Preparing Teachers to Teach English to Young Learners: Customized Model


Itje Chodidjah

In recent years Indonesia has been undergoing massive social and educational changes which consequently demand changes and reforms in many aspects particularly in the two domains.  Over the last year, fundamental changes as to how the curriculum is organised and delivered and assessment carried out have come into being. It includes the introduction of English lowered to primary school level. The last change brought into focus a problem which has been growing, but not so much acknowledged, that is the lack of adequately trained EYL (English for young learners) teachers.


In the implementation and impact of the English in primary school level in the field has been so widely varied.  Many schools start English in primary four as suggested by the government (SK No. 060/U/1993; SK No. 1702/105/1994). Parental pressure has resulted in some primary schools organising language courses for children from as early as grade 1 and even kindergarten. Outside the school system, many private language schools see the gleaming market and ‘sell’ their courses for children regardless of the resources they have.


Again from observation and some studies the readiness of the teachers is questioned.


The talk looks at some existing model of teacher preparation programme and some issues behind it. It discusses some different models to suit the need of the school as well as the teachers and the learners.

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Chodidjah, I. (2004, February). Preparing teachers to teach English to young learners: Customized model. Paper presented at the national conference on Teaching English to Young Learners: Why and How, Bandung, Indonesia.




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