face.
I don�t understand, she looks apprehensive, or is it concern? No, I don�t think so. It looks like jealousy? Oh, I bet my comment about practice has made her uncomfortable. Does she think I give these directions to a lot of women?

�I�m the squad�s official navigator.� He explained, hoping to reassure her.

Dixie smiled towards him, relaxing some. She didn�t like the way she felt when she thought of the other women Johnny may have had out to his ranch.
Come on, Dix, you�re both adults and have been with other people. Accept it.

�Sorry I look so terrible, Dix. I was building a deck and lost track of time. Why don�t you come in and I�ll take a quick shower.� He motioned as he made his way into the house.

Dixie followed him into the house and took in her surroundings. She was surprised to find Johnny�s place had a nice comfortable homey feeling to it. It was neat, tidy and simply furnished. She decided the simplistic look was intentional. It suited the man who lived here. Her eyes fell upon a large print over his mantle. It was a beautiful orange sunset with a silhouette of a man and a woman dancing on a cliff, overlooking what looked like some sort of canyon.

Johnny watched her take in his home. He could tell she was a bit surprised. He didn�t really know why most people found his home surprising.
Boy people must think I�m a slob or something.

�Johnny,that print is beautiful. It gives off such a peaceful feeling.�

�Thanks. I�m quite proud of it. I�m happy I captured the feelings I felt when I saw them.�

She turned to look at the man standing beside her. �You took that picture?� she was dumbfounded.

�Yeah, I took it the last time I went home to visit my parents. I came home one night from going out with my friends and found them dancing in the back yard. I had my camera with me so I snapped a picture.�

�Wow, Johnny, it�s beautiful! I didn�t realize you could take such stunning pictures.�

He smiled liking the compliment. Most people loved the picture and some even asked him if he�d consider doing a re-print for them. He never did. He felt it was too personal.

�Thanks, I can take some decent pictures, but I�ll admit I was floored when I developed that roll of film and saw that picture. I was lucky. The colors were right. The sun was just low enough not to cause any lighting problems and my shutter speed was set correctly. So anyway when I saw the picture I had two blown up and professionally framed.�

�You blew two up?�

�Yeah, I gave one to my parents on their last anniversary.� His eyes twinkled. �Anyway, Dix, I haven�t had lunch and I need to get washed up. Care to join me?�

Dixie looked at the young man somewhat shocked.

�For lunch, Dix, care to join me for lunch?� he chuckled at the look on her face.

�No, that�s okay, John, I ate already. Thanks.� She looked relieved.

�Would you like something to drink than?�

�I don�t suppose you�d have tea around here?�

�You�d suppose wrong. I keep it in the house for Joanne and my mother when she visits.�

Dixie followed Johnny into the kitchen. He set to work filling the kettle, as he reached for a cup Dixie placed a hand on his arm. �Johnny, why don�t you go take your shower. I can make my own tea. I�ll even make you something to eat.�

�That�s okay, Dix, you don�t have to�.�

�I know I don�t have to, but I want to help�

�Uh okay, only if you don�t mind though.� The look she gave him told him she didn�t mind. After telling her where to find things he headed off to his master bathroom to clean up.

Dixie set to work making him a sandwich he said he would eat.
Well, Johnny your home may have surprised me, but not the sorry state of this fridge. She laughed.

Twenty minutes later Johnny entered the kitchen wearing a pair of jeans and a T-shirt declaring the calf wrangling championship had been held in Montana in 1971. His hair was still damp and his smile as gorgeous and as crooked as ever. �I can see you found my coffee. It smells great. He looked at the table and found a sandwich and a coffee waiting for him.

�Thanks.� He said as he went over to the fridge, took out the milk, got a glass and sat down at the table.

�Your welcome.� She took a sip of tea. She hadn�t taken her eyes off of him from the moment he entered the room.
You cleaned up very nicely, and you sure can fill out a pair of jeans!

Johnny poured his milk and started in on his sandwich, reminding himself once again not to talk with food in his mouth.

�I hope I�m not being forward, but how in the world could you ever afford to buy this place? I mean, it look�s like you have lots of land and well this house is stunning.�

�It was a foreclosure, otherwise you�re right. I would never have been able to afford it. It was a dump though. I�ve had to put a lot of money and a lot of hard work into it.� He took another bite of his sandwich. �So, are you nervous?� he asked.

�About what?� She asked confused by his sudden change of subject. She wondered if he was referring to their date at his home.

�Going riding, if I remember correctly, you told me you�ve never been.�

�Yeah, I guess I am, I hate to admit it, but I�m actually scared as well.�

�No, you can�t be scared.�

�Well, I am.�

�No, what I�m telling you is you can�t be. The horse will sense it and he won�t let you be in control.� He saw a flash of panic flash across her face.

�Johnny, maybe this wasn�t such a good idea?�

�It�s okay, Dixie. If you�re not comfortable riding by yourself we can take one horse out and ride together.�

�Are you sure?�

�Of course, it�s a beautiful day and I promise you�ll enjoy it, � he said with a grin.

�Okay,� she returned his smile.

Having finished his sandwich and milk, he got up and placed his plate and glass into the sink. He grabbed an apple from a bowl in the center of his table offering the woman sitting at the table one as well. He also offered her another cup of tea. She declined both. He picked up his coffee and motioned for Dixie to follow.

They went into his great room and sat on the leather couch. Johnny placed his bare feet onto his coffee table. Although though he was on a date he felt totally at ease with Dixie which permitted him to put his feet on the table.

Beside her on an end table, Dixie noticed a framed picture of Christopher and Jennifer DeSoto. She picked it up to study. It was a beautiful picture which had captured the spirit and sweetness of the DeSoto children. Both kids were laughing with huge eyes which sparkled and danced.

Johnny sat, watching her look at the picture.
She�s beautiful. I�m so comfortable with her. Even our silences are comfortable. I completely understand how my parents can be in the same room and not feel the need to speak.

�Did you take this?� she brought him out of his thoughts.

�Yeah, about a year ago. They�re beautiful children. I love being with them. They have such energy. They�re jewels.�

�By the looks of this picture I�d say they enjoy being around you as well. I don�t think I�ve ever seen Jennifer smile so brightly.�

�Oh, she�s got the makings of being one heck of a model some day. She loves having her picture taken. I know if I take my camera over there, I�d better bring lots of film.� he chuckled, then took a drink of his coffee.

Changing the subject once again he asked, �So, what do you do to relax?� He knew her job, like his, could be emotionally draining. He needed distractions or he could fall into some sort of a depression pretty quickly, he assumed with the nature of her job, she�d need some as well. 

�I read a lot, garden, play cards with friends, and well, I do love to cook.� She placed the picture back where she found it.

He smiled at her, remembering their dinner together. �You�re a great cook. So, how do you garden when you live in an apartment?�

�The complex I live in rents out plots. I plant vegetables and herbs mostly.�

�Vegetables? I�d have taken you to grow pretty flowers.�

�I grow some flowers on my balcony, but there�s no point in putting them in my plot where I can�t see them.�

�I agree, beauty should be front and center where you can enjoy it.� His voice took on a serious tone as he looked straight into her eyes.

You sure are a surprising one Johnny Gage. You�re a far cry from what I ever imagined you�d be. How come you�re still a single man? �I don�t mean to analyze you, Johnny, but you confuse me a bit.� She laughed.

�Confuse you, how?�

�When you�re out of that uniform I usually see you in, you really are a different person. You have a peacefulness about you that I never see at the hospital.�

�I guess it�s just the nature of the job. There�s nothing peaceful about it, plus as you may already know, fire houses are well known for being a place of nervous energy.�

�Nervous energy?�

�Yeah, we can get pretty anxious waiting around for the tones to sound. It�s pretty strange. We don�t want to get called out, but feel relieved once the tones sound. It could actually be comical if it didn�t turn out tragic most of the time.

�Sort of like an oxy-moron, uh?�

�Exactly. Waiting to get called out builds up a nervousness that needs to be released. It�s usually one or two guys that just can�t handle it. Hence, the teasing begins, the jokes start, and in some cases Phantom Bombers are born.�

�Chet Kelly?�

�Yep Chet. He just can�t handle being stuck in the station. It drives him crazy. He needs a release. Hence, his pigeon was hatched.�

�I�ve always wondered why he targets you. Are you saying you let him?�

�Yeah, he�s looking for a reaction, so I give it to him. I know it�s nothing personal; it�s just his way of dealing with the nervous energy.�

�Don�t you ever tire of it?�

�No, but sometimes I do get frustrated by the number of uniforms I go through.� He laughed. "Well, let�s go for a ride. It�s too nice outside to sit indoors.� He got up and helped his companion do the same. He told her he�d be right back and headed into the bedroom to get a pair of socks and his shoes.

They walked to his corral in silence. After saddling up Thunder, he helped Dixie on and then climbed up himself, sitting behind her while holding the reins. Knowing she had never been on a horse, he kept the pace slow.
Boy Dixie sure does know how to smell like a lady. I love being this close to her; I want to do this a lot more.

After riding for about an hour Johnny brought the horse to a stop. He climbed down and putting his hands around Dixie�s waist, helped her down as well. After placing her on her feet, he turned to his horse and walked her over to a tree. He tied her reins to the tree then started to pet and stroke the animal while he talked to her in soft tones. After a few moments spent with the horse, he walked over to where he had left Dixie and took her hand in his. �Why don�t we go for a walk?�

�I�d love to.�
Boy you have such soft hands for someone who works with them all the time. I think you�re more like an oxy-moron Johnny. You�re so full of contradictions.

As they came to the top of a steep hill, Dixie hesitated. She didn�t think she could make it down without falling. Johnny noticed her apprehension and turned to her. �I�ll tell ya what. You walk down behind me and the incline will make it comfortable for you to use my shoulder as a brace.�

With her hand on her companion�s shoulder they made it half way down the hill when Johnny suddenly came to a stop. She felt his muscles go tense. �What�s wrong?� She asked as she started to make her way to stand beside him. He instinctively brought his arm around his back and held her tightly against him.

�Stay very still. There�s a rattlesnake about two feet in front of us.� He explained quietly as sweat broke out on his brow.

Oh, God. What are we going to do? What if he gets bit? What do I do to get him out of here? Please, Johnny, don�t do anything rash. He must be scared� She thought as she remembered his chance encounter with a rattlesnake years before.

Okay, Gage, remain calm. You have to protect Dixie. Snakes only bite when they�re scared and feel threatened. If you stay still long enough, it�ll leave. You can do this. You have to for Dixie. Slow your breathing down and just remain calm.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Dixie felt Johnny�s muscles relax. She realized the snake must have retreated but didn�t dare move, not knowing which direction it had gone or how far it had retreated. �Are you okay?� She asked her protector.

�Yeah, I�m fine. How about you?� he turned to face her.

�I�m fine. You wouldn�t have let anything happen to me I�m sure of it. But, I have to admit, I was worried about what I would have done if you had been bitten. We are a long way from your house, not to mention this hill,� her voice started to shake as she looked up the steep incline.

�Well, I didn�t get bit so you don�t have to worry anymore.� He smiled.
She�s really upset Johnny, time to loosen things up.

�Tell ya what, I�ll show you what you would have done.� He suddenly bent over, scooped her up and carried her up to the top of the hill in a perfectly executed fireman�s carry. She screamed as she felt herself being lifted off the ground. She then started to laugh while he carried her over his shoulder, the whole time demanding to be put down.

�Hey, what�s wrong? You don�t like my rides?� he questioned as he stood her back onto the ground when they had reached the top.

�Well, it was kind of fun, but I�m serious. What would I have done?�

�I�m serious too, I just showed you.�

�I can�t do that.� She looked doubtful.

�Why not?�

�I.. I don�t know how.�

�Then it�s time you learned isn�t it?� His eyes twinkled.

�Get serious, Johnny!�

�I am, now bend over.�

�I can�t lift you!�

�Dixie, I promise you, you can do this. It�s simple, really. Now bend over and I�ll guide you through it.� He used his best paramedic voice hoping to break through her defenses. Looking into his puppy dog eyes, she couldn�t refuse. Somewhat embarrassed by the whole situation she bent over slightly.

�Okay, that�s good. Now, you can�t look at my face, so put your head down. Now lean your shoulder into my body. That�s it. Now bend your knees slowly. Alright, put your hand through my legs.�

At this last instruction she shot up protesting once again. �Johnny, I really don�t think I can do this.�

Catching the embarrassment in her eyes amused him.
I can�t believe this would embarrass her. She�s a grown woman. Oh well, I�ve got to get her comfortable touching my body sometime. May as well be now!

�Come on, Beautiful, it�s okay. Now bend back down. It�ll be fine. I won�t bite.� He teased. Hearing the reassurance in his voice, Dixie did as he asked. She still hesitated before she slid her hand and arm between his legs.

�Okay, that�s perfect. Now wrap your arm around my leg and hold on tight. That�s it. Now, with your left hand, take my left wrist, which will drape my body over your back and shoulder. Then stand up slowly, make sure you have your footing first.�

She made sure both feet were comfortable and firmly placed. Then she slowly unbent her knees, feeling Johnny�s entire weight on her shoulder. �Wow, Johnny I can do this, I can�t believe it. Now, how do I put you down?�

�Throw me.�


The young man laughed, �Relax already, I�m just teasing you. Just bend your knees and put my feet back on the ground.�

�If I had the strength, I would throw you,� she chided placing his feet on the ground.

�I told you it was easy. Now you know what to do it you ever needed to get someone that was hurt to safety.� He grinned.

�I lifted you sure enough, but I don�t think I�d have the strength to walk any distance.�

�Sure you would. If it was an emergency situation, your adrenaline would kick in.� Johnny looked up at the beautiful blue sky. He felt his stomach growl. �I�m starting to get hungry. What do you say we go back to my place to get something to eat?� He took her hand in his and started over to Thunder.

�From what I understand, you�re always hungry.� She replied falling into step with him.

�Where do you get your information?� He stopped and looked down at her.

�I have my sources.� She looked up teasingly.

�So, you�ve been keeping tabs on me uh? Well, I�ll just have to be on my best behavior from now on.� With that he pulled her close and started to kiss her tenderly. Unlike any of their previous kisses, this one quickly turned hungry, passionate, and lasted much longer. When the kiss came to an end, he continued to hold her.

�If that�s your best behavior, I�d like to see you misbehave, Johnny Gage.� She rasped.

�I think I can arrange it, Ms. McCall.� He placed his arm around her shoulder and guided her back to the waiting horse. He helped her up onto Thunder, untied the horse and got up behind her and they rode silently home. The tension was unmistakable; they both knew what would happen when they got back to the ranch.

Is she ready for this? Am I ready for this? Yeah I�m ready, I hope she is!

Oh God, will he find me desirable? He�s used to my younger nurses. My body�s not as firm as it once was. Oh Dix, what have you gotten yourself into?

Author's note: Once again I would like to thank Janet for all her help and hard work. I appreciate it very much. She once again provided me with a few chuckles along the way. Thanks Janet! I'd also like to thank everyone who let me know how much they enjoyed the first story. I hope you're happy with where I've brought Dixie and our ever-loveable Johnny. -- Sharon.
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