After reading a story by Icecat62, I told her I'd love to "see" that shower. Icecat62 took it upon herself to issue me a personal challenge to write such a shower scene. The following story is my answer to her challenge. If NC-17 isn't your cup of tea, don't bother reading it, as if may offend you. If you decide to read it, you may want to read Icecat's inspiration called Itching To Find An Answer.
Thank you, Tinkerbell!
Closing and locking the door behind him, Roy's face broke into a rather large smile. It had been a while since he and Joanne had ventured into the shower together. Having two small children at home made it difficult, both he and his wife never felt comfortable leaving his children to fend for themselves, so both parents being locked behind a closed door at the same time was out of the question. However, Johnny was currently keeping his children occupied, so they weren't alone.

He reached down and pulled his shirt up and over his head. Joanne had managed to remove her shirt as well and was in the process of unfastening her bra. Stepping forward, Roy's hands gently moved his wife's hands aside.

"Here, let me help," he groaned, feeling his excitement escalating. Unhooking the clasps, the bra's opening moved slightly apart. Moving in closer behind Joanne, Roy's left hand went around her midriff while his right hand brushed her long auburn hair to one side, and his other hand finally came to a rest on her shoulder. Leaning his head down, he placed his lips lightly against the hollow of her neck while taking in the delicate bouquet of her perfume.

Before closing her eyes, Joanne caught a glimpse of herself and Roy in the mirror and her heart started to flutter. It had been years since she and Roy were able to make love in any other spot, but their bed. The scene before her sent her senses into overdrive. Feeling her husbands warm breath against her skin, she tilted her head to the side, leaned back against him and closed her eyes, wanting to concentrate only on the affections of the man she loved more than life its self. Soon she felt the unmistakable feel of her husbands manhood against the small of her back and let a soft moan escape from between her lips.

The strap on her right shoulder was tugged slowly over her shoulder and down her arm, she brought her right hand up and out of the strap, letting her hand reach up and around Roy's neck. Roy cupped her right breast and slowly started to kneed it. Soon he was caressing the entire breast with his hand, sending shivers down Joanne's spine. The movement lowered the left bra strap down her arm and soon the garment fell to the floor. Joanne couldn't take the sensations coursing through her body much longer and turned around to face her husband.

Roy loved the feel of his wife's soft skin in his hands. Once Joanne turned to face him, he brought his other hand up and cupped both her ample breasts in his hands. Placing the nipples of the breasts between his thumbs and forefingers he gently started to roll each. His actions were quickly rewarded when the nubs grew slightly in his hands.

Joanne lowered her own hand to Roy's pants. Unclasping his belt, she moved onto his pants button. Undoing it, she made short order of his zipper and soon her husband was standing in nothing but his boxers. Letting two fingers gently tug at the elastic waist band, she soon managed to let her hand slowly make its way into his shorts. Tracing slow tantalizing figure eight's all the way down until she reached her destination.

Roy groaned as he felt his wife teasing him ever so slowly with her delicate finger. Leaning into his wife, his mouth found hers just as she began to slowly message his already swollen member. Another more forceful groan escaped his lips, bringing a momentary break between them. It didn't take long however, for Roy to find his wife's lips once again. This time, the kiss was a hungry one. The need that emanated between them was an urgent one.

Joanne's other hand started to play with the hair at the nap of Roy's neck. Sometimes, Roy couldn't believe what a lucky man he was. It seemed to him, that his and Joanne's lovemaking continued to improve with each passing year. He supposed it was due to the fact that they knew each other's wants and needs like they knew their own. In fact, the wants and needs of the individual were no longer that, but the wants and needs of the couple.

Roy's hands slowly caressed their way along Joanne's stomach and her sides simultaneously. When his left hand slowly passed over her hip, she let out a small giggle. Roy's mouth smiled against hers, some things never change, he thought back to the first time he'd ever ran his hands over his wife's body. She'd giggled back then as well, and every time in between now and then.

Reaching the top of a rather skimpy pair of bikini style briefs, he slipped one finger from each hand into the elastic band and tugged at them until they were sitting on her hips, which was where his arms could reach no further in order to remove the garment. Bending at the knees, Roy lowered his body in order to remove Joanne's underwear.

Joanne's hands fell to the top of Roy's head and she slowly began to run her fingers through his soft baby fine hair. She loved the feel of his hair, she had always loved the unkempt style her husband had always worn his hair, until of course he'd joined the fire department and they had made him keep it a bit shorter than he normally would. She smiled to herself thinking about how he'd carried on about the rather short length his hair had been cut back then. Now, it was just as natural as getting up in the morning. Thoughts of her husband's hair quickly dissipated when she felt his soft lips upon her womanhood.

Joanne had stepped out of her underwear and Roy had been on his way back up to give his wife a kiss when he decided to stop and kiss her elsewhere. Pressing his lips lightly against her femininity, loving how soft she felt against his lips, her aroma sent his heart into over drive. His light gentle kisses soon turned into hungry urgent ones. Feeling Joanne's weight start to crumple, he pushed her against the bathroom vanity, hoping it would allow her the support she needed.

Joanne cried out as she slammed against her vanity, partly from the sudden motion of being thrown against the ceramic tile and partly from the pleasant sensation racing through her loins. Just when she thought it couldn't get any better, she felt her husbands tongue invade her womanhood. It didn't take long before a volcanic eruption escaped from within her soul. Slumping against the vanity, she slowly tried to catch her breath.

Roy stood up from his position on the floor and wrapped his arms around his wife. Lightly kissing her on the lips, he then began to blow softly in her ear. "I love you, Jo."

"Love you, too." She breathed slowly.

After taking a few moments to compose herself, Joanne's hands let go of the vanity and found her husbands behind. Squeezing each cheek with a force that let her husband know they were far from through with this encounter, her lips found his and kissed him hungrily. "I need you, hun." She whispered.

Roy's only response was a low groan. Slowly removing himself from within his wife's hold, Roy backed his way over to the tub and slowly turned the knob. Letting his hand feel the water running from the faucet, he adjusted each knob and then drew the curtain closed. Making his way back over to his wife, he took her hands in his and gently pulled her back towards the tub. The whole time never once loosing eye contact.

Joanne let her tongue escape from within her mouth and slowly let it run seductively across her now swollen lips. Her need for this man continued to amaze her. For her, there was nothing like the gentle, or often times, rugged touch of her man.

Roy pushed the curtain slightly out of the way and was soon inside the blue colored bathtub. Joanne, with very slow and accentuated movements, wasn't far behind him. Once in the tub, Joanne didn't stop her movement towards him however, and soon Roy found himself backed into the far wall. His wife's aggressiveness never failed to excite him. Feeling the blood coursing through his veins, his eyes strayed to his wife's mouth. Her tongue was once again teasing him as it alluringly ran across her full lips.

Just as her tongue crept back into her mouth and she bit her lower lip, he felt her hand wrap around his masculinity. Closing his eyes he focused on the slow movements of his wife's hand. He had no idea how long this action had gone on before he opened his eyes once again. Joanne continued her ministration while intently watching her husband's face. She was enjoying his state of arousal.

He knew he couldn't let her continue her actions much longer if he had any hopes of penetrating her. Wrapping his arms around her back, he quickly and efficiently changed their positions so she was the one now backed against the wall. Loving the shocked look on her face, Roy let a small smirk cross his lips as he lowered himself just enough so he could pull up on the small knob on the top of the faucet. The action brought a warm gentle flow of water cascading over them both.

Watching his wife run a hand through her wet hair, Roy did the same. The couples eyes met only for an instant before Roy's lowered his, watching as a bead of water dropped from her chin and fall onto the top of her breast. He watched as it slowly ran down her breast and came to a stand still upon her nipple. It didn't take long for another droplet of water to race into the first, releasing it's hold on Joanne's protruding nub, only to have it replace the first.

Licking his lips, Roy lowered his head and began to lick the droplet. Slowly his actions turned from licking to the gentle suckle of his wife's tip, while his other hand caught the other and mimicked the movement of his mouth. Joanne's breathing hastened, and she wrapped her arms around Roy's neck.

"I need you Roy," she panted. "I need you now!"

Roy didn't need any other invitation. Bringing his arm around Joanne's back, he lifted her enough so he could thrust his throbbing penis into her womanhood. With his first thrust, Joanne cried out, with the second, her legs wrapped around his waist and soon the two were oblivious to the water pouring over them. All they cared about was the rhythmic motions of  their bodies becoming one.

Joanne was the first to reach the zenith of emotion, but never missed a beat, knowing her husband wasn't far behind. After a few more quick thrusts, Roy threw his head back and let out an animalistic cry.

Leaning his body into hers, Roy held his wife tightly against his own. After a few moments, her legs unwrapped from around his waist and he lowered her to the tubs surface.

"You okay?" he asked, not knowing how hard he had been thrusting her against the wall.

"Great, you?" she replied.

"Wonderful!" he smiled.

Joanne leaned down and picked up a bar of soap and slowly started to run it across her husbands chest.

Roy leaned down and picked up a bottle of shampoo, opened the bottle and turned it upside down. Allowing a small dime sized amount to fall into his hand he rubbed them together and was about to wash Joanne's hair when he thought better of the idea.

"I better not, this is the Tinkerbell shampoo right?"

"Yes." Joanne giggled as she continued to message Roy's chest. "Remind me to thank Jennifer later."

"Thank her?" Roy queried.

"Yeah, if it wasn't for her putting that perfume into the shampoo, Johnny wouldn't be here and we wouldn't have been able to shower together." Joanne purred.

"Oh right." Roy laughed while once again embracing his wife. He'd have to remember to thank his daughter as well, as well as his partner. Who, he hoped, had had enough sense  to bring his children outside and out of hearing range.

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