A Message From The Rays:
The following are e-mails I personally received from the Ray Family:
emailrayparents From the Ray Brothers' Parents:

While looking at you website we were amazed at the accuracy. You have done a wonderful job of helping others remember our sons. We are grateful for this. If their death can help others it was not in vain.

Thank You,

Cliff and Louise

From one of the Ray Brothers' Cousins:

That is a good  webpage  we all appreciate  all of your support and all that you are doing to teach others about aids. Im 10 years old and im coming to understand more about aids,hiv,and hemaphillia and i just want to say that the last person Ricky talked to was me besides my aunt louise. I was only three or two years old then and i really miss my cousins ricky and robert and i hope they find a cure cause i dont want to lose randy. The most special words robert ever said to me at his home near mine was your my favorite cousin too.again thank you very much

Nichole Hudson