Featuring a Gender Perspective in Designing English Textbooks for Young Learners: A Course of Action


Josephine Sri Murwani Pudji Lestari


Textbook is an indispensable aspect in education. Most teachers view textbooks as scaffolds that regulate and phase the program, whereas students usually view them as the purpose of the learning. Gender is by definition a social construct through which female and male role are learned rather than biologically determined. These roles are further socialized all the way through education, which in turn is manifested in curriculum, teaching material, school's policy, and class dynamics that often termed as the hidden curriculum.


Bearing those facts in mind, this paper thus will delineate the course of action to be taken in integrating a feminist perspective in designing textbooks, in which both female and male roles are equally represented. Regarding the complexity of fabricating textbooks, this course of action, therefore, would entail synergy among writers, publishers and teachers.


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Lestari, J. S. M. P. (2004, February). Featuring a gender perspective in designing English textbooks for young learners: A course of action. Paper presented at the national conference on Teaching English to Young Learners: Why and How, Bandung, Indonesia.

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