This story was originally written as a point of view for a challenge found at Johnny Green Pen. Although not essential, it may be enjoyed more if you read the opening challenge story first. To do so, click here to find the story. Other character's points of view can also be found there.
20 Minutes: Captain Stanley's Point of View
I was standing beside the engine looking up at the building when I got what I can only describe as a queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.  The building was becoming very unstable, it was moaning and groaning just like one of my girls when she has an upset stomach.  I had just raised the HT to my mouth to tell Gage and DeSoto to high tail it out of there when the second floor of the building gave way.  Pressing the button on the side of my HT I yelled.

"Gage, DeSoto.  You ok?"

I waited an appropriate amount of time and tried to raise them again.  "Gage, DeSoto.  Do you copy?"

Again I was received with dead silence, okay scrap the word dead.  I promised myself I'd never use the word when thinking about any of my men.

Starting towards the building I stopped.  "Mike, contact headquarters, tell them to send an additional squad and an ambulance.  Let them know we have a possible code I times 2."

"Right Cap."  Stoker climbed into the cab of the rig and reached for the mic.

I turned back towards the building calling towards my two linemen as I passed.  "Kelly, Lopez."

I noticed Chet and Marco exchange a quick confused glance before placing the hose on the ground and catching up to my hurried determined pace.

"Something wrong Cap?"  Kelly asked me in a worried voice.

"I can't raise Gage and DeSoto."  Just as I was about to enter the building I noticed one of my paramedics running out of the building towards me.  I couldn't make out which one it was at first, but then I noticed his strides were short and stocky so I knew it must be DeSoto.  Upon coming to a stand still in front of me, Roy took off his helmet and air mask.  "Cap, it's Johnny.  He's buried under some rubble.  I can't get him out by myself.  I just can't�"

Putting my hands on each of Roy's shoulders I realized I had to calm his fears.  It was the worst part of being in charge.  I could never have a moment of panic, as much as I wanted to sometimes; why did it always seem to be Gage whom gave me my inner moments of fright?

"Roy."  I squeezed his shoulders softly but firmly.  "Roy it's ok.  I've brought man power with me."  I smiled taking my hands off of his shoulders and pointing towards Chet and Marco. "I take it, he has the HT?"

"Yeah.  Yeah have you been able to raise him at all?"  Roy pleaded with hope in his eyes as he turned to lead us to our fallen comrade.

"No I haven't, but don't panic.  It could just mean he can't reach it."  I couldn't see Roy's face but I knew he wouldn't like hearing Johnny hadn't returned my queries.

Stopping in front of a large pile of rubble I accessed the situation in front of me.  I sighed realizing we really couldn't do much but manually remove all of the fallen debris.  I hated to think about how much time it would take us.  I knew Johnny couldn't have much air left in his tank, if it was still attached to his face at all.  Ignoring my thoughts I started assigning my three men to the rescue efforts needed here.

"Chet, Marco start removing from the right, Roy and I will remove from the other side.

"Right Cap."  Chet responded.

"Alright."  Marco replied.

Roy didn't respond other than starting to furiously work at lifting debris off of his partner buried somewhere beneath the mess in front of us.

Placing a hand on his back I asked.  "Roy, were you injured at all?" 

"No Cap I'm fine."

"You're sure?"  I asked again, knowing full well, Roy would hide the fact if he had been injured.

"Look Cap.  I said I was ok, now would you help me here," Roy replied sternly.

The shock I was feeling was probably written all over my face, as the next words out of my senior paramedic's mouth, was an apology.

"Sorry Cap.  I guess I'm a little stressed."  Roy smiled shyly.

I looked into his worried blue eyes and knew I couldn't chastise him.  It was a slip, maybe later when all was okay; I'd discuss the matter calmly with him.  "Let's just get Johnny out Pal."  I reassured my frightened man.

I've been a fireman long enough to know that when it comes to rescuing a fellow fireman, emotions can run high.  I silently hoped my men couldn't see my own state of terror.  My heart was pounding and the hands inside my gloves were sweaty, which I knew didn't have anything to do with being hot.  I tried to push all thoughts out of my head and concentrated on rescuing the man whom seemed to be the driving force behind my crew's closeness. Not that all of my men didn't bring their own unique qualities to the station, but Johnny seemed to be at the center of everything.  That's when I thought about what Johnny must be going through if he was conscious.  Was he frightened, confused, and wondering where we were?

I reached into my pocket and took the HT out once more. "Johnny if you can hear us, we're almost their buddy."  I hoped with all my heart that he was ok, had heard me and was just unable to reach his HT.  I'm not a particularly religious man, but my mother did make me go to church as a child.  I said a small prayer knowing that Marco would have probably said one by now as well.  I knew any help we could get would be welcome.  I also thought about Stoker being outside by himself.  Should I call him in to help our efforts or not?  The decisions I was faced with at times like this seemed to be more difficult then usual. The Captain's manually never gave definite answers to these sorts of questions, or how to deal with your own raising panic when one of your men was in danger. No, I may as well keep Mike outside to wait for the ambulance and additional squad.  Oh the additional squad!  I'd forgotten about that.  Speaking into the HT, I decided to update Mike.

"Engine 51, HT 51.  Mike, Roy is ok and Johnny is trapped under some debris.  Cancel the additional squad."

"Engine 51."  I heard Stoker's calm but worried voice respond.

Just as my HT crackled before becoming silent, Marco let out a small whoop. "I see his foot Cap." As Marco and Chet started once again digging furiously, Roy stumbled over to Johnny's foot and placed two fingers near Johnny's ankle.  Looking up with total relief on his face he turned to me and smiled.  "He's got a strong pulse Cap."

I'm sure my heart skipped a beat as I felt my own relief take over my worried thoughts.  Now all I can say is, I hope he's not too badly injured and he'd better have his helmet on!
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