Another Saturday Morning

"Gage you're living in a dream land."

"I'm telling ya, Chet, it'll happen one day, and when it does, it's gonna be beautiful."

"Beautiful! Yeah right, like I said, you're living in a dream world."

"What makes you think so?"

"Because you're always believing in the impossible."

"Like what?"

"That you'll catch the Phantom, that you'll ever get a date with a nurse at Rampart, that you're a photographer, that you're the best paramedic around, need I go on?"

"Shut up, Chet."

"Truth hurts, huh?"

"Those things aren't impossible, Chet, they're all goals I aspire to."

"What makes you think you'll ever achieve them?"

"Because, I'm an optimist."

"Yeah right. And I'm the patron saint of nurses."

"Now who's living in a dream world?"

"Exactly my point, Johnny."

Heaving a heavy sigh, Johnny pressed on, "Chet, you don't know anything."

"Sure I do?"

"Prove it."

"Like I was saying earlier, that coyote is way too stupid. He never sees the error of his ways until it's too late. Just like another pigeon I know." Chet smirked.

"Ha, ha, very funny. Mark my words Chester B. one day, when he least expects it, that coyote will catch his prey, and when he does, he'll be eating a feast fit for a king!"

"Fat chance, Johnny boy."

Johnny sighed and shot his crewmate a look of disgust. Noticing the commercial was over, he turned his attention back to the television.

Meanwhile, Chester B. Kelly sat calmly looking towards Henry, lying beside him. "Ya wanna know why that dog will never catch 'em Gage?"

"You think you know all the answers, Chet, then ya, please enlighten me."

"Because the Roadrunner is just too damn fast."

"No, Chet, the Roadrunner isn't too fast, it's just that Wyle. E. hasn't sat down and formulated his plan in minuet detail yet, but when he does, that'll be the end of that smug bird."

"Yeah right, Gage, the day the Roadrunner is finally caught, is the day you finally get the Phantom."

"Mark my words, the days of an arrogant Roadrunner and arrogant Phantom, will soon be over!"

"Yeah right, keep dreaming, Johnny!"

The end.


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